EmberRose: Please review! I looooove your reviews!

Disclaimer: XxEmberRosexX doesn't own Twilight.

20 Years Later

"Amelia! Come on!" I yelled as I raced down the hall. The one other half vampire here chased after me with a grin plastered on her face. Her dark red flew behind her and her emerald green eyes were alight with happiness. She was a good century older than me, but physically we were both sixteen. Frozen forever at sixteen. Suddenly she was in front of me, making me crash into her. We both tumbled to the ground, laughing.

"No fair!" I giggled, rolling over and standing up. "No using powers."

"Your it, though." She laughed, shoving me over. I fell into the wall drunk on laughter.

"Why are we playing tag again?" I asked, straitening my black cloak.

"Because we have a meeting with the Volturi, and Louis told us to get rid of all of our energy so we will be perfect angels when the Volturi come." Mia quoted, still grinning.

"When are we not perfect angels?" I asked in fake shock. Mia shrugged before perking up her ears.

"They're here." She whispered, straitening up. We fixed each others hair and turned our grins into blank expressions. We calmly walked down the halls, nodding in recognition at our fellow coven members. As we glided into our throne room, our two leaders Louis and Matt were talking to three men who I assumed were the leaders of the Volturi. The Volturi leaders were surrounded by some of their own members who wore black cloaks similar to ours. I took in a deep breath before advancing to Louis and Matt.

"Masters." I said in a sweet voice. Louis gave me a warning look, so I bowed quickly before standing at Louis's side.

"And who is this?" The creepy leader in the middle said. "More importantly, what is she? She doesn't smell like anything I've encountered before."

"This is Harmony." Matt said in a tense voice. "She is a half breed. Half vampire, half human."

"Harmony, this is Aro." Louis said, gesturing for me to shake his hand. I held out my hand hesitantly, which he immediately took.

"Ah. Not only one, but two half breeds." Aro observed after a few seconds. I snatched my hand back and held it against my chest. I felt nervous around Aro. Insecure.

"Abominations!" The blond man spat, glaring at me. I took a shaky step back behind Louis. I thought of the asylum. All of the people telling me I was different. A freak. An abomination.

"Quiet brother. She has had a hard past." Aro said, offering me his hand. I shook my head and stepped farther back. Mia came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "She has a gift as well."

"She is our crowned jewel." Louis said in a fatherly way. I gave a grateful look to the man who became a father to me.

"She'd be more than happy to demonstrate." Matt said looking at me expectantly. I nodded. Matt always scared me, mostly because of all of the dark looks that he gives me.

"Ah! How I wish to see how it works! Alas, we have other matters to discuss." Aro sighed shaking his head.

"Then let us retire to my study." Louis said, guiding the three leaders out of the room. Two of the Volturi members followed their masters from the room.

"Your the crowned jewel?" A large man asked as he strutted over to us. Mia gave a hiss making him raise his eyebrows. "My name is Felix."

"Nice to meet you Felix." I said quietly. He shook his head.

"You can't be the all-powerful princess of this coven." He laughed. I turned around, feeling venom build up in my mouth. I put my hand in my cloak pocket and wrapped my fingers around my IPod.

"Why not?" I asked slowly.

"Your too innocent. Too tame." He snickered, taking another step forward. I took my IPod out and flicked it on. As I turned around I calmly turned on 'Diary of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin.

"Big whoop." Felix scoffed, rolling his eyes. "So you listen to heavy metal."

"Do you know why my name is Harmony?" I asked innocently.

"Nope. And I don't care." He said, smirking broadly. I smiled happily before setting my IPod on the ground.

"Because, of this." I smirked broadly and put my hand on his chest. I focused the bass in the song into my palm and propelled it forward. Felix flew backwards into the marble wall, sending spiraling cracks that made an imprint of his body. I giggled and spun in a circle. My friends had the I-knew-that-was-going-to-happen look, and the members of the Volturi guard were looking at me in shock.

"Um, lets go before someone kills you." Mia whispered, pulling me out of the room.

"Lets go spy on Louis and Matt!" I suggested, smiling.

"Your so bipolar." Mia sighed, shaking her head.

"He snapped me out of my shyness." I explained simply. We walked silently to Louis's study and stood outside noiselessly.

"-contacted you?" Aro's voice said through the wooden door. I pressed my eye against the keyhole and watched the Masters talk.

"Yes. But we are faithful to you." Louis assured him.

"The Cullens have crossed the line when they made this immortal child." Aro said, nodding.

"Who is your source?" Matt asked curiously.

"A woman named Irina." The blond responded. The bored looking man looked around the room curiously.

"Again. We are only faithful to you." Matt said smiling.

"I've seen your thoughts. You were contemplating it, Louis." Aro said turning his gaze to my Master.

"The child seems like it could be a half-breed like Mia and Harmony." Louis admitted. "Maybe you should talk to them first."

"Maybe you need to learn your place." The blond man snapped angrily.

"Jane, dear." Aro said quietly. The blond girl, presumably Jane, stepped forward and looked at Louis. Suddenly my Master was on the ground screaming and twitching.

"Master!" I shrieked, sprinting into the room. I threw down my IPod, which started to play 'Radioactive', one of my more powerful songs. I felt the bass run through my body as I through the sound around my body. I threw pieces of the bass at different people, until a searing pain hit me. I lay on the ground screaming at the top of my lungs. The music gained pitch until it was a screeching noise.

"Jane." Aro commanded loudly over the high pitched noise and suddenly the pain was gone. I was panting on the ground, curled into a ball. "She will come with us to face the Cullens. This should ensure that you don't fight against us. Watch yourself. One wrong step, and we kill her."

"But-" Louis started, but Matt cut him off.

"Very well, Aro." He said, gesturing to me. I stayed on the ground, tears drying on my cheeks.

"Alec." The blond said. Cold arms gently wrapped around, picking me up and cradling me. I curled into an even tighter ball and fell into a deep sleep.