Everyone and their mother have done their own take on Aang and Katara's reunion after the war, but I just had to do my own. The idea's been stuck in my head for far too long.

This will be split into three chapters, and is obviously Kataang. PLEASE enjoy, and don't forget to review!

NEW cover art is done by the wonderful StasySolitude from dA! Thank you SO MUCH for letting me use it 3

Obviously I don't own Avatar or any of the characters in this fic.

1. Yearning

"Zuko, don't worry. We can take Azula."

"It's not her I'm worried about. I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?"

"Aang won't lose. He's gonna come back. He has to."

He has to.

He has to.

Those words echo through her head for about the hundredth time that evening. She realises that she's convincing herself as opposed to Zuko this time, and that his own words are also ringing in her ears, causing a severe headache to her already pained mind.

What if he DOES lose? The thought is too much for her to bear, but she just can't push it out of her brain. It gnaws down on her very soul, her very being, and goes as far as forcing her to wonder what she would do without him.

Without him, the world wouldn't make sense. Without him, it would stop turning completely. Without him, she'd be lost, forever. What would she do? How could she go on? She wouldn't want to, a world without him isn't a world at all.. it'd just be emptiness. Wasted space.

As would she.

"Katara?" Zuko's voice cut into her painful thoughts and temporarily scattered them, which she was thankful for. She was pulled back into their current situation: both sat on the steps of the palace entrance, recently having defeated Azula and eagerly awaiting the others' safe return and good news. She would wait forever if she had to.

"Hm?" she answered, looking to him in a slight daze.

"Why are you crying?"

These words surprised her, and she touched her fingertips to her cheek, surprised to discover it was moist with stray tears and that her throat was heavy with a thick lump. She swallowed it down and closed her eyes, allowing a few more to fall through her lashes.

"I guess I'm just worried," she replied weakly. Zuko nodded in silent understanding, making her realise how grateful she was that he was there with her. He'd risked his life for her after, taking Azula's lighting bolt before it could reach her. So all she could for him was pure gratitude and appreciation.

"Me too." His voice was soft and strained, and she realised that she wasn't the only one missing her dear friends. They were his friends too, and the realisation almost made her feel selfish. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, and he smiled at her. She smiled back, but it was very weak and forced.

"How's your chest?" she asked, changing the subject and referring to his bandaged lightning wound.

"Painful," he replied simply, wincing as he shifted his position. "But at least I'm alive. Thanks to you."

The sincerity in his voice rang clear, and her smile became a bit more genuine. "You really think I'd let Azula take anyone else from me?" she asked, her voice slightly dark. "She struck Aang down right in front of my eyes.." They automatically shut as she relived the agonising memory. Watching him fall, completely lifeless.. it was one of the most terrifying moments of her life.

"If it hadn't been for the spirit water, I don't know if I could've brought him back."

"It's just a good thing you didn't waste it on me then, isn't it?" Zuko asked with a dark chuckle.

Katara didn't really know what to say to that, because it was true, even though she didn't really like the way he put it. Everything had gone wrong that day: from Zuko's betrayal to Aang's downfall to the fall of Ba Sing Se. It had been one of the worst days of her life, and it was only Aang's lucky revival that had made it worth living through.

"I'm glad you didn't though," he said, realising how difficult his words were to respond to. Katara nodded, looking down at her hands clasped in her lap, clinging to each other with silent desperation. How she wished it was Aang's fingers she was touching as opposed to her own. How she missed his touch.

How she missed him.

She had gone silent again, and Zuko wished he could comfort her properly. He wasn't very good at these kind of social situations (then again, he wasn't very good at most social situations..) and he'd recently discovered how much he hated seeing his friends in pain.

"They'll come back, Katara. They'll make it. Aang will find a way to defeat my father, and he'll come back with Sokka and Suki and Toph." She looked at him with her wide oceanic eyes, a glimmer of hope within them. "Don't give up on them. And don't give up on him. He needs you now more than ever, and he needs you to be strong. Okay?"

Taking in what he'd said, Katara nodded slowly, touching the pendant on her mother's necklace as a reflex. "Okay," she replied in a quiet raspy voice. He was right, Aang did need her. She just wished she could be there for him physically as opposed to in spirit, but she knew she had to remain hopeful. It was what they all deserved.

It was what he deserved.

The sea seemed to go on forever. It was as endless as his restless mind, and despite the aching of his entire body he just could not sit still. He stood at the window, the view never changing, and he stopped himself from asking when they'd get there in fear of being even more annoying as he'd already asked too many times.

But he was just so worried. He hadn't seen her in days, and all he knew was that she was facing Azula with Zuko.

Azula... the very same woman who had struck him down and succeeded. The very same woman who had almost completely taken him away from the world that had needed him so badly.

Who had almost completely taken him away from her.

He loved her. Every fibre of his being knew that, and had known it for a long time. His feelings had only grown and blossomed over time, and now all he could do was wish and hope and pray that somehow she was alright. That she was waiting for him with her warmth and beauty and purity and wonder to welcome him back to her where he belonged.

Sokka and Suki were quietly conversing every now and again as the Water Tribe warrior steered the airship, using Suki as a support due to his broken leg. They switched every now and again while Toph sat opposite the airbender, quietly alone with her thoughts. She had been with the couple for most of the journey, but it seemed her previous efforts had taken a toll on her, and she was taking a well deserved rest.

Aang turned and strode to the front of the ship, grabbing Sokka's telescope and looking through the broken glass of the window, desperately trying to find SOME sign of the Fire Nation.

Sokka and Suki exchanged a look, feeling sorry for the poor boy.

"I'm worried about her too, Aang," Sokka said softly, causing the Avatar to lower the contraption and turn to look at him. "She's my younger sister, how could I not be? But remember, she has Zuko, and you know as well as I do how tough she is."

"I know," Aang replied in a quiet voice. Suki placed a hand on his shoulder, and he smiled at her. "Don't be so nervous, Aang. I'm sure she's waiting for you right now," she said warmly, and the thought caused Aang's heart to jump with hope. Just the image of her waiting for him to return to her.. it stirred new undiscovered feelings from deep within, and made him all the more eager to reach their destination.

Considering he had been worrying about her for the majority of the trip, actually thinking about her waiting for him sparked a newfound hope inside him. He had her to return to, and that's what mattered. That's what he had to focus on.

"Besides, she needs to heal her dear old big brother's leg!" Sokka exclaimed, and Suki rolled her eyes affectionately. It was a gesture Aang had gotten very used to after observing the couple, and he found it ever so amusing and endearing. A quiet laugh escaped him, but he immediately regretted it when it hurt his chest. He grunted in pain and held it, instantly catching the couple's concerned attention.

"Aang, seriously, go sit back down. You need to get your rest," said Sokka.

"We'll wake you as soon as we reach the island, don't worry," Suki said in agreement. Aang nodded reluctantly and limped back to where Toph was sitting, taking a seat next to her.

He was taken by surprise when she took hold of his arm and gave it a squeeze. Such affection wasn't usually her style, so there was no doubt he appreciated it.

"Since you're all beaten up I can't exactly give you my normal punch of love, so this'll have to do." She said with a smirk. Aang smiled, enjoying the gentle sensation of her usually rough fingers against his skin. Like Suki's hand on his shoulder, such simple gestures really meant the world to him.

"I know how much you miss Katara," she said gently, feeling his heartbeat automatically speed up through his arm when she said her name. No matter who's lips it came from, it was the most beautiful sound in the world. "I miss her too. And believe it or not, I actually miss Zuko as well."

Aang nodded. While he was less worried about Zuko, the worry for him was still there. He was his friend too, and while he knew he was more prepared to fight his insane sister, things could still go wrong.

"But I'm sure they're just fine. Katara can handle just about anything, you know that better than anyone."

Of course he did, it was one of the many things he admired about her the most. One of the many things he loved about her the most. After everything she'd been through, she was so amazingly strong and durable. It was amazing.

"And Zuko knows what he's doing. Together they make a pretty unstoppable team, don't you think? They won't let anything happen to each other. You keep them hopeful, it's one of the things you're best at."

Her words touched him deeply, and reminded him of when Katara had told him something similar when the two had been alone in a cave during a vicious thunderstorm. It had comforted him then, and it comforted him now. Knowing he gave people hope.. it was one of his main drives: why he kept going. He owed them all for abandoning them for far too long, and he was going to make it up to them.

"Thanks Toph," was all he managed to say, and he just wished he could express his gratitude further. "Don't mention it," she replied, releasing his arm and dropping her hands in her crossed legs. He then pulled her into a gentle hug, and she returned it, holding onto him and rubbing his back. "They'll be okay. You'll see," she said softly, truly believing her words. And helping him to believe in them, too.

They'll be okay. He would return to them, and they would be waiting for him.

She would be waiting for him.

And she was. She was restless: yearning for him to return to her, anxiously pacing back and forth at the bottom of the stairs. Zuko was half-watching her, half lost in his own twisted thoughts. He was also worrying about their friends' safe return, as well as worrying and wondering about Mai. Hopefully her uncle would manage to get her out of prison.. and if not, he would do it himself. He owed her that much, and so much more.

Katara finally stopped in her tracks, realising she was only making herself feel even more tired. But she just couldn't help it.. she was longing for him. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt. It was like half of her heart had escaped her chest and travelled far across the ocean, leaving her feeling bare and incomplete.

The stark realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. It didn't just feel like it.. it was exactly how it was. Half of her heart was on the other side of the ocean, taking the form of a boy who had changed everything.

She loved him. Of course she loved him. It was so obvious.. how could she possibly not? She knew how he felt about her, and while her feelings hadn't always been clear to her they were certainly more than clear now.

The reason she'd been so confused before was all from the fear of losing him. The war had been the thing they'd all had to focus on, especially him. They couldn't allow themselves to be distracted.

But now, there was no confusion. She was lost and incomplete without him. She needed him back so she could feel whole again.

Doing as Zuko had said, she kept him in her thoughts, wishing for him to come back to her.

"I'm waiting for you. Don't be too much longer, I can hardly cope without you. I'm here, and I love you. My heart is with you, guiding you back to me. Please hurry."

She turned and went back up the steps to return to her seat next to Zuko, sitting her elbow on her knee and resting her face in her hand. Zuko looked to her, an almost surprised expression on his face.

"You look like you just had an epiphany," he said in a slightly amused voice. He knew the sensation all too well.

"You could call it that," she replied with a slight smile, enjoying this suddenly unlocked feeling within her chest. It was warm and electric, and made her feel alive. Of course she was still worried, but she would vigilantly stay hopeful despite these worries.

"Well, care to tell me what it was?" he asked, shifting slightly and holding onto his wound, not taking her eyes off her.

A blush appeared on her cheeks, and she stared up at the darkening sky.

"I love him," was all she said, sitting up straight and closing her eyes, hugging her torso with her arms and sighing softly.

Of course Zuko instantly knew who she was talking about. He smirked and leaned back slightly, turning his own eyes skyward.

"You should tell him," he said. "I'm sure he'd love to hear it."

Katara thought about that for a moment. How would she tell him? It was something she'd never had to do or deal with before, and just thinking about it was embarrassing her.

"I will when the time is right," she said, playing with her hair absent-mindedly, her face still hot. "He kind of has to come back first."

"I'm sure he will," said Zuko knowingly. He usually wasn't so optimistic, and he was surprising even himself. "They all will. And then you can tell him."

"Okay," she said with a slight chuckle.

"Aang! Toph!" came Sokka's voice suddenly, instantly getting his attention. He had almost been dozing off next to the earthbender, who was quickly getting to her feet and running over to the steering wheel. Aang airbended himself from his uncomfortable seat and rushed over to them, wasting no time in looking out the front window.

Sure enough, the island holding the Fire Nation was coming into view. The biggest smile appeared on Aang's face, and excitement rose inside him.

"Finally," he muttered in relief. Toph stood next to Sokka, letting him lean on her as Suki took full control of the wheel. "From all the excitement going on, I'm guessing we're getting close to the Fire Nation?" she asked with a smirk.

"Sure are," Sokka replied, grinning. "Isn't it funny how we're actually looking FORWARD to getting to the capital city now? Last time we were totally dreading it."

"Last time we were going there for battle. This time we're going there for celebration," Aang said softly, revelling in his words.

"Well I wasn't. I was too busy being stuck in a Fire Nation prison," Suki said dryly, slight amusement in her voice even though she sounded disappointed. The Boiling Rock had not been a pleasant experience for her, and she would've much preferred fighting alongside her friends.

"True, but at least you're coming with us for celebrating as opposed to invading." Sokka said with a shrug, and Suki nodded in happy agreement.

"Honestly, feel glad you weren't with us during the invasion. It was not a fun day," Toph muttered, remembering their defeat bitterly. They had been completely evaded by the Fire Lord. But now Aang had brought him down, so there was no need to dwell on it anymore.

They left the sea behind them as they drew closer to the volcano, gracefully gliding into the awaiting crater. There was an eerie calmness to it, and Suki guided it downwards as they all began looking for their friends.

"Can anyone see her? Where is she? Is she okay?" Aang asked desperately, leaning over the window sill and trying to spot Katara with the telescope, his heart still full of anxiety.

"I'm sure she's just fine Twinkle Toes, calm down. You're starting to make ME nervous," Toph groaned. At the same time she didn't really blame him though, especially considering she had a good idea of how much he loved the waterbender.

"Take 'er towards the palace, Suki. I'm pretty sure that's where they would've challenged Azula and kicked her sorry flamey butt," Sokka said eagerly as the Kyoshi warrior obeyed his request.

Aang set down the telescope, watching through the window crack as they sailed towards the palace. It was right in the centre, looming and obvious, smoke trailing up from the courtyard. The sky was bleak and covered in coal-covered clouds, but they still managed to fly towards it safely.

So close now. So close to her. Aang inhaled deeply as he watched the palace come closer to them: his heart heavy in his throat. He attempted swallowing it down, but it just wanted to burst.. he just wanted to burst.

"I'm coming, Katara."