A/N: So I haven't touched in forever. My last year in high school turned out to be far more stressful than I believed, but here I am. I've graduated and started my first job and I'm well on my way to becoiming an adult. I've promised to finish both Spirited and Ages, and Ii'm going to hold true to that promise. So with that said, here is the final chapter to my first fanfiction ever, Sesshomaru Touching Across The Ages.

Final Chapter

Sesshomaru's POV

The large temple loomed over me, the old stone covered by thick vines bathed in the moonlight. Centuries of neglect had left it in this condition, and now parts of the walls and stairs were missing. Slowly, Sesshomaru made his way up the stairs as he heard the shriek of Jaken's voice.

"Lord Sesshomaru, why have we come here?!" He asked, looking around in confusion.

"Do not follow me Jaken." He ordered, not even glancing back at the little imp.

"M-Mi'lord…?" He stuttered, sounding confused.

"I have business with the one who lives here." He continued without hesitation into the slowly crumbling building. Contradictory to its outward appearance, the walls and rooms inside the temple were pristine and clean, as if the centuries of neglect and isolation had never once touched them. A large door, locked by a powerful spell stood before me, blocking my path to the one he wanted to meet. He stepped up to the door to where an indent in the wall was carved out. Pulling out the corresponding piece, he pressed the artifact I had found a few months previously into the hollow space.

A perfect fit.

The door glowed with a pink light as the spell dissolved and the door slowly open with a low grumble of stone against stone. Inside was a smaller room with a pool of water that was entirely still. The glassy surface of the water reflected the ceiling in a mesmerizing pattern of stones cut out perfectly with one another.

As Sesshomaru approached the pool of water, a pale blue light began to form in the water. As the light grew, a figure of a woman took shape standing above the water. A faint ripple began, distorting the reflection if the image. A moment later the woman came into full view. Black silky hair flowed down and fanned outward as if she were underneath the water, her thin and pale figure clothed in a white kimono decorated in golden curls and spirals in a dizzying pattern. The woman opened her eyes and looked down at the calm Sesshomaru, her own expression matching his own.

"So, you have finally made it to my shrine." She said in a delicate, otherworldly voice. "Please tell me what you wish for."

"You see everything. You should already know my wish." Sesshomaru replied to which she responded with a nod.

"I do." She began. "However, your wish cannot be granted so easily. All paths back to her time have been used already. They cannot be used again."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly. "There must be some way." He had come so far and he was not about accept an answer like that.

"Do you really care for her so much?" the goddess asked him. "Your goal to become a ruler like your father, it would not be possible in the future." She watched the demon standing before her with curiosity. "Do you truly love her this much? Or are you pushing your feelings for Rin onto her?"

Sesshomaru didn't move. He had never thought of that. Was that what he was doing? Had he been directing his feelings for Rin onto Sakura?

"There's only one way for you to return to her time. If you can truthfully tell me that you are willing to go through with it, then I will help you."

He looked down, going deep into thought. There would be no turning back after this. Is this what I truly wanted? Was he ready to give it away in order to be with her? A minute went by in silence before he gave his answer.

Sakura's POV

"There you go!" My mother smiled, satisfied with her work. "I'm glad I bought this kimono for you." She said, admiring the pale green gown and lavender obi.

"Thanks mom." I smiled back at her. "Here, let me do yours now." I said, picking up the blue obi and wrapping it around her waist. The school year had ended and I had come out of my slump since then. I still missed Sesshomaru deeply, but I had accepted that he probably wouldn't come back. The first summer festival was tonight and my family was going to meet up with Ayame and Masaru's families as well. Once my mother and father were ready, we all got in the car and made our way to where the festival was being held. Ayame and Masaru were already waiting for me when we got there, so I hurried over to meet up with them.

"Hey Sakura! I love your kimono!" Ayame squealed excitedly, her arms wrapping around me in a tight hug.

"Thanks… I laughed and hugged her back. "I love yours too! The obi matches your hair perfectly!" Ayame smiled at the compliment then grabbed Masaru's arm.

"Notice anything different about him?" She grinned as I realized it.

"Where are your glasses?" I asked.

"I just got some new contacts today." He said with a shy grin. "I'm still adjusting to them though."

I nodded. "I'm happy for you though! You look great!" The three of us counted our money and headed off while our parents talked. We spent most of our time playing games and buying a few keychains. After a few hours, we found a taiyaki shop and bought a few. As Ayame and Masaru sat down on a bench, I went off to buy us some soda. It took me a while, but I found a place selling ramune and hurried over. I wonder if Sesshomaru would like ramune… I thought to myself as I handed over a five dollar bill. I quickly shook my head to clear my mind. No, he's not going to come back. You need to stop thinking about him. I took the three sodas and began to walk away, my head down. I kept telling myself that I was over it, but my mind still wandered back to him. What would he think of this? How would he react to that?

Suddenly I crashed into someone and yelped in surprise. "I'm so sorr-" I looked up to see Ichiro standing there. My apologetic tone and expression turned flat as we made eye contact. "Oh. Sorry." He frowned at me and I quickly tried to walk around him before he could hit on me again.

"Hey!" He snapped, grabbing my wrist. "What have I ever done to you, huh?" He glared at me and I stared at him in pure disbelief.

"What have you DONE to me?" I asked, trying to step back. "You've treated my friends like dirt and then expected me to go out with you! Is your ego really so big that you can't see what an awful person you are?!" Any patience or tolerance I had before was gone as I snapped at him. "Why are you so fascinated with me anyways?! Or are the rumors in school true that you have some sort of cruel prank planned for me if I ever did go out with you?!" I watched as genuine shock went through his expression at my last comment. "Fix how you treat people before you go around thinking you're the king of the hill." I spun around and tried to storm off when suddenly he grabbed my arm, more firmly this time.


"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled, struggling more. His grip was strong however and I couldn't break free on my own. Soon however, another hand grabbed Ichiro's wrist and squeezed it painfully.

"I think you should leave." A deep, familiar voice spoke as Ichiro was shoved away. He growled, clearly frustrated, but then walked away. I looked up to see who had saved me to see a young man, only a few years older than I was with long, silky black hair.

"Th-Thank you…" I said, fixing my sleeve.

"Are you alright?" He asked, turning around to look at me.

"Yeah, I'm alri-" My eyes grew wide as I saw his face. Sharp, defined features and a calm expression on his face and a pair of black eyes. He looked different, but it was still him. "…s-sesshomaru…?" I croaked. He blinked and looked at me quizzically.

"No… my name is Sosaku." He said.

"O-Oh… I'm sorry, it's just that you look like someone I knew…" My heart was still thumping in my chest as he shook his head.

"That's alright. I used to get that quite a bit." He said. Once I calmed down and looked at him again, I realized that while he looked similar to Sesshomaru, his features seemed softer and more… human. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh! I'm Sakura." I quickly bowed to him. "Thank you again for your help."

"It's not a problem." It was then we both heard Ayame bustling through the crowd, calling my name with Masaru in tow.

"Sakura!" She sighed when she saw me. "What's taking so long?" She whined.

"Is this a friend of yours?" Sosaku asked.

"Hm?" Ayame looked up and almost screamed. "SESSHOMARU?!"

Somehow Sosaku ended up hanging out with us the rest of the night. As the festival began to come to a close, he gave me his cellphone number and left.

"That was the best festival yet!" Ayame cheered and looked down at the slip of paper with his number on it. "And you're SURE that he wasn't Sesshomaru?"

"For the fifth time Ayame, NO…" I groaned. "It couldn't have been!"

"I'm not so sure." Masaru admitted. We both stopped to look at him in confusion. "Remember when Sesshomaru told us that you were a reincarnation of your ancestor that he knew?" I nodded. "Well, who's to say that Sosaku isn't a reincarnation himself?" My heart leapt at the thought.

"So… There's still a chance?" I looked down at the number, my cheeks turning pink.

"…he's very different from Sesshomaru in some ways, but I don't think that's a bad thing." Masaru smiled. "If anything, you'll probably have a better chance of having a relationship with him than you did with Sesshomaru."

Hope filled my heart as the possibility began to sink in. Our past lives seemed to have fallen away from each other. Maybe, just maybe, our new selves have a chance to be with one another…

The End