"Ruby, I have to work in the morning." Belle moaned laying her head down on the table and sighing. "I think we've looked at every bridal magazine ever published."

"Not even close." Ruby replied, setting down another stack of magazines. Belle lifted up her head and moaned. "It's three am, Ru. I think we should call it a night." Belle took another sip of her coffee and glanced down at the list she had compiled so far. She realized that she didn't want anything she had written down.

"I want a christmas wedding." She stated, setting down the magazine she was mindlessly flipping through.

Ruby looked up at her best friend. Christmas was next month. Had she lost her mind?

"Belle I don't think you have enough time. Christmas is next month. You're going to be waaaay too stressed."

Belle pulled her chestnut curls into a pony tail and smiled at her doubtful friend. "I don't think so. I mean, I don't want anything extravagant. It will take no time to put together."

"You only get married once." Ruby pointed out, holding up a picture of a super-fancy wedding and waving it in Belle's face. Belle smiled. "I just want something simple. Only close friends and family. Just something to celebrate my and Sydney's love."

Ruby rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oh okay fine. You can have whatever wedding you want." She smiled and gently took the bridal magazine from Belle's hand. "If you aren't going to use these then I will."

Belle stood up and put her coffee in the microwave. "It will be beautiful. We'll have it inside the church, then We'll have the reception outside in the park. We can have a fire in the fire pit and make s'mores and drink hot chocolate. It'll be perfect." She said, staring off into space with a dreamy expression on her face.

Ruby sighed. "I hate to admit it, but that actually sounds nice."


"Of course Love, whatever you want. Yes. I love you. Bye."

Gold sighed and pushed his glasses back up on his face. He was repairing an especially tricky watch. One that he had ordered special parts for from Sweden. He had hoped to finish it tonight, but now Belle wanted to meet him to talk. After pulling on his jacket and locking up he got in his car and turned on the radio. It was still on the country station that Belle turned it onto every time she rode somewhere with him. He reached over to change it back to his classical station, but when he heard the song playing he slowly put his hand down. Like Jesus Does by Eric Church always reminded him of Belle. Everytime he heared it when she was with him, he wanted to tell her but he always got too nervous and decided not to.

"All the crazy in my dreams, both my broken wings. Every single piece of everything I am. She knows the man I ain't she forgives me when I can't. The devil man no he don't stand a chance 'cause she loves me like Jesus does."

Gold smiled. His sweet, beautiful fiance really did love him like Jesus does. When everyone else judged him and turned him away, she loved him fully for who he was. He smiled even wider, forgetting completely that a few minutes ago he had been hesitant about going to see her, worried about the hard-to-fix watch.

As he pulled into the park he saw Belle in the park, sitting on bench, the picture of lovliness in her long coat brushing the ground, her feet dangling over the side of the bench. She had both her hands wrapped around a travelling cup, probably full of tea. He got out of his car and leaned against it for a second, just looking at her. She was gorgeous. And soon she'd be his wife. He breathed a contented sigh and walked over to her, crunching over the dead leaves as he went. He sat down on the bench next to Belle and put his hand on her knee.

"Sydney!" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "I'm glad you're here." She placed her hand over his oh her knee, then laid her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a minute, just enjoying each others presence.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She whispered, looking at the park, illuminated by the vintage street lamps.

"Yes. It's quite the sight." He replied.

She turned to him, grabbed his other hand and looked intently into his eyes, her own blue orbs bright and wide. "Would you want our reception here?" She asked, blinking her cinnamon lashes rapidly. "I want to make sure we have it somewhere we both would love and remember."

Sydney brushed a curl away from her face. She looked so serious, but he couldn't refrain from smiling. "I love the idea Dear."

"Do you really? You don't have to love it because I do. I mean we can pick something else. Is there somewhere else you'd rather have it? We can look."

"No, no. I think the idea is wonderful." He said. "Really."

He leaned his forehead against Belle's and then kissed her.

This place really would be perfect.


Belle paced back and forth outside the bakery with her phone in her hand. "Come on. Just call her already." She muttered to herself. It shouldn't be so hard to call your mother and ask her to come dress shopping with you. Finally Belle mustered up the courage to call her.

The phone rang and rang. The phone clicked and she heard her father's voice. "You've reached the home of Pastor French and his family. Leave your name and number and we'll call you back as soon as we can. God bless."

Belle sighed and hung up without leaving a message. She had made an appointment to go dress shopping today and even after the way Martha was acting towards Sydney, Belle still wanted to share this experiance with her mom. She blinked back tears as she called Ruby.

"I guess it's just me and you." She said when Ruby answered the phone. Ruby noticed the sound of her best friend's voice. "Aw Belle. I'm sorry. Your mom's a-"

"Thanks Ru." Belle sniffled, interrupting Ruby's sentence. "At least I have you."

"We'll have so much fun. How about we go out to lunch since you already closed the bakery?Granny is coming with me but shes going to meet us at the dress shop."

"That sounds like a great idea. See you soon." Belle clicked her phone off and took a deep breath.

Her mom had disappointed her her entire life, all while making Belle feel like a disappointment herself. But Belle thought this time was different. Wedding dress shopping was something that mother's and daughter's did together, and Belle was going to miss out on that.

She called Sydney on her drive to the restaurant and cried while he listened patiently, saying soothing things occasionally to make her feel better.

"Enjoy your time with your best friend Love. I'm sorry that your Mother is being like this."

Inside he felt like it was his fault that Belle's mother was being so cold to her. If Belle were marrying Gordon, her ex fiance right now instead of him, Belle wouldn't be crying, but instead would be excited over the idea of dress shopping with her mom and best friend.



"I love you...so much." She said, smiling through her tears even though he couldn't see her.

"I love you too Sweetheart."

When he hung up the phone he took a deep breath. Of course Belle loved him, he knew that. And he loved her with all his heart, but being with him made her life so difficult. Everyone hated him, so everyone treated her badly. It wasn't fair and it physically hurt his heart to think about.

He glanced over his glasses at the bottle of scotch he always kept on his desk. He probably should have removed it when he quit drinking. It was looking awfully tempting right now.