Chapter 18 - Dusk of the Tale

The lowering sun gleamed, its reaches touching the glass windows of the throne room; the colors tainted the reflecting floors which the kingdom's advisors walked upon, whom were just being dismissed by the king. The crowned and mellowing man rubbed his chin as he walked in the other direction, grinning.

Frederick the 2nd, walking a ways, the clicking of his heels softly echoing through the halls . . .

It had been 41 years, since Fredrick had forever escaped the brutality of his father and he and Prussia had lived once again in the light without fear. The mortal's crowning had brought upon so much event throughout the mid-century that in the few decades of reign; battles and alliances had caused his blond hair to gray and his youthful skin to wrinkle.

Disturbance from all around had brought upon war, the weakening of Austria, as well as its and his stubbornness, had been attacked by all sides, constant shifting and transforming of alliances and even inviting ones of the farthest in moving forward with time, dared to step on European soil and taint the ground with foreign essence.

But then, there was Enlightenment, the door to knowledge being opened. Its bright path glowing with welcome of creativity and melodious sounds, to Frederick, this was wonderful. He felt as if the Lord was finally blessing him with opportunities to use his gifts.

. . .

. . .

His footsteps stopped . . . a laden feeling rushing over him. He glanced around seeing that he had wandered into one of his leisure rooms, its walls padded with scarlet tapestry, lounge seating, and crafted tables, and lastly; upon the farthest wall, was a painting of Hans.

Frederick slowly paced toward it, his saddening eyes drinking in the light and dark colors of Hans's shining chest plate and golden sleeves; like a General. He gazed at the painting's warm, rosy tinted, smile and the old man grew thoughtful. He had wondered and wondered again if the ghost of Hans was watching him now, sitting on his own golden throne with his personal crown of jaspers and rubies, robed in white, but had a morose visage while gazing down from Heaven.

The king sighed and lowered his gaze, oh Hans . . . have you and your father reunited?

He pictured the devoted father's deathbed and his spirit rising and flowing away to the skies, joining his young son . . . then there was a soft cry.

He blinked and turned himself toward the faraway sound, and along with cries was the clicking of the heels, Frederick gave a humorous huff as he followed a certain blood-eyed, immortal to his bed chambers.

Looking in he saw Prussia carrying a tiny baby.

Frederick's fingers twitched as he gazed in awe, he wished he had something to write with.

Prussia was swaying from side to side, cradling the precious bundle of life in his arms as it cooed innocently. The avatar's eyes that usually had fire was now embers, just warm, soft, sparks that held a burning love in each little orb of red light. His breaths were purposely slowed, the rising of his chest calming. The albino tenderly graced a forefinger over the babe's cheek and the little charge squeaked, then it was peacefully, silent again.

How Prussia could do this was quite beyond Frederick.

The nation looked up to Frederick, noticing the king's presence, he grinned and then moved kindly to the baby's crib and laid the small child down . . . Prussia then paused, puzzlement overtaking his features.

The monarch stepped forward next to him and gandered at the slumbering baby, he too became puzzled.

"How is my little nephew," Frederick started, after a moment of silence. Prussia crossed his arms atop the crib bars and rested his head.

"He's fine . . . but that's what scares me."

Frederick glanced at the avatar in question.

"I don't get it," Prussia continued, "I analyzed the World Map a million times over, yet this kid has no track of land with his name on it, nothing." He buried his face, "I know, I can sense it, Fritz, I can sense it, whenever I hold him I feel his energies through mine, this babe has the essence of a nation in his blood, but where is his land?" He arose, "There is no land, it's all claimed! There's no room left!" He turned and huffed, placing his hands on the back of his head in frustration, "I don't know . . . maybe I'm getting too old."

Frederick chuckled, "Nein, it's not that old friend." Prussia glanced at him, confused. The king gazed at the child thoughtfully.

"Don't doubt your senses, I believe you about this young boy; this babe is the beginnings of a new country, I don't think you should search, just wait and see."

Frederick turned to Prussia and patted his back comfortingly, "Now, why don't we go ride, the sun is setting right now meaning that there are only a few precious hours left before nightfall, and you've been in here for a long time, you need some fresh air-

Frederick noticed that Prussia wasn't giving his full attention, the immortal had turned his head toward the crib and his eyes were wild with panic.

"Prussia, what is wrong?"

Prussia began to walk slowly toward the crib, "The baby. He's not breathing."

Frederick was startled for a second as he turned towards the crib, only to see that the baby was indeed breathing, even giving out a soft snore. He placed his hands on his hips and furrowed his eyebrows at Prussia.

"Prussia, the child is fine."

Prussia was now leaning into the crib, horror still evident in his face somehow, "Nein, nein, it's crib death."

Frederick pressed the bridge of his nose, he really does need to go outside. "Prussia, he's sleeping. The baby's asl- PRUSSIA, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?"

Frederick jumped at the sight of Prussia swiftly grabbing a footstool and was in the motion of climbing into the crib himself.

"I have to save him!" Prussia responded in an abnormal tone. The king let out a huff as he grabbed Prussia, slowing the immortal's descent into the crib which was way too small for him to fit and would break under his weight.

"Prussia, for God's sake, get your leg out of the crib!"

"But he's dea-dying!"

Frederick readied himself to tug the hallucinating being, when he heard the baby give out a wail, Prussia's grasp on the crib bars slacked at the sound, and the monarch took the moment to rip Prussia away from the spot and drop him to the floor.

The small child continued to cry at the disturbance as Frederick panted from the effort, how could I be losing my strength so quick at the age of fifty-nine, I'm not that old yet!

Prussia whimpered as he arose from the floor to start back at the crib, his heart feeling more torn with despair than it should be. The albino throws his hand into the crib and points his forefinger for the babe to cling too; then taking a moment to hear the child's wails, he begins to imitate.

Frederick grasps Prussia and begins to drag him towards the door, Prussia weakly fidgets.

"F-Fritz, what are you doing, why is my little Bruder going far away?"

Frederick rolled his eyes, my goodness, Prussia!

"You have been inhaling the baby's feces for too long now! I am bringing you outside!"

Prussia gawked at him, "But he's crying!"

"I will have a servant tend to him, do not worry, he will be in good hands," Frederick promised as he continued to haul Prussia down the staircase.

Prussia was slouching in the grass as Frederick returned with two of their horses for the ride. The immortal raised his head and breathed.

"Oh Fritz, I'm really sorry about that, I had no idea that when you "change" and "clean" a baby nation, their smells could clog up your head."

Frederick grinned warmly and chuckled, "That's alright, mein Freund, but I must say, it is rather unwise to have your nose constantly in the baby's face and his fingers in your mouth."

Prussia haggardly nodded, "Ja, ja Fritz, I "hear" you!" Hearing the tone in the albino's voice, Frederick smacked the back of Prussia's head.

"Ow! Okay, okay!" Prussia obliged.

Frederick smirked as he grasped the saddle and lifted himself onto it and Prussia did the same. The horses snorted as a warm wind picked up, blowing the trees making the leaves rustle violently, and making the lime, green grass wave in the invisible movement.

Prussia let his trademark grin spread across his lips, "Well Fritz? You got your quill and paper prepared to construe the wondrous view of the red, twilight sun and the shadowed colors of the valleys and forests of the Kingdom of Prussia that tower over the peasant farms of Austria?"

Frederick couldn't help but chuckle, "Ja, meinen Reich!"

The monarch then snapped the reins and clicked his tongue, and the horse whinnied as the horse started off!

Prussia was startled, "Hey! Don't start without me!" The avatar started his horse and quickly galloped after Frederick, who was bellowing a laugh!

The proud German pair rode off to the hillside, the hooves of the horses imprinting their sprints into the waving grass and their sunset shadows danced alongside them.

Frederick the 2nd.

The Kingdom of Prussia.

It was meant to be for the prince to, alone, see a wondrous creation from Heaven and to be within the being's reach, for it was to be written in the scrolls of history, that a significant mortal was to place a stamp of excellence in the timeline; and the very magnificent, pure white being, was to carry it out until it's time was done.

At its ending, it will be time to pass the being's recordings to its predecessor, but one thing remains . . . will it take care of its teachings . . . or will it allow the hands of a dark dictator to taint it . . .

. . . but even if the worst happens, the mark will be there as a heart of one's memory, as long as it lives on . . .

. . . so will the name . . . of the avatar who was called, the Kingdom of Prussia.

~The End~


Aww man! I wanna thank you all for followin' this story and readin' it ALL THE WAY THROUGH! I especially appreciate NOT bailing out on me when I lied about updating it weekly ^^' and ending up having to wait MONTHS for the next chappie.


The last paragraph about all the gobbled-gook about the dark dictator coming to taint "stuff." Well~ That is like a more creative way of saying: "to be continued."

"WAT? There's more," you ask? Yes there is and THAT is the reason why this this story took so long to complete, I have been preparing a second story which follows 147 years after this one! Can you guess? Do the math!

The Great *cough cough* World *cough* War *cough*

AAAAAAAnd it will include ALL THE OTHER NATIONS! YAY! ( well it has too )

Anyway, keep an eye out for the next story! Put me in the alert thingamajig thing, follow meh, WHATEVAH, if you're interested.

AUF WIEDERSEHEN! Until next time~