The final chapter is here! Thank you so much for all the love and support, the response that this story generated was (and is) truly overwhelming! I hope you all the enjoy:)


Deeks could hardly even believe that he'd managed to fall asleep.

He pushed himself up in his chair, his right hand still linked with one of Kensi's. The grip had been thoroughly loosened on both ends, to the point where their fingers were merely lying on top of each other's.

She was sleeping soundly in front of him, her body laying in a slightly different position than it had been previously. Her eyes were puffier, her cheeks redder- Kensi had clearly been crying.

His heart began to race even faster as he noted the new IV that had been placed strategically in her arm.

She'd woken up.

Deeks couldn't help but break into a smile, knowing that she'd continued holding his hand after coming to consciousness. Not jerking or pulling it away... now that was a first.

He sat up straight, yawning and rubbing his eyes with the one hand that was still free. Apparently the sound Deeks made was louder than he intended, as Kensi began to stir beside him.

He cursed inaudibly to himself for being so careless, but it was too late for him to try and be quieter. He'd already woken her up.

Kensi's eyes fluttered, her hazel and brown orbs needing a long moment to adjust to the light.

"Hey, partner."

Deeks smiled. Her voice was most definitely the most beautiful sound he'd heard all day.

"Hey there," he replied simply, leaning forward with both elbows resting on his knees.

"You're not gonna punch me in my bullet hole, are you?"

Deeks chuckled as she continued squinting at him, her lips turning up into a tiny grin.

"No, no Kensalina. That's your joke, not mine."

Her smile widened. "How do you know I was joking?"

He nodded slowly, eyes gleaming wide a strong sense of pride.

She was starting to sound like him.


Kensi looked him up and down, her eyes lagging as they caught on his bloodstained tee shirt.

"You look like you just walked out of a horror movie."

He was cute enough to be in a horror movie, too. One of those frat guys, super muscular and-

No, Kensi. Pull it together.

"Well, I kinda did."

She laughed, the sound uneasy and slightly louder than usual, like she was overcompensating.

"What do you mean? Did I miss something? Are you an actor now?"

Deeks tucked his head, ruffling the mop of shaggy blond hair that sat atop his head.

"Nope. It just kinda felt like one, that's all."

Kensi's face fell, her eyes widening slightly.

"I'm sorry."

He tried to smile, but it was clearly strained.

"It's okay. I'm fine."

She raised her eyebrows. "You're fine?"

Deeks opened his mouth twice before any words would actually come out.

"Yes, I'm fine. You're the one that got shot today, not me."

She nodded, head partially cocked to one side.

"Very true. I feel like... death, just slightly warmer."

It wasn't the perfect illustration, but it was the only one she could come up with on the spot.

"That's a pretty valid description. You did almost die, after all."

Kensi's grip tightened up on his hand, instinctively. "I did."

Her voice became quieter, almost childlike as she continued.

"Thank you. For everything that you did."

Deeks didn't know exactly what she was referring to, so he went with the simplest, least incriminating conclusion.

"I was just being a good partner."

"Is that all?" She asked with one eyebrow raised, watching as Deeks' head popped up. "Because I think it would be worrisome if Sam and Callen started talking to one another like that."

Deeks blinked slowly. He smiled, but didn't laugh.



Swallowing and chuckling weakly, Kensi looked down to her feet, eyes closed as she desperately tried to find the words she was looking for.

"You know... one of the paramedics said that you just kept holding me, even as they tried to pry me away," she stated, almost timid as she lifted her gaze to meet his. "They said you didn't want to let me go."

He didn't drop her gaze, not even for a second. "They were right. I didn't."

Kensi's eyes dampened immediately, but she made no quick effort to wipe at her cheeks or try to stifle them. She just let the tears flow.

They stained her face, dripping down one by one onto the blanket that covered her legs.


It was a stupid question, and she knew it. But for some reason, a large part of her kept on insisting that she ask it.

"Well, for one... you're my partner. It's my job to keep you safe."

She nodded, almost looking disappointed- but the feeling was premature. Deeks wasn't finished yet.

He scooted another foot in her direction, almost completely closing the distance between them.

"It's more than that, though."

Kensi listened intently, and couldn't help but blush as the heart monitor next to her began beeping louder and louder.


Deeks didn't even acknowledge it. He was far too lost in her eyes.

"It's a love story, Kens."

She tried exhaling, but the air just got caught up somewhere in her chest. It hurt like hell, and she began to wonder why. Going into cardiac arrest can be painful, she reminded herself.

"It is."

There they were. The exact same words they'd shared right after she'd been shot. Except this time, the circumstances had vastly improved.

Nobody was dying.

"I love you."

She chuckled, loving how genuine it sounded.

"I felt like that was already implied when you said the whole 'love story' thing."

Deeks shrugged, smiling right back at her.

"It still doesn't hurt for me to repeat it though, right?"

"Nope. I don't mind hearing it... or saying it myself."

"You still haven't," he stated, only half-kidding.


"Nope. Not yet."

Kensi smirked. "Okay, well... I do."

"You what?"

She was toying with him, and he adored it. That day had been filled with too much heartache- a little bit of laughter was highly necessary.

"I love you."

The words were simple and profound, real and true.

"I love you too."

Kensi smiled. "I think you already said that."

"Well... I wanna tell you again. Is that bad?"

"No. Not at all. You can tell me as often as you want."

"Okay then." Deeks grinned, one that was crooked and made Kensi wonder how a single human being could possibly be that gorgeous. "I love you, I love you, I love youuuu-"


"-youuuuuu, I lo-"


"-ve youuuuuu-"

"Ms. Blye?"

An unfamiliar voice. That finally shut him up.

The nurse entered slowly, looking rather bemused. "Sorry to interrupt- can I, um-"

She pointed one finger towards the counter in the back of the room, clearly flustered by the little confession she'd just overheard.

Yeah. Some friend.

Kensi's cheeks reddened, and she swiftly jerked her hand away from Deeks'.

"Um, sure! Go ahead.

The woman nodded, turning away and biting her bottom lip in an attempt not to laugh.

Kensi swatted Deeks on the shoulder the minute the nurse was no longer looking.

"Ow!" he whisper-yelled. "What the hell?"

"You're very... loud."

He rolled his eyes, grabbing her hand once again.

"Okay, whatever."


"Yeah, whatever. Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird."

Kensi knew that she was acting really weird.

"You're acting super-duper weird. I thought you loved me, Kensalina?"

She just nodded, expression staunch. "I do love you."

"Then what... oh," he said, mouth turning up in a smile. "I see."

"You see what?"

"You told her I was just your partner," Deeks whispered, eyeing the nurse as she quietly worked away.

She motioned for him to hush, but he just grinned wider.

"You did, didn't you?"

"I didn't! And keep your voice down!"

"What did you tell her then?"

Kensi half-smiled. "I said that you were a friend."

"A friend?" He repeated, almost incredulous.

"Yes! What was I supposed to say? Partner?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, not sharing her large sense of concern.

"Yeah, probably."

She cocked her head to one side. "Aren't I an art curator?"

"Not here. You got shot, remember?"

She narrowed her eyes, feigning a glare. Okay, so the whole 'maintaining cover' thing had been silly.

"Yes, I remember. Smart ass."

"Awww, come on Ferny. You know I love you."

Kensi simply nodded, a slight twinkle in her eyes.

"You said it about fifteen times. It would be worrisome if I hadn't picked up on it yet."

He winked. "How right you are."

Pausing, Deeks looked over his shoulder to the nurse, then back to Kensi.

"I really wanna kiss you."

She cocked her head to one side, heart rate skyrocketing.

That damn machine.

"There will be plenty of time for that later."

"Oh, I know."

The way he smiled was so certain, yet still so teasing. It was just so Deeks.

And it basically made her heart melt into a puddle, just like everything else he did.

"I think you want me to kiss you too."

"How's that?"

He nodded his head to the left. "Heart monitor. It comes close to exploding every time I smile."

She opened her mouth to respond, hoping to say something cheeky about how he really was going to kill her one day, but the nurse tiptoeing out of the room stopped her.

Deeks' eyes tailed her as she left, but returned to Kensi once the door was closed.

"Look at that. Now there's nothing to stop me from-"

She didn't even give him a chance to finish that one simple thought. Kensi sat forward and wrapped both arms around his neck, pressing his lips to hers. The frantic movement hurt, but only for a moment.

Deeks stood up from his chair, leaning down to meet her. He tried his best to be gentle with her fragile frame, letting one hand rest behind her neck, the other on her shoulder.

Kensi could feel a smile appear on his face as he finally pulled away, the tips of their noses touching.

"I was gonna say 'from kissing you.'"

"Sorry. I guess I beat you to it."

He smiled, slowly lowering himself back down into his seat. "It seems that you did."

Suddenly and without warning, Deeks could just feel that little black ring box in his pocket. His face turned white, the change in complexion rather alarming to Kensi.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he whispered, smiling and exhaling as he brushed a small tuft her hair behind her ear. "Absolutely nothing."

It wasn't the right time, definitely not. Too soon- he knew that.

But one day down the road, when the time was just right, he'd finally offer up that little diamond ring to her.

And for the first time in his life, Deeks was genuinely confident that she'd accept.