Disclaimer: I own nothing

Recommended listening: Raging Fire by Phillip Phillips

So come out, come out, come out
Won't you turn my soul into a raging fire?
Come out, come out, come out
'Til we lose control into a raging fire
Into a raging fire
Come out, come out, come out
Won't you turn my soul into a raging fire?

Mako looked down at the new White Lotus pin in his palm. For being less than an ounce, it sure felt like it weighed a ton. 'What did I sign myself up for?' He asked himself for the hundredth time since he left his initiation at city hall.

Sighing, he looked up at the probending arena knowing that a fuming Avatar was waiting for him in there. He could practically feel her anger through the concrete.

He hasn't seen Korra in two days, the firebender avoiding the Avatar like the plague. From what Bolin had been telling him, the Avatar's threat of him being dead meat was still very much intact.

Putting the pin in his pocket, Mako hefted his backpack a little higher on his shoulders as he walked into the arena.

Walking into the practice area he saw Korra angrily standing there and once her eyes landed on him, he was sure she saw red.

"You son of a bitch!" Korra screamed as she threw earth coins at him with her earthbending. "How dare you pull that stunt!" She earthbent more coins at him as he dodged them. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"I am on your side!" He said as dropped his bag on the ground and threw fire back at her.

"Oh that's really apparent," Korra huffed as she pointed to the blue sleeve of his new White Lotus uniform hanging precariously out of his partially unzipped backpack. The firebender shoved the uniform in there in his haste to get out of city hall.

"Korra, I am," Mako said calmly, hoping to reason with her. "I know that you can defend yourself and what not, but the world wants to make sure that their Avatar is kept safe."

"But that didn't mean that you had to join! You and Bo are the only people I counted on treating me like a normal person! And you go and join them. You know, you're such a hypocrite! A week and a half ago you wanted nothing to do with me because magazines started to gossip about us and now you want to be my guard? Why?"

Before Mako could answer Korra stomped her foot and more earth coins flew at him. He was successful in dodged all but one of them. It slammed into his shoulder, making the firebender hiss in pain as he felt his shoulder come out of its socket.

"Dammit Korra," Mako said as he pelted her with a glare and grabbed onto his now throbbing shoulder. "You're my Avatar too! And I want to make sure that you're safe."

Korra halted her next assault as she stared at him, her blue eyes wide.

"You can't take on the world alone, Korra," the firebender said as he looked at her. "When are you going to realize that?!"

The Avatar lowered her arms from their fighting stance and a soft look washed over her face. She said nothing as she walked over to him.

"Do you want some help with that?" She asked indicating to his shoulder.

"That would be nice," Mako said and Korra placed her hands gently on his shoulder. He was expecting her to heal him with water. But he suddenly felt a rush of pain as Korra pushed his shoulder back into its socket.

He looked at her with narrow eyes as he hissed in pain.

The Avatar had a serious look on her face as she stared at him. "Don't do something stupid like that again," she said in a calm but deadly tone. "When it comes to Avatar related things, stay out of it." She gave him one more look before walking away. "I would put ice on that," she called before the door slammed open and she disappeared from his sight.


Korra looked down at the apartment number written on the piece of paper in her hand, before looking back at the same number projected on the small building. Surely this couldn't be where Asami Sato, heiress to one of the biggest fortunes known, resided. The building was in shambles and the people hanging out around it were sketchy.

Walking into the building, Korra climbed the flight of stairs and towards apartment 2A. Knocking gently on the door, a few seconds passed before it flew open and Asami stood in front of her in only a bra and pair of jeans with a toothbrush hanging out of the side of mouth and her hair still wet from a shower.

"Korra!" Asami greeted with a smile. "Come in."

Korra smiled as she followed the heiress into the apartment. Even with toothpaste around her mouth, her hair un-brushed and wet, and make-up less, Asami was gorgeous. "Sorry I'm not ready," Asami said as she walked back into the small bathroom. "I woke up a little late."

"Its fine," Korra said as she sat on the large brown couch in the small family room. "It's Saturday, it's completely understandable."

"I'm so glad that you were able to hang out today," Asami called from the bathroom.

The invite came as a surprise to Korra. After the whole getaway stunt, she never expected to see the green eyed heiress again except for the occasional wave hello around campus. But one morning Asami had come up to her as the Avatar was waiting in line for a muffin at the small coffee shop in the Student Union saying she'd really like to hang out again.

Seeing as Korra longed for a female friend that was over the age of ten and not a married pregnant woman, she accepted the invitation.

Korra shrugged. "Thanks for the invite. You have no idea how much I've longed for a friend who wasn't still playing with dolls, pregnant or wants to be friends with me because of who I am."

Asami laughed as she walked out of the bathroom pulling a long sleeved maroon shirt over her head. "I know exactly how you feel, that's why I feel like we're going to be great friends."

The Avatar smiled as the beautiful heiress stood in front of her. "Do you have any idea what you'd like to do today?"

Korra shrugged, unsure of what female friends really do when they hang out with each other. "I'm okay with anything."

"I think I have the perfect idea," Asami said.

"It isn't shopping, is it?" Korra asked. There was nothing more the Avatar loathed than shopping.

There was a twinkle in Asami's eye that told Korra whatever she had planned, was going to be fun and against the rules. "Even better."


An hour later, Korra was holding Asami tightly around the waist as she raced them around the practice track at her father's home.

On their way here, Asami had exclaimed to the Avatar how excited she was on a new design of a motorcycle her father had been working on and she had been dying to try it out. "And what better way to try it out then with a new friend? So what dad hasn't approved a test drive yet, it's better to ask for forgiveness then for permission."

A wide grin spread on the Avatar's face as the raven haired beauty sped them around a curve.

"This is so awesome!" Korra yelled to her and Asami sped them as fast as the bike could go in response.

After a couple of more rounds around the track, Asami slowed and veered them off to the side.

The heiress hopped off the motorcycle and pulled off her helmet. "How was that for your first ride on a motorcycle?"

Korra got off the bike and removed her helmet, a smile still plastered on her face. "It was so cool!" Before blushing slightly when she realized she sounded like a twelve year old girl. "I mean," she coughed. "It was a really great experience."

"Wanna give it a try?" Asami asked as she nodded to the bike.

The Avatar grimaced. "The only thing I drive is a polarbear dog. If I attempted to drive that I'm sure your dad wouldn't have a prototype anymore."

Asami shrugged. "My dad has blue prints, he can build another one."

Korra looked at the bike with hesitation before coming to the conclusion that it was time for her to learn how to drive. "Alright," she said with bright eyes as she put her helmet back on. "I'll give it a try."


Korra took a deep breath as Asami gave her a thumb up from the sidelines. Looking forward, the Avatar nodded her head before reeving the engine. "Okay Korra," she said. "You can do this. Asami told you everything you need to know. It's simple, gently twist the right handle bar to go forward and release and gently pull on the break to stop. Can't be too hard."

That Avatar gave herself another nod before she gripped the handlebars tightly and released the break. Twisting the right handlebar, the motorcycle suddenly took off.

Startled from the suddenly jolt, Korra gripped the handle bars, making the bike go faster.

She vaguely heard Asami's frantic yell of "Brake, Korra, brake!" before she lost control.

Korra momentarily felt herself fall before searing pain shot through her pelvic area. "Oh spirits," she moaned as she rolled over, listening to the sound of pounding feet as people ran towards her. "Oh, my ass."

"Korra!" She heard Asami yell. "Are you alright?"

The Avatar took in the frantic look on Asami's face before she busted out in a laugh. "I want to try again."

Asami looked at her for a moment before she broke out into a laugh of her own as she helped Korra sit up.

"Korra!" She heard another familiar voice yell and turned to see Mako running towards her.

"Wonderful," Korra said rolling her eyes. "I, spy is here."

"Korra, are you alright?" Mako asked as he helped her take off her helmet and examining her. "Do you need first aid?"

"Jeez, Mako, I'm fine," Korra snapped as she yanked her arm away from him. "It was just a fall."

"A fall that could've severely injured you. How could you let this happen?" He asked as he turned to Asami.

"Excuse me?" Asami snapped. "Just who the hell are you and how did you get in my father's house?"

"He's a stalker! Quick, Asami call the police," Korra said and the firebender gave her a look.

"I'm Korra's bodyguard," Mako said as he showed Asami the Lotus pin.

"More like a stalker," Korra said as she stood rubbing her tail bone. "How did you find me anyway? I snuck out pretty early this morning."

Mako's face became slightly red as he scratched the back of his neck. Both girls looking at him with their arms crossed. "I-uh, I'm not allowed to tell you."

Korra swore she felt her eye twitch. But before she could explode she remembered their audience and took a deep breath before smiling at Mako. "Doesn't matter, but as you can see I am completely safe here at the Sato mansion, so go home."

Mako opened his mouth to say something but an idea suddenly came to Korra. He wanted to be a guard well she was going to show him how much fun being a guard was. "Never mind, I know you can't. Asami and I are going inside, so you stand out here and keep watch, okay Officer Mako?"

The look Mako gave her made Korra want to laugh, but she just smiled at him, grabbed Asami's arm and pulled the heiress into the house.


It was fucking cold. That's all Mako could think about as he blew into his hands. He never did master the technique of regulating his body temperature to keep him warm.

He'd been walking around outside for almost three hours, damning himself for volunteering for this stupid job.

Breathing more fiercely into his hands, he again was about to damn himself for opening his stupid mouth when a cup was in front of his face and a pair of the bluest eyes staring at him from under a hood. "Hot chocolate," Korra said as she offered him the cup.

"Wow, you do have a heart," he cranked and the Avatar snatched the cup away.

"Fine then."

"Wait! I'm sorry!" He said quickly.

Korra eyed him before offering him the cup again. "Let's go home."

Mako nodded before taking a sip of the hot chocolate, relishing in the warmth that spread throughout his body. "Thank you," he said as he took another sip.

Korra nodded, "Asami offered us a ride home."

"Thank the spirits; I've had just about enough of the cold for a day."

The Avatar smiled as a car strolled to a stop in front of them, the driver quickly getting out and opening the door for them.

"Don't we need to wait for Asami?" Mako asked.

"No, she has a meeting with her dad, disappointed?" Korra asked as she slid into the car and Mako noted that there was a bit of something in her voice.

"No, not really," he replied getting in after her, although having the company of the pretty heiress would probably deflect some of the anger Korra was no doubt going to slaughter him with on the ride home.

But the car ride was silent, as Korra looked out the window, drawing nonsensical patterns on her knee.

"This is the quietest I think you've been since I met you," he joked and Korra just shrugged.

"I just have nothing to say to you," she said as she turned to look out the window again.

Mako sighed, "Is this still about the whole White Lotus thing, listen, I'm sorry—

"It's not that, Mako I literally have nothing to say. I'm tired and my ass is sore."

Mako chuckled, "You're the one who took a joyride on something you can't drive."

Korra cracked a smile at that, "It was awesome."

"You did do really well for your first time…kinda," the firebender said, ignoring how his heart leapt at the smile Korra gave him. "If you want, sometime I could teach you how to drive."

Korra gave him a look. "In what, your rent-a-cop car?"

"Maybe, you know one day you're going to regret ever making fun of me. I'm going to be the best detective you've ever known."

The avatar laughed and Mako took a moment to watch her. The way her nose scrunched slightly and her eyes squeezed shut, her laugh wasn't feminine like Asami's nor was it masculine like Chief Bei Fong's. It was almost like a mixture. It was pretty and very Korra.

"Why are you staring at me like a creep?"

Mako's eye widened and his face began to flush as Korra laughed again.

"Admit it, you think I'm pretty."

"Korra," he warned.

"You think I'm prettyyyyy. City Boy thinks I'm prettyyy," she sang and began to poke him.

"Korra stop," the firebender said as he tried not to laugh at the tickling pokes.

"I'm the prettiest girl you ever did see," she continued to sing and poke.

Mako let out a laughed when she reached a particularly ticklish spot on his ribs. "Korra," he said with finality as he grabbed her wrist to make her stop.

The avatar stopped and looked at him with playful eyes. Blue, blue, blue everywhere. All he could see is blue. And smell a faint floral perfume that he's come to associate with the beautiful avatar.

The air in the car went from playful to tense as they continued to look in each other's eyes.

"Korra," he said quietly as he let go of her wrist and placed a hand on her cheek. Mako didn't know where this was coming from. All he knew was that Korra was silent as they began to slowly lean in towards each other.

The car door suddenly opened making the two benders jump away from each other.

"Avatar Korra, we're at the docks," the driver said as he held the door open for her.

Korra cleared her throat as she grabbed her messenger bag, "Yes, uh thanks."

Mako began to open his door when he heard his name being called. "Don't worry about escorting me home," Korra said as she climbed out of the car and turned to look at him. "There's likely to be a guard on the boat anyway. Go home and warm up; I'll see you tomorrow at practice. Night!"

"Good night," he whispered just as the car door slammed. He watched as she climbed the boat and greeted the guard that was waiting for her. "Stupid," he whispered hitting his head on the back on his seat. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." What was all that? Since when did he want to kiss Korra? 'Since you met her,' he thought, but pushed it away. Korra was brash, rough, and loud. Takes things without giving them back, helps herself into his apartment, and eats all of his food. But she was also kind and tender hearted, funny, strong, full of sass, and very smart. What wasn't there to like about her.

Something unknown stirred in his chest when it dawned on him, why he was so worried today when she fell from the motorbike, and why he was always worried of her getting her during pro-bending matches, when she was attacked by the Chi Blockers, or even that time she tripped and landed in a puddle getting a scrap on her knee.

He liked her. More than liked her.

He liked her from the moment she jumped from the balcony and looked up at him with that smug expression. And over the course of the four months he's gotten to know her, his feelings for her grew.

Uncomfortable with the revelation of his feelings, he was grateful when the driver brought down the partition to ask him where he wanted him to go.

When he got home, he went through his nightly routine in a trance, still trying to decipher his feelings for Korra. Even as he sat in the window nook in the hallway, looking across Yue Bay at Air Temple Island, he still didn't know what to think. All he did know was that his heart leapt when he saw that the only light on was the light from Korra's room and a small dark figure was looking out the window.


If just thinking about his feelings for Korra were enough to make Mako uncomfortable, knowing he has feelings for Korra and watching her pro-bend was a whole other realm of uncomfortable.

He noticed her every movement. How fluid her bending was, how in control she was of the elements and how beautiful she looked every twist and turn she made.

To make matters worse, she was shirtless. Just in a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra. He realized that he liked watching as her abdomen muscles flexed and retracted with every move she made. How powerful her biceps and triceps were when she punched a coin disk that Bolin earthbent at her. She was stunning, even when she was glistening with sweat and her hair was coming out of its wolf tails.

"You were being a total creeper all throughout practice you know," Bolin said as they cooled down, Korra to the bathroom to shower. "Even Korra noticed."

Mako felt himself blush. "I uh, was just making sure your forms were perfect, championship is two weeks away, hell, our final is this weekend."

"Yeah uh huh," Bolin said as he examined his nails. "That's why you were staring at Korra, and only Korra. Admit it, you like her."

"I do not!" Mako said feeling overwhelmed. He didn't like talking about his feelings, and he sure as hell didn't like talking about his feelings for Korra.

"You do too, that's okay though, cause I think she likes you too. You should just admit it."

"Admit what?"

Mako and Bolin jumped and turned to Korra, who was tying her hair into a ponytail.

"Mako was just about—

"Nothing!" Mako said as he elbowed Bolin in the stomach.

"You were about to nothing?" Korra asked with a small laugh. "Okayyyy. Anyway, you should probably clean up. The United Forces are coming in this afternoon and all of the White Lotus is required to be there because I'm required to be there and wherever I go, you go."

"Uh yeah, I'll just go and clean up, I guess?"

Bolin made a frustrated noise and Mako heard him slap a hand to his forehead. Hastily making his way up the stairs and into his room, he heard his phone vibrate on the table indicating a message.

It was from Bolin, opening it he cringed. "What the hell was that? 'I'll just go and clean up, I guess?' You have zero tact. I'm embarrassed for you."

He sent a quick "Eat shit, Bo" before locking his phone and jumping in the shower.


Outside City Hall was a zoo. Reporters, spectators, and a lot of United Forces soldiers crowded the area. Mako was grateful that he wasn't on involuntary squad duty today; having to deal with mass amounts of people in a setting like this was annoying. He found himself almost glad that his White Lotus duties had called. Instead of dealing with the masses, he was comfortably standing behind Korra as she shook heads and smiled with the council members. Posing for pictures and answering the presses menial questions as they waited for General Iroh and Commander Bumi to arrive.

It was always such a big deal when the United Forces docked in Republic City, because they only ever docked there when there was always a special occasion. And it was always the same; a grand gathering at City Hall where the current general made a speech and then some big fancy ball or something where everyone in high society attended and rubbed elbows with each other. That was another awful event Mako had attended when he was sixteen. He was a waiter that walked around serving champagne. After that night he quiet and vowed to never be a waiter again.

The band started picking up and Mako noticed a grand looking Sato mobile driving down the long road. "Yay! Uncle Bumi's here!" He heard one of Tenzin's kids call from the sidelines.

When General Iroh and Commander Bumi stepped out of the car every solider, policer officer and White Lotus guard stood at attention and saluted.

They made their way up the stone steps towards the smiling council and a waving Korra. The two military men shook hands with the council, Bumi hugging his brother enthusiastically which gained a lot of chuckles from the crowd, before moving on to Korra.

The Avatar laughed as Bumi hugged her tightly, calling her 'dad' before turning his attention to his nieces and nephews that were vying for his attention.

And then the General made his way towards her and Mako felt an unfamiliar, yet familiar, emotion spike through him as Iroh kissed Korra's hand, never breaking eye contact with her.

"It's good to see you again Avatar Korra," he said in a smooth voice and Korra smiled.

"It' good to see you too, General Iroh," Korra said back just as smoothly.

Mako could tell that Iroh had wanted to say more but the crowds demand for his attention made them break their communication stare.

General Iroh went podium and with practiced ease he began his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Republic City, thank you for allowing us to dock in your beautiful city. I speak for the entire United Forces when I say we are truly glad to be here, for it is as always, such a pleasure."

The crowd hung on his every word, cheering and hollering and oohing and aahing. His speech was coming to an end when he cleared his throat, giving Bumi a look, turned forward and announced. "And it is with great congratulations that I announce that Commander Bumi, after forty years of active service, has decided to retire."

"Ah," Mako heard in his headpiece. "That's why these monkeys are here." He heard some of the people around him chuckle.

The crowd stood and clapped as Bumi made a small yet wild speech about his time in the service and how he was going to miss it.

"Commander Bumi," Iroh said when the older man was finished with his speech, "You are my friend and most trusted comrade. Throughout your military career you have shown great courage, amazing strength and unmatchable intelligence. You've put your life on the line for many and never have you ever shown false bravado about your achievements and sacrifices. So with this, I award you with the highest honor on the day of your retirement, The United Republic Medal of Honor. "

The crowd cheered loudly again as General Iroh placed the medal around Bumi's neck and shook his hand.

"While I'm sad to see you retire, I am relieved in knowing that you won't be lying around and getting fat," the crowd laughed, "Commander Bumi has agreed to help the White Lotus in protecting Avatar Korra."

Korra looked just as shocked as the rest of the White Lotus as Bumi turned to her and gave her thumbs up.


"Avatar Korra looked just as shocked as the crowd when General Iroh announced that upon his retirement, Avatar Aang's first son Commander Bumi agreed to be the Avatar's body guard."

"Life is about to get much more fun," Korra said as she grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Bumi is awesome. You'll like him."

Mako hmm'd as he grabbed his own handful of popcorn listening as Korra laughed at the news broadcasting. It really was more gossip than news. In fact, the firebender wouldn't even call it news, pure gossip garbage.

"Speaking of the Avatar, It was a very tense meeting today between General Iroh and Korra," the news caster said making the firebender silently scoff. "The two ex-lovers shared a very heated moment when the General turned and greeted the Avatar, is a reconciliation in the works?"

Korra snorted as she turned the small television off. "Why is it that Iroh and I are always dating or reconciling? They make it seem like we have some sordid love affair that's been going on for years," she said as she shoved popcorn into her mouth.

Mako fidgeted as he thought about his question. "But did you really date him?" he asked, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer.

Korra looked at him with wariness as she swallowed. "If you must know yes, Iroh and I dated briefly over the summer and very briefly when we were younger. We were always so busy that it never really worked out."

The uncomfortable feeling in his chest was returning as was the familiar stab of a feeling he had felt earlier in the day. Then it hit him, that feeling he had felt before, the guys at the station were right, he was jealous. He didn't like knowing that another man had his hands on her. "Would you ever date him again?" The firebender forced out.

Korra put down her handful of popcorn as a thoughtful look came over her face. "I—I don't know really. I haven't thought about it."

Mako didn't realize how hard his heart was beating until now. "But if it ever came down to it, would you?"

"What's it matter?" Korra asked with a laugh as she turned and looked at him. "I'm not really interested in him. I mean he's very handsome and great with his hands."

A surge of jealousy spiked through him at that, but he shrugged it away as Korra continued talking.

"But I guess I can see myself dating him again, if I don't find a boyfriend."

He was suddenly full of anger. He didn't like the idea of some other guy having his hands on her and he definitely didn't like imaging perfect, handsome Iroh dating Korra either.

Without thinking, he leaned over and kissed her.

He pulled away just a quickly, shock settling in. "Korra I'm—

Korra didn't give him the chance to finish his apology as she kissed him again, harder this time.

A thrill overcame Mako. The same thrill he experiences when he was bending and when the Fire Ferrets won a match. If this was what it was going to be like every time they kissed, then he never wanted to stop.

They slowly pulled away, their faces only centimeters from each other. She smiled at him and he almost felt his heart give out.

So he kissed her again and again and again until there was nothing between them.

I LIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm so, so, so sorry everyone! I always say that I'm not going to disappear and then I don't post a new chapter until like, a year later. I really am sorry everyone.

Now that that's out of the way lets talk LoK. I am BEYOND pissed at Bryke, for almost the WHOLE series they lead us into thinking that Makorra will be canon and then they come out with Korrasami. Like okay, I'm chill with Korra and Asami being together, you can't help who you fall in love with and they do make a cute couple. But I feel like there was literally NOTHING that led up to that. Expect maybe the part where Korra blushed when Asami complimented her haircut. But that was it! Maybe I missed the other signals, and if I did please point them out to me. But really and honestly, I feel like they wanted to end the series on a 'wow' factor so they put Korra and Asami together. Which again, I'm chill with, but they shouldn't have led us on like that. Its annoying and not to mention a little heartbreaking seeing as your anxiously waiting for you pairing to reconcile the entire 3rd and 4th season just to find out they're not. But its over now and this is why we have fanfiction. To mend our broken hearts. Other than that I really liked the 3rd and 4th season. Studio Mir as always did such a great job on the animation and I really loved Zaheer and Kuvira's voice actors.

If there are any mistakes please forgive me, its late and I really wanted to get this chapter out seeing as its been so long.

Thank you to everyone who messaged me and reviewed/favored! I hear your pleas of not discontinuing the story and fret not, its not going to be discontinued. It might take a while for me to pump out chapters because my life is busy with work and school, but its not discontinued.

So, please, please,please,please,please continue to review/favorite. It really does make me very, very happy and motivates me to write faster. And I'll try very hard to not disappear for almost two years =D

Until next time,


P.S. If anyone still reads Palace Hours, I'm going to try and post that chapter tomorrow or Monday!

P.P.S Happy Easter and Passover to all my Christian and Jewish readers!