Hey guys! I've read several Divergent fanfictions and I have decided to write my own! Please just bear with me since this is my very first story! Also, please leave reviews to tell me what you like and don't like! Thanks. :)

(Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent or any of it's characters...if I did, I'd be rich right now.)

Tris's POV

As I'm laying in bed next to my soon to be fiance, I can't help but let my thoughts wonder through my mind. I couldn't grasp the concept of why I agreed to marry this man. The man who abusives me day and night. The man who I'm afraid could kill me during my sleep, and worst of all. The man who haunts my dreams. Actually, I do know why I said yes to his open engagement. I said yes because I knew if I said any other answer, he would make my life a living Hell, enjoying it while he did. I slowly slide out of his strong grip, careful not to wake him up. I walk slowly to the bathroom, where i sit on the toilet and let my head fall into my hands. I think about my life and wish and pray how much different it could be.

"Tris? Where are you?" I hear Peter call olut from the bedroom.

I sigh as I heard the bed squeak, since I knew he was getting up. Probably to come punish me since I was so horrible last night. "Im in the bathroom, dear." I say kindly as i stand up to the sink, and see dark, purple bruises on my face.

He walks in, wrapping his arm around me slowly as he sighs. "You were horrible last night." He says as his eyes meet mine in the mirror.

I look away as soon as they meet and I sigh. "I'm sorry, Peter. I just wasn't in the mood." I say quickly, as the lie comes out of my mouth.

"You wasn't in the mood? Well listen here little bitch. You best be in the mood tonight, or lets just say something bad will happen." He spits out of his mouth as he turns me around. His strong palm connects with my cheek mulltiple times until i finally start crying. He throws me to the ground, roughly as he storms out getting ready for work.

After about thirty minutes of lying on the floor in the bathroom, I hear the front door of our apartment slam shut. I knew his was gone for at least nine hours. I just need to get out of here.

I stand up slowly as I walk to the kitchen, fixing myself breakfast as I usually do every morning.


What did you guys think about it? I know its just starting out, but I have some really great ideas for this story! The first chapter of this is just to give an idea of how Tris is living and everything. If you have any other ideas let me know! leave reviews please!
