"I just got the call from Charity." Tony announced as soon as he hung up his phone.

"ETA?" Abby asked.

"Twenty minutes." Tony answered.

"Alright people!" Abby called getting everyone's attention. "We have to pick up the pace!"

"Abby, we're almost finished decorating." McGee told her.

"And the buffet and gift tables are already set up." Ziva added.

"I want this to be perfect." Abby said. "Do we know when everyone else will be getting here?"

Just then the elevator dinged and several guests got off of the elevator. One of them was Katie, followed by two men Tony had never met, and Charity's cousin Lisa and her husband. "There he is, boys." Katie said, gesturing to Tony. "The man that tamed our Gunny."

"Hi Katie." Tony greeted. "I guess you are James and Dale?"

"Yeah." One of the men replied. "I'm Dale. I just had to meet the man who could make our fearless leader settle down."

"And see her pregnant. I'm still not sure I believe that one." James added.

"Believe it and she actually looks quite adorable." Katie said.

"Don't let her hear you say that." Tony replied.

"Where can we put our gifts, Tony?" Lisa asked, coming up to the group.

"Just on that table over there." Tony answered.

The elevator dinged again and this time Fornell and Mike stepped off. "You know, I knew that when we found you two in that cabin that something like this was gonna happen." Mike said to Tony.

"I swear on my life, it didn't happen then." Tony replied.

"No, but something sure started there." Mike countered.

"I'm just glad I was actually invited this time." Fornell said, looking at Gibbs.

"Don't look at me. I wasn't in charge of the guest list. This was all Abby." Gibbs replied.

"I should have known." Fornell replied and then turned to Abby. "Thank you."

"Well, you've kind of made yourself a part of this family." Abby replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish getting things ready."

Everyone was rushing to finish up the decorations. "Alright, I just a call from downstairs, she's checked in and on her way up." Tony announced loudly for everyone to hear.

They all took their places then, waiting for the elevator to stop and Charity to step off. When she finally did, they all yelled, "Surprise!"

Charity's eyes widened as she looked around. "What is all this?" She asked.

"It's your baby shower!" Abby answered excitedly. "I wanted to make it a surprise."

Charity broke out into an ear to ear grin. "I can't believe you did this."

"Well, little Sean is my nephew after all." Abby replied. "And it just didn't feel right to not have the family."

"My goodness Gunny, do I see tears in your eyes?" Dale teased as he came into her view.

"Damn hormones." Charity muttered, which made Dale laugh. She then fixed a glare on him and slapped the back of his head. "You better watch yourself Corporal."

Dale laughed. "There's the Gunny I know. I have to say, I've kinda missed the head slaps."

"How could you miss those?" James asked his tone teasing. "I think I'm finally starting to recover."

"You two should consider yourselves lucky." Katie said. "I haven't been able to avoid them since we got back."

"Alright, come on, we have a party to get to." Abby said, trying to get everyone back on track.

"I hope there's food." Charity said. "Sean and I are hungry."

"Don't worry, I have you covered." Abby said, gesturing to the buffet style table set up.

"What all do you want?" Tony asked his wife. "I'll get it for you and you can sit down."

"Everything." Charity answered.

Tony grinned and kissed Charity on the forehead. "I think I can manage that."

Everyone dug into the food and all picked places to either sit or stand. After finishing a plate, Charity was informed that she and Tony needed to open the gifts. They sat down and were presented with different boxes and bags to open. Vance and his wife had given them several plain onsies of varying sizes and a box of diapers. Ziva bought a car seat that also worked with a special stroller, which would change as Sean grew. McGee gave them a state of the art baby monitoring/home security system. Abby had found some fabric that had different Dr. Seuss characters on it with some of their famous sayings and made it into curtains and bedding. James and Dale gave them special onsies they had custom made with dog tags and camo print as well as one saying, "My Mommy can kick you Mommy's butt."

"These are too cute." Charity said looking at the onsies.

"We thought you might like those Gunny." James said.

They went on to open more gifts which included more diapers, socks, bibs, baby washes and lotions. "Alright, Gunny this is from me. And it's for you after Sean is born." Katie said, handing Charity a box.

"Should I be scared to open this?" Charity asked.

"Not at all." Katie replied.

"See, I don't think I believe you." Charity said.

"Just open it will ya?" Katie asked.

Charity untied the ribbon around the box and pulled the lid off. She unfolded the tissue paper and was soon pulling out a lacey red nighty. "Really, Katie?" Charity asked, looking at her friend.

Tony was reaching over and taking the red lace. "We will definitely be saving this." He said, folding it back up and managing to stuff it in his pocket.

"Alright, we'll just pretend that didn't happen." Gibbs said stepping closer to the couple and handing them a small box. "This is from me, Munchkin."

Charity took the box and opened it up. Inside was a small photo album. She opened it up and inside were pictures of a crib, a changing table, a dresser, a cradle, and a rocking chair. She knew instantly that her father had made every piece of furniture in the picture. "Thank you, Daddy." She said, getting up and hugging him. "It's all going to look beautiful in the nursery."

"Ah, I missed it already, didn't I?" Bernie asked as he entered the room.

"You're running late." Tony told his cousin.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I had to pick up something." Bernie answered. He then turned around. "Alright, come on."

Tony was completely surprised then to see his father come into view, carrying a small bag. "I'm sorry Junior, Charity." Senior greeted. "I just hope I'm not too late."

Tony and Charity both knew he wasn't talking about the party.

"I uh…I brought a gift for my grandson." Senior said, walking towards them and holding out the bag.

Tony took the bag and looked inside. He reached in and pulled out a pair of little booties and a tiny silver spoon. Tony recognized the silver spoon as the one that had been his as a baby. "You kept this?" He asked.

"Yeah." Senior replied. "I had always hoped that I would have a grandson to pass it onto."

Charity couldn't help but to smile. She had hoped that Senior would come around eventually and it looked like he finally had. She just hoped that Tony was ready to forgive him.

Senior turned to her then. "You know, I haven't been able to properly welcome you to the family." He said, smiling at her. "I did always want a daughter."

Charity smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear.

"No, thank you." Senior replied.

Tony stood back watching, unable to move. He wasn't sure he was quite ready to forgive his father just yet, but he could tell that there was something different about his dad. He figured he would talk to him about it later.

Soon everyone was breaking off into little groups just talking and eating. Bernie stood by the punch bowl and was refilling his drink when Ziva came over to refill her own. "I had been wondering if I was going to see you or not." Ziva said to him, keeping her voice low.

"Well, I had to give Uncle Tony a pep talk." Bernie replied.

"It's great that you convinced him to come." Ziva said.

"Family is important." Bernie replied.

"Yes, it is." Ziva agreed.

"So, do you have any plans tonight?" Bernie asked.

"No, why?"

"Because I was thinking that we could move from meeting for coffee in the mornings and onto dinner." Bernie replied.

"Dinner would be nice indeed." Ziva agreed.

"Shall I pick you up around eight then?" Bernie asked.

"Eight sounds good." Ziva replied.

Later that night, Tony and Charity were working on making dinner when their doorbell rang. "That's probably Dad." Tony said, holding back a sigh.

"Go get the door." Charity told him. "He's really trying."

"I know." Tony replied. "I just…I don't know how you can forgive him after how he acted."

"Because he's family and family is important." Charity replied. "He's your father which makes him my father-in-law and Sean's grandfather. Family forgives."

"Alright." Tony replied, kissing her on top of the head. He then turned and left the kitchen, heading for the front door. "Hi, Dad." He greeted as he opened the door.

"Hi, Junior." Senior replied.

Tony stepped aside and allowed his father's entrance. "Come on in."

"This is a nice house, Junior." Senior said as he stepped inside. "Now where is my lovely daughter-in-law?"

"In the kitchen." Tony answered. He then led his father through the house and into the kitchen.

"It smells delicious in here." Senior said. "What are we having?"

"Chicken enchiladas." Charity answered. "Sean is in the mood for Mexican."

"Are you going to blame everything on Sean?" Tony teased.

"Of course." Charity replied with a wink.

Soon the food was done and the trio was heading out to the dining room to eat. They sat down and dug into the food. A light and slightly awkward conversation went on through the meal. Charity had just finished eating when her cell phone rang. "Excuse me, it's the hospital. I have to take this." She was then pushing herself from the table and walking into the other room to answer the phone. She returned after a few moments. "I have to go."

"What's going on?" Tony asked.

"Mrs. Pennington is refusing to let the other nurses near her, they've lost Mr. Green, and Mr. Jackson is asking for me." Charity said.

"Do you need me to take you?" Tony asked.

"No. I'll be fine." She replied. "You just stay here and talk with your father." She was then bending to kiss him. "I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you, too." Tony replied.

Charity soon left and the father and son were alone. "I take it you're still angry with me, Junior." Senior said.

"What makes you say that?" Tony asked.

"You've barely said a word all evening." Senior answered.

"I just…I wanna know why?" Tony asked.

"Why what?"

"Why you did a complete one-eighty when you found out Charity is Gibbs' daughter?"

Senior sighed. "Because I'm losing you."

"What are you talking about?" Tony asked.

"I know you look at Gibbs as more of a father than me." Senior replied. "And I really can't blame you…but now you're officially a part of his family."

Tony blinked surprised by his father's admission. "Wait…you're…jealous of Gibbs?"

"Yes." Senior answered. "He's a bigger part of your life than I've ever been. He's the father you deserve."

"That doesn't change the fact that you are my father." Tony replied.

"I know." Senior said. "I'd like to start being a better father to you and be the grandfather Sean deserves…if you'll let me? Can you forgive a foolish old man?"

Tony looked at his father and could tell he was being completely serious. He was absolutely genuine in his apology. "Yeah…Dad."

"Thank you, Junior."