Here is the long awaited godly caffeine story! If you haven't read the previous caffeine stories (Got Caffeine? and No! Not the Caffeine Again!), that's okay. You don't have to read them to understand this story, but it does give the background behind this story.

Disclaimer for all chapters: I don't own anything in this story that is copyrighted.

The first part is pieces of the videos from the previous Greek and Roman caffeine experiments. The gods are watching it, so it gives their commentary on the parts.

"Nico: "Look at me! I'm super death breath! I'll save you from ponies, rainbows, princesses, flowers, and candy canes! MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hand me the super glue!" Takes empty cans and superglues them together to make a tiara. Nico sets it on his head. "SUPER DEATH BREATH! To the rescue!" Makes weird flying noises and pretends to fly around the room, eliminating anything pink with his imaginary wand. "

Hades: My son! What happened to you?!

Poseidon: "This is hilarious! Blackmail!"

Hades(glaring): "Just remember, I also have blackmail. Remember the time Aphrodite made you wear a mullet and sing? Yeah, I got that all on video..." Poseidon blanches.

"Leo: "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by to see how you guys were doing. Wassup?"

Reyna(gasping): "W-who are you?" Walks over to him.

Leo: "Leo Valdez, repair boy extraordinaire, at your service."

Reyna: "L-E-O. Valdez. I like it. Very Spanish."

Leo: "Uh, Reyna?"

Reyna: "I like Reyna Valdez even better. The names sound perfect together." She puts her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek.

Leo: "Will Reyna kill me for this later?"

Gwen: "She probably won't even remember this."

Leo: "Well, in that case..." He puts his arm around Reyna. "My dear Reyna, you just earned a one-way ticket to Leo's World." Reyna giggles. They sit at the table next to each other."

Hermes: "Impressive tactic! Leo may have some of my blood in him after all!"

Hephaestus(angry): "WERE YOU SEEING ESPERANZA VALDEZ?! I loved her! I will kill you Hermes!" Gets up from his throne and advances toward Hermes.


Hermes: "Woah, Heph! I was joking! I didn't even know who Esperanza was until now!"

Hephaestus(calms down and sits back at his throne): "Oh... Sorry. I tend to overreact..."

Aphrodite(mutters): "Yeah, I know. Really, you need to stop freaking out when I'm five hours late to our date! A girl has to have time to do her hair!"

"Octavian: "Ooo! Give me your bobby pin Hazel!" Hazel gives Octavian her bobby pin, confused. Octavian twists the bobby pin into a circle. "Teddy Bear, the few hours we have spent together have been the best of my life. Please give me the honor of marrying you!… SHE SAID YES!" He starts crying and kissing the teddy bear. The Senate looks on in horror."

Everyone in the throne room erupts into laughter.

Apollo: "T-that was-was the f-funniest thi-thing I h-have ever se-seen!"

"Frank: "Cough, cough." He disappears. Hazel looks at where he was and gasps.

Hazel: "H-He's a krill! Someone give me some water to put him in!"

Don: "Sorry, babe, but we don't have any water. Only Mountain Dew."

Ella: "Krill. Mill. Till. Sill. Cinnamon Rolls!"

Dakota: "CINNAMON ROLLS! I want one!"

Hylla: "I'll take a chocolate roll!"

Hazel: "Mountain Dew will have to do." She places Frank the krill into a full Mountain Dew can.

Gwen: "I really hope no one drinks that.""

Dionysus: "This is making me thirsty."

Athena: "I am getting quite thirsty."

Zeus: "I'm so thirsty, I would drink that Mountain Dew with Frank the krill in it."



Dionysus: "I'm still thirsty."

Demeter: "I want cereal."

"Katie: "Are you... Flirting with me?"

Travis: "Why shouldn't I? I've had a crush on you for like ever."

Katie: "But- but you hate me! You always prank me!"

Rachel: "This can't be good... He's moving closer."

Travis: "Have you ever wondered why I prank you, flower princess?" He leans in and quickly places a kiss on her lips. Katie stands there, in shock.

Grover: "Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah. And let me kiss you."

Rachel: "Looks like we have some things to talk about. Here Katie, take a Mountain Dew and sit.""

Aphrodite(squeals): "OMG! They kissed! How cute!"

Artemis: "I really hope we don't have to watch more of this kissing stuff. It's plain gross!"

Aphrodite: "Oh, shut it. You're just jealous! Ever since the Orion incident, you've shut yourself off from love! You need to get back in the game!"

Artemis(angry): "Don't you dare mention Orion! It was all my stupid brother's fault!"

Apollo: "I didn't trust him! He didn't deserve to be with you!" Artemis and Apollo start yelling at each other.

Hera(to Zeus): "This is what you get for having children with other women! Two fighting brats!" Zeus and Hera start yelling at each other.

Hermes: "We really need family counseling."

"Dakota: "Not as crazy as me! To be that you would have to climb up a tree! Are you blind? I just turned into a mime! Leo might be hot. But when he talks to girls, all they say is 'STOP'! Oh, I just made a rhyme! Well, I got to go, look at the time! PEACE!"

Don: "AH-HA! I found a stash of Kool-Aid! SCORE!"

Dakota: "Give it to me now, man! Hey, shouldn't you have a tan? Kool-Aid is my life! I hope it doesn't lead to my demise...""

Hermes: "BOOM! That was some epic rapping man!"

Apollo: "It's not as good as my rapping!"

Artemis: "I doubt that..."

Apollo: "Watch." Walks out of the throne room and returns with a box and some wrapping paper. He wraps the box. "BOOM! Beat that Dakota!" Holds up his wrapped box proudly.

Artemis(face-palms): "I can't believe I am related to him."

"Percy: "AHHHHH! You killed him! Travis help! He is dying and only you can save him since you're a son of Apollo! CLARISSE! WHY?!"

Travis: "Whatever you say dude."

Rachel: "Clarisse, stop slashing the air with your sword!"

Clarisse: "I will kill you evil can!"

Percy: "She killed the pony! She KILLED the PONY!" Unsheathes Riptide."

Hades(peering at the screen): "Do you guys see the pony?"

Poseidon: "My poor boy is hallucinating! I must help him!"

Hera: "Considering this happened in the past, I don't think you can save him."

Poseidon: "Oh, right... Sorry."

Athena: "You would think he would be smarter than that."

Zeus: "You've seen his son."

Athena: "Touché."

Zeus's POV

"Oh us..." Apollo laughed. "That was... That was hilarious!"

"Leyna was so cute!" Aphrodite squealed. I had no idea who 'Leyna' was, but I didn't ask. I decided to save myself from a fifteen-minute explanation.

"That was crazy!" Demeter exclaimed. "Katie didn't even think about eating cereal!"

"Yeah, 'cuz she was too busy thinking about my son, the ladies-man! I'm so proud! Maybe I should try some of that Mountain Dew stuff. I need to step up my game!" Hermes grinned. All of us rolled our eyes.

"Please, stop with that nonsense," Artemis glared. "I believe you have enough children living at your cabin in camp."

"And you don't have enough!" Hermes taunted back.

"Stop with all the fighting!" Hera broke into the conversation.

"I still think I should try the Mountain Dew," Hermes pouted. "Too bad it probably won't affect me. After all, we are awesome immortal beings. A little caffeine wouldn't hurt us."

"Then why did Apollo go so insane on the caffeine?" Poseidon pondered.

"He's like that all the time," Hades replied. "The caffeine just helped him become more hyper than he already is."

"The physiological part of inhaling the substance most likely persuaded Apollo to explore the conditions of being mentally ill," Athena ranted using language none of us understood. "Being around other people with the same state of mental awareness made Apollo adopt the same mental state."

"Stop with all the fancy language Athena!" Dionysus complained. "You're making my cranberry juice taste sour, and that is a hard feat to accomplish since it already tastes sour!"

"You know," Apollo mused. "I would pay some drachmas to see Athena drink caffeine. If she ever goes crazy, it must be the Olympian Apocalypse."

"I would not be affected by caffeine!" Athena protested.

"Annabeth was affected," I pointed out, which earned me a glare from my daughter.

"How about we do an experiment of our own!" Hephaestus suggested. "Let's see if the gods really do go crazy if they drink Mountain Dew."

"For once, I agree with Heph. I wanna see you guys pummel each other!" Ares grinned evilly.

"Let's do this!" Apollo cheered.

I decided it was time to intervene. "We can do the experiment, but Apollo may not participate."

All of the other gods and goddesses sighed in relief. Apollo pouted. "Why?!"

"We've seen that you go crazy. We've proven the hypothesis to be false about you," I stated.

"Hypothesis?" Poseidon questioned.

Athena answered for me. "That caffeine will not affect godly beings, no matter how much of the substance is consumed."

"Fine," Apollo grumbled. "I'll leave you guys to the caffeine, but don't expect me to be gone!" He flashed out of the throne room.

"I'm out of here too," Demeter added. "Caffeine isn't related to cereal at all, so I won't eat it!" She flashed out.

"Anyone else think someone should be exempt from the experiment for one reason or another?" I proclaimed. Everyone looked at each other.

"Ares!" Hephaestus shouted. "His violent nature might be brought out by the caffeine, and he could injure us!"

"Hephaestus!" Ares shouted. "The caffeine might send his building senses into overdrive, and he could create deadly automatons!" The two gods glared at each other.

"Both of you are right!" I announced. "Hephaestus and Ares are banished from this experiment!" The gods were still glaring at each other as they each flashed out.

"Anyone else?" Hera asked. I thought for a moment before shouting out.

"Dionysus! Caffeine is too close a substance to wine! I banish you from this experiment!" Dionysus grumbled a few choice words. "Also, you must babysit the demigod kiddos at that camp today! That is your punishment for talking back to me!" I laughed as Dionysus scowled and flashed out to Camp Half-Blood.

"Are we ready?" Hermes asked. All of us nodded our heads.

It's time for the godly caffeine experiment to begin.

Just in case you missed it, here is a list of the participants:

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, and Artemis.

Hope you liked it! Please review! Thanks! Also, thanks for everyone who contributed your favorite scenes!