Okay, my YYH story is officially on hiatus, but I'm NOT giving up on it! I've got some stuff written, I'm just trying to make myself like it. In the meantime, I've got a ton written in this little project, so here's the first chapter. Just a warning, this first two chapters are just framework chapters, setting everything up for the OC. They will be extremely short. The gang comes in during the third chapter, I PROMISE. Alright, so here we go!

"I hate hospitals…" My mother chucked painfully as she lay in the bad, tubes connected to her nose and arms.

"I know, Momma. Hopefully we won't be here too much longer." I kept my voice under control, but just barely. My strong mother was gone, replaced by a weak, frail woman that even on good days couldn't make it up the two steps leading into our house. Her red-blonde hair was long gone; taken from the radioactive chemicals that were supposed to save her life, but instead drained it. Even the pale eyelashes that used to frame her green eyes in a beautiful, ghostly manner were gone.

"Lilly, did I ever tell you about your dad?" I held her hand close to my cheek, it was all bone. She couldn't even muster the strength to squeeze my hand in response.

"You told me he was a rat-bastard that smoked pot every once in a while." I forced a smile, happy that she was at least semi-lucid. I ran my other hand across her forehead and a frown took over my face. Her fever was spiking.

"I found him… He's in Wisconsin…" Her sentences struggled to breach her chapped lips. Her breathing became a struggle. "I think… I'm going… to take a nap… Honey…"

"No. No, Momma. Stay awake; tell me about my dad. What color was his hair?" I knew what would happen if she drifted asleep, and I had a moment of selfishness.

Earlier that day, the doctors had pulled me outside to tell me that today was most likely the day. There was nothing I could do to stop this. The chemotherapy and cancer in her bones had both played a part.

I didn't want to lose my mother. I didn't want her to leave me. Was I a terrible person because I wanted my momma to stay, even if it meant she was in pain?

The moment passed.

"It's just… a quick… nap… Have to… rest up… so we can… go home… tomorrow…" She tried to smile. Her eyes were already closed. "I love… you…"

"Okay, Momma. Just a quick nap. I'll be here when you wake up. I love you, too." The words choked out, tears streaming down my face. It felt like my heart was being pulled thorough my throat.

A nurse walked in when the cardiac monitor let out a long, steady beat.

I couldn't remember much after that. It all passed in a muddled blur.

Hold your judgments till the third chapter! Push through the next one, and then I promise it gets better!