Jade's return to wrestling five months after giving birth to Mackenzie was huge in the wrestling industry. She wasn't cleared to wrestle just yet, but wanted to get back into the scene as soon as possible to avoid thinking any more about Shawn and Jenny's baby. She hadn't seen Shawn since the wedding day and the minute she left their apartment, but the image of him, pathetic and upset, never left her mind. Only two hours before the show began, Jade found Jenny backstage, looking truly pregnant. "I just wanted to congratulate you on your return and wish you good luck tonight," Jenny said with a sweet smile. Jade nodded, unable to say anything to the girl she had deemed one of her closest friends only months ago. "Thanks, Jenny. I have to go now. I have to talk to some people before the show starts." Jade started to head out of the room. "Okay, Jade. Is it alright if I stay here for a while? My back is killing me." Jade nodded absentmindedly. Jenny was the furthest thing from her mind that night. At the other side of the arena, Shawn sat with Hunter. "Just be yourself, man, and she can't really stay mad," Hunter coached. "Ha! You don't really know Jade, do you?" Shawn asked, a small smile playing his lips. "Something tells me if I screw this up, she will stay mad at me until the cows come home. She won't let anything sway her opinion unless it's honest and true." Hunter nodded. He knew that; Steph was the same way. Moments before Shawn's music hit the stage, Jade was on her way back into her dressing room. Before she could even open the door all the way, she heard a voice. It was Jenny's. "But Josh, you're the father of my baby! You have to pay me child support! Well, yes, I did talk to a lawyer, and he said you have to face up to your parental rights." Wait a moment. Josh? Father of Jenny's baby? What was going on here? Jade burst into the room with such force that she felt she was going to rip the door off it's hinges. "Jenny? What the hell is going on here?" Jenny sat, her mouth agape in surprise. She recoiled in horror and dropped the phone. Speechless, she made a dash for the door but years of wrestling training allowed Jade to beat her there. She practically spit in her face, "What the hell is going on?" "Alright, it was bull!" Jenny cried. "Shawn is not the father, nor did I sleep with him. I said that because I've hated you from day one. You've always had it easy, Jade! The boys crawl over each other to get to you, your family is rich, you're famous and you're pretty! I'm none of those things. For once, I wanted to see you get the heartbreak instead of me." Jade stood by the doorway, unable to speak. Anger flashed before her eyes as she heard Shawn being introduced on the television that hung in the corner of the room. Her eyes drifted upwards and Jenny escaped out of the room, taking all of her lies and deceit with her. But Jade didn't care. She focused on the T.V., eager to hear what Shawn was going to say. "I'm not out here tonight to wrestle," he began. "I'm out here to tell someone whom I care about very much what the true story is. "Jade, I know tonight is your return to the WWF and I don't want anything to ruin this because its your night. But I feel you must know this." He took a deep breath. "I did not sleep with Jenny. Her baby is not mine. I don't know whose it is, but it sure as hell doesn't belong to me. I've got my baby- our baby-and I don't need anything else right now. Jade, I love you. Even if you don't forgive me, I love you still. And I know, I pray, deep down inside, you love me, too." He turned around to face the stage and there she stood, as beautiful as the day he first met her. The lights behind her lit her up, like an angel as she ran down the ramp and into Shawn's waiting arms. "I love you, too," she whispered to him. "I'm so sorry." The crowds were going wild with cheers. If only they knew that this wasn't part of the storyline, Jade thought to herself, holding Shawn closer to her. If only they knew that life wasn't a game, a story for people to play parts in. But that didn't matter now. Jade had her family back and she couldn't be happier.