Disclamier: I do not own Game of Thrones... It belongs to R.R. Martin guys. :)

If you would please guys review and let me know what you think that would be lovely. I have mistakes I know trust me lol. I have tried to fix them!

I sat there looking out the window of the carriage that was driving us further and further north than most have been. I've seen Winterfell more than my share of times, seeing as they called me a Stark, but something about this time was different this place just looked so dreary and dull. I looked over and saw the littlest Baratheon tugging on his clothing, he hated long rides and it found them unfair. I looked over to the beautiful golden-haired woman sitting in front of him, Cersei, the mother I had always wanted looking like a lady and acting like a Queen should. Myrcella was right next to her looking like a beautiful young princess that everyone would adore some day. Then there was Jofferey, being loud and obnoxious talking about how much he despised the north.

I was no Lannister, though many times I had wished it so, I was a Stark. My father is Robert Baratheon and my mother was Lyanna Stark. Many times I had heard stories about her and how beautiful she was, how much I looked like her but they were just stories and I was not so sure that I should have been a Stark. I didn't despise the Starks but seeing how I was not a Lannister meant that I was no truly a Baratheon in the peoples eyes. I was just a bastard living in the castle.

I was told that my mother died before her and my father ever married, so yet again another strike upon me. I was a bastard born before their marriage not such a good thing. They had told me that she had died just moments after I was born and that she had written a letter for my father telling him that I needed a home that would love me like she knew they would if she was alive. Robert said that he never knew that Lyanna was pregnant when Rhaegar took her from them and that's all I would get because I would stop caring about the past and be more focused on who I was to become.

Weeks ago Jon Arryn had died and my father thought it best to go find a person that he could trust to be his hand and thus the reason for us going to the north. This road was on I traveled a lot, Winterfell was much like King's Landing for me as well. The more I spent here the better I felt, I guess it was because I was a Stark.

One of the men outside the window approached and told us that we would be arriving at Winterfell in a few minutes. I looked to Cersei and she was just like a blank canvas. Jofferey was the first to say anything.

"What's so great about this place?" He said.

"Jofferey," his mother corrected him.

"It's like a mini castle, I like it," Myrcella said smiling.

"It's warmer on the inside," I replied to her.

"Acelyne, do you like it here?" Tommen asked.

I looked out the window, it was like a mini castle only not so many people. Here they didn't judge me because I was a bastard. Here I was just a Stark and that's the only reason they needed. So yes the answer to Tommen was that I did like it here. I felt so much more welcomed here then at King's Landing.

We pulled to the front of Winterfell and all the Starks were in a line with Jon Snow behind his father. I looked to the children in the carriage and smiled, they knew their place and I knew mine. Just like Jon I was to not be introduced as part of their family even though I was raised by them. I was not to get out of the carriage until they were all done with the introductions. I was not royal so therefore I was not addressed as one. I watched as all of them stood tall and all I could feel was sadness.

I left the carriage and went over to my uncle Jaime when the introductions were over. Well he wasn't my uncle but I always called him that and that was what he had preferred me to call him. He smiled at me and all I could do was nod. I didn't hate the children but all I thought about at times like these were how much that should have been me.

"Tired from your travel?" Jaime asked.

"You could say that," I said.

"One day little wolf," he pulled me into a hug.

"Ayyey," I said.

"Ayyey? What does that mean?" Jaime asked simply.

"It's Dothraki. It means I know," I smiled knowing that was not the meaning at all.

The thing about not having to always be around when the royal duty calls was that I could study all the more. I learned High Valyrian and Dothraki fairly quickly and it became something of a hobby to insult other people in another language they didn't know. Ayyey means always. Why I said was because him calling me little wolf was something that he said knowing how much I would want to be in their shoes. Jaime never said anything but I knew he knew and I guess that was all there was to us.

"You know too much," he said.

"I know enough," I smiled.

"I remember you always wanting to learn how to fight instead of curtsy. That means you know to much," Jaime pointed out.

"I'm lady yes but... I prefer to use a sword when it is necessary. As I recall you were the one that taught me how to hold a sword and protect my self uncle Jaime," I said.

"If any one is to blame it is me I guess," he started laughing.

I started to walk away with him when Jon Snow called to me. I smiled at Jaime and asked if I could leave, he took it in a terrible way but I could have cared less. Jon was a friend and family I guess you could say. He was smiling when I got to him.

"Hey little one," he said hugging me.

"Little? Qosarveinkh..." I said.

"I'm going to take that as an insult," he rolled his eyes.

"Good," I smiled.

We stood there talking for a few more moments when I felt something, it was a weird sensation on my arm, not hurting it was just weird. Jon looked taken back so I looked down and saw there was fire where my hand was resting. I was about to scream but Jon pulled my hand back and wrapped it in a cloth. I looked at him and he was looking at me like I was crazy for not screaming out in pain.

Jon had requested that I have it checked out and I didn't want to, it felt fine and that was all that I needed to know. He called to his father and Ned thought it best that I did have it checked out, though he made Jon go check on his younger siblings for some strange reason. I walked into the doctor's area with Ned on my heels, uncle Ned all that bad unless I got in to trouble with Jon or Rob. Then I would get a third degree from him on how bad I was or how I shouldn't be acting like a man, that I was a woman and nothing I do was ever going to change that.

"Doctor, come in and shut the door," Ned spoke as fast as a woman.

They removed the cloth from my arm and there was nothing there, I looked up at Ned and he didn't look all to surprised. I wanted to ask what this meant, how could I have no been burnt. I didn't ask because a deep part of me knew, knew that what ever he was going to tell me was not something that I was going to like. He asked the doctor to leave and tell no one of what he has seen. I wanted to question that but I knew Ned was going to explain why he had said that.

"What does this mean Ned? I don't understand," I whispered almost pleading with him.

"I had a hunch, I didn't know if it was true Acelyne. I guess now I know," Ned started.

"That's not helping Ned. What is wrong with me?" I asked.

"Nothing. You know how your mother was taken by Rhaegar? Your father like to believe that she was, in all reality no one believed that at all. Lyanna left here because she fell in love with Rhaegar and he promised to take her away so she wouldn't have to marry Robert. As I am now guessing that you are not Roberts but in fact Rhaegar's," My uncle said.

I sat there looking at him. Ned wouldn't lie to me but I didn't want this to be true. I was looking to him to tell me that this was a lie and that I wasn't really a Targaryen. Because if I was then I don't know what I would do. They are all dead, Robert made sure of that, and I would be alone with just the Starks as my family.

"You can't be serious Ned?" I begged.

"Lyanna had her secrets just as we all do. Rhaegar was the last blood of the dragon, he could not burn in a fire. Men tried more and more times than you know but the man just seemed to live through anything that went against him. Lyanna met Rhaegar one day and he had called her the Queen of Love and Beauty and he had taken her a few weeks after that," he said.

"You were the one that found her! What could she have possibly wanted with that Targaryen man?" I asked hoping that he was wrong.

"She asked me to keep a secret for her. You were that secret Acelyne. Lyanna asked her handmaiden to write a letter to Robert saying that you were his and that she loved him more than anything, but those words were not true. She told me that she loved Rhaegar and that they had you together, not by force but because she loved him. You were born out of love not what they want you to believe," Ned was looking out the window.

I looked to the floor. I heard so many stories about the Targaryens, so many bad ones but yet there were just as many good ones out there as well. Rhaegar was my father and I just had to accept that, no more trying or wishing that it wasn't true.

"Are their other Targaryens?" I asked knowing that answer.

"There are two, Deanerys and Viserys Stormborn," he said.

Ned walked out of the door and told me to stay there that he would be back in a few moments. I waited and thought about what the man had just told me. I wasn't alone but the problem was getting to the without Robert knowing. I looked up and saw Ned at the door with two notes in his hand.

"These are for you. Your mother had me keep these and never to read them unless you knew the truth. Your mother cover every inch of problems that you might have met," he told me.

"What is the other one?" I asked.

"I do not know. She asked me to give you them both," he replied.

I took the letters from him and he started to walk out. I did not ask him to stay, what was in these letters my mother didn't want any one knowing, not even her brother so I have to trust her judgment even if I don't like it. I opened the first letter and take a breath. Maybe knowing what's inside might hurt me or maybe help I wouldn't know if I don't read it.

My daughter,

If you are reading this then you know that you are not a Baratheon, thank the gods for that, but you might have questions. I understand that knowing this might hurt you and make you think that I didn't care what ever happened to you. You are wrong in that matter my beautiful baby girl. You are my everything still even though I am not there with you. You are a Targaryen and I know that this will harm any future you may have but my child you must know that I never planned to leave you. You father and I love you more than anything.

Acelyne, you will more than likely be one of the last Targaryens. Rhaegar has told me that Robert is after them all and I am truly sorry for that. I look at you now in my arms and I can't help but feel so sad for you, you will never know the family that loved you. Rhaegar's mother wanted you to come so much. Though she doesn't like me to well, you are a Targaryen and she loves you.

I have sent a letter to Rhaegar's mother telling her about you and what may become of you, she hasn't sent anything back and I'm afraid that I do not have time to get anything if it does. I have set a way for you, my child. You will not need for anything. Inside the castle is a man named Varys. Go to him and he will give you what I have intended for you. Do not trust him, for he is a spider. Tell him that you've only come to collect what your mother has left you and no more.

You will have to go across the narrow sea my darling. It is the only way to flee from Robert and his hate. You get there and you will ask about a silver-haired woman with a boy and girl. The girl is not born yet but she should be soon. There you will stay with them until the time is safe to go back home. To where you are loved.

I have not done this out of spite of my family, or out of spite for you. I did this because I loved him. The second note in this is from your father. I made him write one just so you would know how he feels about you. He never believed that Robert could win. Rhaegar is just as stubborn as every male in this place. He loves you though, you weren't born out of hate my darling. No matter what they say about us, know that we loved you and everything about you.

I love you,
Your mother, Lyanna Stark.

I took a breath. It was nice to read her letter even though it made little sense to me. I knew who Varys was, who could not if you grew up in the castle but I didn't know what she would give to him to make a way for me. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go across the narrow sea and go to the other Targaryens. I reached for the other letter when Cersei came in. I looked up at her and she was just looking at me.

"I heard you got hurt," she said.

"Burnt," I replied.

"Where," she walked over to me and I held out my hand. "It is gone?" She said in horror.

"It was never there Cersei," I explained.

"How can that be? Unless..." She said.

I gave her the letter that my mother had written for me and she was just sitting there reading it. If she was surprised she didn't really show it. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank the gods is right. I knew your eyes looked so familiar. This isn't a problem. Jaime and I will help you Acelyne," she said.

"Why are my eyes familiar?" I asked.

"Your father had the most beautiful indigo eyes just like yours. I have a raise you like my own and I do not care what you are. Acelyne you are a warrior and you survive this. You are one of the dragons now," Cersei said with a smile. "Have you read his letter?" She asked.

"No... I'm afraid to. What if he didn't want me like Robert?" I asked dejected.

"Your mother was so beautiful to him and he loved her. I know for a fact that when you have children both parents love the child more than anything. Your father loves you Acelyne," She smiled looking at me. "I'm going to give you time to read that letter and when we go home give you a choice, okay my love?" She asked.

"Yes m'lady," I said.

She walked out of the room and I looked at the letter in my hand. This was it, no going back, no taking everything I've learned today away from my mind. This was truly the point that I could not turn around if I wanted to. I opened the letter slowly and I shed a tear.

My beautiful daughter,

I do not know you yet and I fear I may not ever get to. I look at your mother and hope that you will always look like her, to every god in this world I pray you are just like her. If you are reading this and not hearing it from my voice I know I have failed you as a father, as a mentor and as everything you needed. I can't make up for that my child but you do need to know that you are my child. You are a Targaryen by blood no matter what any one says.

Words can not describe my love for you little one. I pray you do great things. I pray that you are a scholar, a warrior, a mother and some ones reason to live. You do not take orders from no man you hear me? You are not beneath any one. You are a Targaryen woman and you will be great.

I don't have much time and I am sorry that I am not there for you but I will be watching over you my child. The blood that runs through my veins is yours and you are mine. I love you more with each passing day never forget that.

You will grow older without knowing who I was and for that I am so sorrow filled but always know this, you are a great dragon and no one will tell you differently. I have left you dragon eggs. There are three. One black, one white and one blue. The black one is purest black as they come. It hasn't gone dull over the years. The white one has no blemish at all. The blue is like the seas vast and beautiful. I pray that these are tributes that you will behold my daughter and I pray that one day you will do what I could not.

I have put them in a chest and you will find them if you ask Ned. Please do so my daughter.

My love to you,
Rhaegar Targaryen.

I looked at the letter, dragon eggs? What in the world? Why would he give me those? I looked up and saw Ned at the door.

"What did they say?" He inquired.

"They told me everything you did. One of them told me something more though. There was a box that my mother had. Do you know where it is?" I asked.

"Yes," He said.

"Why would you need a silly box?" I heard Jaime's voice.

"Ned I need that chest... It's very important," I said

"What is in it?" Cersei asked.

"Trusted things," I smiled.

"Maneuvering around the truth was something you were never good at," Jaime pointed out.

"It was something that he left for me. It would be nice to have it," I spoke only to Ned.

Ned nodded and left the room. Cersei and Jaime were just looking at me. I wanted for them not to know because if they know then they will want me to destroy them and that was something I was no going to do. I could trust my uncle Ned to get them and not look at them, that's just who he was but I wanted to make sure he didn't know what they were.

He came back in with the chest, it was rather large but it looked very easy to carry and for that I was happy. He looked at me before giving it to me, it was a look of I'm not sure what's in here so you should be careful. Though I already knew what was in it and I was more than happy to open it.

I opened it and saw them, they were just as he described. They were beautiful and I was in awe of them. It was like seeing the sun when you haven't all winter. It was the most breath-taking moment I have has in a long time.

"What is it?" Cersei asked.

"Rubies," I said full of confidence.

"The man gave you rubies?" Jaime asked.

"Yes, they are beautiful," I smiled.

I looked up at Ned and noticed that he was looking at me with confusion. He knew what was in the chest, that would be the only reason why he was looking at me like that. I smiled at him and he just shook it off and nodded. They all told me that they would be back to sort out what will happen to me. That part I didn't understand, I wasn't going anywhere this was my home and these are my people if Robert doesn't like it then so be it.