Chapter 4:

It was a bright sunny morning and both Davis and Takato were sitting at the kitchen table eating their breakfast with their adopted sister Jun.

"So Takato how was your first day in school? You manage to make any friends?" Jun asks while eating her cereal.

"School was okay but I hadn't made any friends yet" Takato said non-chantingly as he takes a bite off his toast.

"I'm sure that won't be a problem for long. You always were good at making people like you, right Jun?" Davis said, accidentally making his brother flinch at his words.

"That's kind of true, even after the 'incident'; a lot of people from your old class missed you" Jun agree, making the Tamer of Hazard flinch again.

"Can we please stop talking about me making friends?" Takato sighed in slight annoyance of the subject.

Noticing the twin's uneasiness, Jun decided to drop the conversation while Davis only stopped because his brother asked him to.

After finishing their breakfast, the siblings walk to the front door to put on their shoes and leave to school.

On the walk to school, the Motomiya siblings went to an empty street so that the twins can walk with their tails freely hanging behind them.

But unbeknownst to the trio, there was someone following them.

The person in question was Kari and Gatomon, who had been following the group since the moment they left the apartment building.

Seeing the twins' tails had added to Kari's suspicions on what she saw yesterday and made her more determine to figure out what the brothers were hiding from everyone.

Moving from her current hiding spot, behind a poster to a tree at the side of the road, Kari tries to hear what was being said between the siblings.

"So Takato, are any of your Tamer friends coming to visit you here in Odaiba?" Davis asks his brother.

"Not today but they'll be coming over tomorrow since it's not a school day" Takato said, swaying his tail a little in excitement.

"That's great! I can't wait to meet your teammates and introduce them to my team!" the Keeper of Miracles exclaimed with his tail swing left and right almost resembling that of a dog's tail and Kari could not help but giggled at her friend's antics.

It was soon proven to be a bad move as the twins stopped walking and turns towards the source of the sound.

Kari nearly jumped out of her skin and was shaking nervously as she tries to hide as much of herself as possible behind the tree, which was luckily more than large enough to hide her if she stood sideways.

The brothers stare at the tree for a whole minute before shrugging their shoulders in unison and continuing their walk to school with Jun.

Kari waited for a few more seconds before she was completely sure that the Motomiya siblings were a safe distance away and started to follow them again.

'So both Takato and Davis have tails but Takato can breathe fire while Davis can turn into some kind of reptile creature thing… At least I think he's the only one that can do it, unless both brothers can breathe fire and turn into reptile creatures' the Child of Light concluded in her head as she hides besides a building.

Soon the group arrives outside Odaiba Elementary and Jun waves goodbye to her adopted brothers, who had hidden their tails inside their shirts before continuing down the road to go to her school, Odaiba High.

Kari continues to follow the twins into the school grounds while trying to act normal as to not raise suspicion from her schoolmates.

But luck seems not to be by the Child of Light's side as she bumps into TK, who was just walking out from around the corner.

"Hey Kari, what's up?" the Child of Hope asks with a smile on his face.

"Hi… Uh… TK, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I need to go do something" Kari said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Oh, sure go do what you need to do. I'll meet you in class" TK said, sounding a little disappointed but shrugged it off and left.

'Sorry TK, but I need to get to the bottom of what Davis and Takato are hiding. God, now I sound like Yolei' Kari groaned mentally as she tries to catch up with the twins.

All through the school day, Kari had been following the twins; trying to learn more about them and what they can do.

By the time school ended, the Child of Light had gone basically everywhere the twins had been; from their lockers to the tree they sat on during lunch time all while trying to figure out how far their abilities went.

"Kari, I keep seeing you at the same place as Takato and Davis. What's up with that?" Yolei asks from her chair at a burger restaurant.

Right now, all the second generation Digidestind except the twins and their digimons were at a burger restaurant with the older generation to just hang out and relax.

Kari, who was petting Gatomon's fur, tensed up from the question and started sweating heavily.

"Yeah, I've been noticing that too. Are you following them or something?" Willis asks.

'I should tell them the truth since it's the right thing to do' Kari thought but then the memory of her conversation with Davis the previous day came to her mind.

(Flashback Begins)

"There's nothing to talk about, Kari. And please don't tell anybody about it, not even my brother" the goggled boy said in a serious tone before pointing his digivice to the TV set and getting sucked into it.

(Flashback Ends)

'No, I can't tell them what I saw yesterday. I'll be breaking Davis' trust and destroy our friendship by telling them the truth' Kari finally decided and was now thinking up of an excuse to tell the others.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late. I got detention for sleeping in class and Takato didn't want to ahead without me" Davis said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Figures that Davis would make even his brother late" Yolei huffed, making Takato ball his fists tightly trying to suppressed his anger.

Kari, who had been tailing the twins almost all day, can tell that Takato was quite protective of Davis and did not like it when people talked bad about his brother.

"But at least you guys made it and that's all that counts, right?" the Child of Light said in an attempt to cool down the situation.

"Kari's right, better late than never" Tai said.

Davis sat down at the chair next to Kari while his brother sat next to him.

Everyone ordered their meals and while they were waiting for their food, they talked about what they were doing at school.

"Oh yeah Kari, you still didn't tell us why we keep seeing you at the same place as Takato and Davis were" Sora asks after a while of talking.

The three mentioned people started to tense up and the twins stare at the Child of Light, waiting for her answer.

"I guess it was just coincidence that I was there at the same time as they were" Kari said nervously, which seemed to work for everyone except Davis.

'Kari's lying. Man, I was an idiot for using my powers yesterday, but if I didn't; SkullMeramon would've killed Kari' Davis groaned mentally and decided to talk to the Child of Light about it later.

Later, the sun was setting at the horizon and the Digidestind are standing outside the burger restaurant.

"Hey Kari, I'm going to be sleeping over at Sora's house to do a science project" Tai informed his sister before walking away with childhood friend.

"But then, who's going to walk me home?!" Kari exclaimed but the duo and their partners were already gone.

"Urgh, damn it Tai" she swore under her breath but then felt someone put their hand on her shoulder and when she turned around, she saw Davis smiling at her.

"Don't worry Kari, I'll walk you home" the Keeper of Miracles said.

Kari could tell that Davis did not believe her excuse earlier and wanted to confront her about it.

She hesitantly nods her head and follows Davis after he told Takato that he will be walking Kari home.

Most of the walk was in silence with the occasional glare being sent to Kari from Davis.

"Okay Davis, what's up?" Kari sighed in annoyance.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Kari" Davis said sarcastically.

"Fine! I'm sorry for following you and your brother when I should've just did what you told me yesterday, but I couldn't just ignore the fact that my best friend is actually-" the Child of Light said before getting cut off with Davis' hand covering her mouth.

"Don't say it too loud Kari!" Davis whispered harshly, as he looks around the street to see if anyone heard them.

"Okay, if you want to know about it so much; I'll tell you everything when we get to your house" he sighed in defeat and they continued to walk towards the Kamiya household.

Moments later, the foursome arrives at Kari's apartment front door and after she unlocks the door, they went inside.

"Okay Davis, now can you please tell me this secret you've been hiding?" Kari asks as she sits down on the couch in the living room.

The Keeper of Miracles let out a sigh of frustration before he takes off his jacket, leaving him with his short sleeved white T-shirt and pair of dark blue shorts.

Kari was about to ask Davis the reason for why he took off his jacket but he shushed her before taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, blue scales started forming on Davis' arms, his nails grew into claws, his teeth grew into fangs and his eyes became slit.

When the transformation had ended, the goggled boy had his hand on his chest and was breathing jagged breaths.

"Whoa…" Kari gasps as she stands up and walks up to the hybrid before rubbing her hand onto his scales, shocked by how smooth they were.

"Wow, your scales are so smooth it's almost like a pearl" she gasps, subconsciously moving closer while continuing to rubbing the other brunet's arm.

"Ah… Kari, you're kind of standing a little too close for comfort" Davis said with a blush on his face as he takes a step back.

"Really? Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kari exclaimed as she jumps back with a blush on her face.

"Uh, Kari? I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I need to take off my shirt" the goggled boy asks all of a sudden.

"Sure…" the Child of Light trailed off, wondering the reason behind the request.

Davis pulls off the T-shirt and it was then Kari understands his need to take off his T-shirt, he had a pair of white dragon wings that barely could be hidden inside his shirt.

Kari also noticed that the scales on Davis' arms reached just pass his shoulders but his torso, which was slightly muscular from all the soccer practices had normal tanned human skin.

"You have wings?!" Kari gasps as she rubs the other brunet's wings.

"Yeah… Can you please stop rubbing my wings Kari? It's kind of uncomfortable" Davis asks, gently brushing her hand away with his tail.

"Sorry… Um… You want something to drink?" the Child of Light said nervously, trying to hide the blush of embarrassment on her face.

"Sure, as long as it's not one of your mother's experiments".

Kari laughed at those words and walked to the kitchen to get some drinks while Davis sits down at the couch, being mindful to not crush his tail and wings.

A few minutes later, Kari comes back into the living room with two cans of soda in her hands.

She gives a can to Davis and sits down next to him.

"Hey Davis, I've been wondering" Kari started after a while, gaining the dragon hybrid's attention.

"I saw Takato breathe fire a few days ago. Can you also do that?" she asks as she turns her head towards Davis.

The Keeper of Miracles said nothing as he puts his soda down onto the coffee table and picks up a candle sitting on it.

He brought the candle near his mouth and with a light exhale; he lit the candle wick in a blue flame.

"Does that answer your question?" Davis said with a smug smirk as he puts the candle back onto the coffee table.

"Wow…" was all Kari could say as she stares at the lit candle in awe.

"Amazing, is it? Takato doesn't have a dragon form like I do fortunately; I wouldn't want my brother to have this power. But there's an upside to being a half dragon, I have a high internal temperature; so I'll never feel cold. Here, feel it for yourself" the Keeper of Miracles said as he takes Kari's hand and puts it on his chest.

"Wow, you're right; you're really warm in the inside" Kari gasps before looking up.

It was then that Kari and Davis notice how close they were to each other as they seem to be caught in a trance.

They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity for the duo before a beeping sound brought them out of their trance.

Davis fished through his pants pockets and brought out his cellphone.

It had a text message that came from Takato, it said:

'Davis, where are you? It's getting late.


"It's from my bro, he wants to know why I'm gone for so long" Davis said.

"I guess I should be going back now, huh?" he said as he stands up.

"Well, see you tomorrow Davis" Kari said sounding a little sad for some reason.

Davis hangs his shirt and jacket onto his shoulder and turns towards the front door but stops for a moment.

"Davis is something wrong?" Veemon asked his partner.

"Nothing's wrong, Vee. How about I fly you back home?" the dragon hybrid suggested.

"Really? Cool!" the rookie cheered as he hops onto his partner's shoulder.

"Why not, right? You've always been carrying me around during our adventures in the Digital World, now it's my turn to return the favor" Davis said as he opens the balcony door and walks outside.

"Oh yeah, Kari, Takato's friends from Shinjuku are coming here tomorrow. Want to come along to meet them?" he asked.

"I would love to" Kari answered and with that Davis stretched out his wings and took to the skies with an over ecstatic Veemon laughing with joy as he hangs for dear life.