A/N: You Last Chapter!

"Cat come on! You gotta go to school!" Sam yelled, throwing a pillow at the distraught red head.

"But I don't wanna go…" She cried.

"Oh, you'll get over him." Sam groaned.

"No I won't! I love him Sam!" She yelled into her pillow. "Have you ever loved someone?" She asked, picking her head up to look at her.

"Yeah…" She sighed.

"Then you should know how I feel." She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well you still have to go to school kiddo."

"I k-know…" She sniffled, getting out of bed.

She was thinking about wearing leggings and giant sweatshirt, but at the same time she wanted to look pretty for him, even though things were different than what they were Saturday.

So she decided to wear a pretty pink sundress with little white flats. She curled her hair all nice and put on some makeup to cover up her now red puffy face. She was too upset to eat breakfast so she just grabbed her things and headed for the door.

"Hey." Sam followed her. "You'll be fine." She said, patting her on the shoulder before giving her friend an awkward hug.

Cat giggled, knowing Sam didn't like hugs and hugged her back tightly before leaving for school.

Students filled the halls of Hollywood Arts, gathering their things for their classes for the day.

Beck was following Jade around like a love sick puppy. Carrying her books, getting her coffee, and totally winning her over, whether she liked it or not.

Tori was with her group of friends by her locker, discussing a new school play. Her attitude definitely changed after Saturday, seeing one of best friends fall head over heels in love with the underdog. It made her realize that Robbie is no different than Beck in any way. She even smiled at him softly, as a silent hello without anyone noticing.

"Hey Rob." Andre smiled, waving at Robbie.

Andre was one of those kids that were popular, but not popular at the same time. He had a good heart and was friends with everyone. And everyone was friends with him. He was the kind of person you could never sick of being around.

"Hey." Robbie waved, trying to be pleasant, before walking over to his locker.

Robbie sighed. He did not want to be at school today. But when he tried to tell his mom he wasn't feeling well…that didn't work out so good.

He opened up his locker, lazily throwing his books into it before slamming it shut.

"Hey Robbie." Sinjin greeted him.

"Listen, Sinjin. I'm not really in the mood-"


Robbie's heart started racing at the sound of her airy giggle down the hall. He tried to act calm but his heart beat was beating at a rapid speed.

He looked to Sinjin and tried to finish his sentence but was too distracted by the flash of red velvet hair walking by. She was smiling, walking with a group of her friends. Her eyes flickered to Robbie for a split second, her smile wavering. Sinjin walked away, heading to his own locker.

Then as she walked by them, a small folded piece of paper fell from her books.

Robbie swallowed the lump in his throat, picking up the paper.

"Uh…excuse me, miss?" He stopped her nervously.

A few of her friends laughed at him but Cat looked delighted, smiling from ear to ear at him.

"I think you dropped this…" He smiled back.

She took it from him, their fingers brushing passed each other making them both blush.

"No, this is yours." She smiled, before handing it back to him and walking away.

Robbie was confused. He saw it drop from her things, there was no way it was his.

He carefully opened it up.

Don't you forget about me, okay handsome?

Robbie smiled, knowing that he said those words to her two days ago. He smiled even more when he saw her number written underneath it.

Continuing to examine the paper he chuckled when he saw her little doodle at the bottom of the paper.

Robbie + Cat = Forever in a little heart.

He smiled at her innocence before looking up at her.

She seemed to be deep in conversation with a tall blonde but once her eyes met his, her face turned red and she smiled widely at him.

One of her friends followed her gaze.

"He's such a dork, isn't he?" She asked.

Cat nodded, because his dorkiness was probably what she loved the most about him.

When her friend turned away to talk to someone else, Robbie waved lightly to her, making her giggle. She winked at him before the bell rung, signaling them to go to class.

Everyone left the halls, including Cat and her group, leaving Robbie there, staring at the piece of paper.

He quickly took out his phone, typing in her number. Then, taking her words from Saturday, just like she took his, he texted her.

I could never forget about you.

And with that he grabbed his things and headed to class, throwing his fist into the air in triumph.

A/N: Well that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed it!

I want to give english groovster (FlameKat) a lot of credit for this because it was originally her story AND her idea. She's awesome and one of my favorite authors on here. :)

So if you haven't checked out her yet go and read her stories! They're all really good:) I would know, too. I've re-read them multiple time haha

Well review and let me know what you think!

Thanks for sticking with story even though there was a very long gap of waiting for updates haha!


Love you