Secrets of the Night

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT own Pokemon!


In a world where power and dominance is everything, maintaining it is a matter of great importance. In light of this, various aristocrats and noble families seek security and protection from their enemies as well as eliminate them if necessary. To do so, a secret society was established.

Semira Isle. With its mysterious origins and diverse landscape, it became the perfect stronghold to train individuals in the different occupations provided by its first founders. There are six specializations, varying from the skillful sword bearers, the fast flyers, the crafty tricksters and many more. But the most infamous group was the merciless assassins known as the Black Scythe Division.

Despite their dark acts and shadowy identities, the bond with their pokemon is unquestionable. Instead of relying solely on their pokemon, they harness their individual abilities to work alongside their partner; a teaching that has been long passed down and molded into their characters.

The story follows three individuals.

The first grew up in the island, after taken in by one of the heads as a small boy. All his life, he only knew of the world that lied within the boundaries of the isle. Like a bird in a cage, he yearns to see the lands beyond his known home, not because of curiosity, but for the reason he cannot explain. He has no clear memory of the place he came from, prior to being brought to the island. With his special ability, he seeks to unlock his past and learn the secrets hidden by the world around him.

The second was born into a noble family in the Kanto region. Blessed with loving parents, his life was peaceful. Until one fateful night, he lost both of them in a horrible incident at sea. Haunted by their murders and a strange recurring sickness, he lived on to uphold his family's name. But when clues began to surface concerning his parents' murderer, he goes out and searches for answers as well as vengeance.

The third was also born into wealthy noble family. And being the only child of her father, she led a highly sheltered life. For years, she spent her days within the family manor. Her close companion was her dear older half-sister. Everything was perfect until the day came, their mother passed away. She was separated from her sister who moved back to her home region while she remained under her father's strict care. Then the point in her life arrived, she turned ten but she was forbidden to go on a pokemon journey like she'd always dreamt. But when an opportunity presented itself, she grabbed it and set off, unknowing of the dangers that lied ahead that will bind her to the island of shadows.

*There will also gym battles featuring a new generation of Kanto Gym Leaders~ (artwork included) ;)
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Friendship

Summary of Events so far: Chapter 46

(Artwork links below)

Note: Cover pic changes constantly. It varies depending on which OC is introduced or concentrated. Future Chapters may include OCs from other fanfics (Collaborative Battles).

Chapter 1: A World Hidden in the Shadows

I could feel faint warm sunbeams penetrating the darkness of my room, calmly waking me from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open and I took a few moments to adjust my hazy vision. What time was it? I tossed around a few times before finally flinging away my sheets and siting up, grumbling. I knew that I could be scolded if I woke up any later. Even if it was my rest day, I still had responsibilities to adhere to.

My name is Aeron. I have hair as black as the night and eyes as silvery as the stars that adorn it. I was often mistaken to be blind especially when I display a sense of disinterest in things that I found irrelevant. My age is approximately fifteen. I said that because I don't know when my real birthday is. But I do have one; the 9th of September. It is the day when my master/father found me. I was very young with little memory of that day. I can't even recall the first few days that I arrived here. I only knew the person who took me in and the name he gave me.

I took a minute to breath and soak in the morning atmosphere, while gazing blankly at my room. It was small and plain. Nothing too extravagant. It consisted of the usual furnishings: a drawer, a desk, a lamp, windows, and of course, a bed. Most of it were made of oak wood like the walls and floorboards. The only things that gave the place some life was a midnight blue scarf hanging lazily on a chair.

That and the sound of someone running outside my room.

"Hey, Aeron! Get up already!" A hyper-active male voice shouted through the halls just outside my quarters.

I knew all too well who it was... Truthfully, I'd rather wish I didn't. The door swung open and an overly energetic boy, around my age, bounded in and flopped on my bed. His spiky sandy hair became even messier as he rolled around on my unmade covers. A goofy grin was streaking across his face, telling me that he had something important to say.

Sitting up, he slammed his hands on my bed. "We're finally getting our partners! Isn't that awesome!?"

I saw his enthusiasm sparkling in those pair of lace agates he called eyes. Others could have found it infectious but not me. Today's event was did not concern me. I sighed and opened my mouth to speak, but another person entered my room and spoke first.

"Give it up Kirian. Aeron doesn't care. He already has his pokemon, remember?" A red-headed girl stood by the doorway, twirling the end of her ponytail with her finger.

"But still Rozalia, he has the right to know that he's gonna have some competition," Kirian shot back, his grin still the same size as it was a minute ago.

Rozalia is a girl our age as well. She has pinkish ruby eyes that match her blood colored locks. I find her straightforward and most of the time quick-witted especially when she makes Kirian's antics backfire on himself. She and I grew up together, seeing as she's the daughter of Lady Amalia, one of the headmasters here. But unlike me, she's blood-related to her mother.

Seeing as they went all the way to my room to get me, I had to come. "Let's just get this over with." I stood up and forcefully pulled the sheets off of my bed, tossing the grinning dead-weight that was sitting on it moments ago.


"Ouch! That was mean!" The said dead weight rubbed the sore spot of his rear.

Ignoring him, I flung my covers back unto the bed and wrapped a dark blue scarf around my neck. After a quick adjustment, I turned to my two companions. "If you don't hurry, all the good pokemon will likely be taken..."

"Crap!" Kirian scrambled to his feet and grabbed my arm before dashing out, dragging me with him. Rozalia followed swiftly behind with a giggle between smirks.

Currently, we were in the Main Fortress located at the very heart of the island. The vicinity stood in the midst of a pair of tall gray rocky mountains. The face of which was carved long ago by the first inhabitants that also built the ancient stronghold. From one side of the mountain to the other, we rushed through the lengthy wooden corridors, the swerving bridges and headed towards our destination. Our dorms were not that far. It was a matter of minutes before we arrived.

The Grand Hall, shaped in a wide hexagon with strong tall pillars supporting each corner. Tapestries and embroidered drapes hung on the walls. And in the middle, an array of pokemon hailing from various regions waited anxiously to be partnered with a trainer. Big, small, winged, four-legged... There were so many. I spotted several familiar ones, but there were a few that I can't remember the name. Shifting my gaze, I scanned the sidelines for their potential trainers who stood by, carefully judging which creature to choose.

It was an important choice. After all, it would be your partner for life and it would also help determine which division you would most likely be assigned in. Judging by the aimless random chatter, the choosing didn't start yet. We still had time to find a good place to watch. That, in my case. Kirian and Rozalia were going to have to pick a pokemon sooner or later.

The three of us maneuvered through the crowd and settled at the left of the platform where a few of our mentors were. It was a convenient way for them to oversee the event, as well as to stay clear of the swarm of graduated trainees. I glanced at them easily spotted my father. He, along with two more of our masters, stood composed, eyeing every person present in the hall. They were judging everyone, just like they do from the very beginning of training. By the time, our eyes met, I knew what was coming.

"Aeron, come up here." A cold emotionless tone came from the man with dark brown hair and eyes. I did as I was told and jumped unto the stage. The other two beside father looked at me with the same apathetic demeanor.

One was Lady Amalia Evalon Felis, Rozalia's mother. She has the same hair as her daughter. Her eyes, however, were deep violet like deadly venom. She wore a black cheongsam dress with blood-red rose petals. Personality-wise, she's cunning like Rozalia but in a more serious disposition. The other individual was Lord Owen Ragnorr. He was a large muscular man with silver hair and beard. He was only wearing a pair of worn-out grey pants with a thick black belt. He may look extremely tough. Scratch that. He is extremely tough, in words and in actions. But he is passionate about pokemon, and for that reason, he was chosen to give the lecture on bonding with your partner which was ceremonial, during this time.

Both of them get along with my master and father, Lord Altair Zenith. I noticed there were three empty seats. The rest of the leaders didn't seem to have any plans of showing up. I was thankful, though. I'm not in good terms with them anyway and neither was Father. I took my position beside him and secretly listened to the murmuring of those at the foot of the platform.

"...Why is Aeron here?"

"Doesn't he already have his pokemon?"

"He's just here to show off."

"He's Lord Altair's favorite, after all..."

Father could likely hear them as well but he remained oblivious. It wasn't his place to intervene. If he did meddle into such business, it would only worsen their perspective of me. It didn't matter. I was used to people talking about me anyway. I no longer cared. I've longed given up on making new friends. Having Rozalia and Kirian, if I do mind counting him as well, is enough for me.

Lord Owen began his opening speech about bonding with pokemon and how these bonds affect both pokemon and trainer. The topic about my presence were soon drowned in yawns and other pointless chatter. I remained still in my post, listening to Lord Owen's lecture. I've heard it many time before, but I listened nonetheless. As if I've got anything else to do.

Midway through the lecture, I felt a pair of twin-fingered claws cling to either side of my shoulder. A purr-like screech whispered through my back. There was something small and fuzzy moving behind me. I didn't turn around. I already understood who it was. My Noibat.

"Noir... You are not supposed to come," I spoke in a hush tone as to not interrupt Lord Owen.

Noir nibbled my backside and nudged me with his little two feet. He was playful-type who loves nothing more than than to cling to me. I pretended not to take notice but that only made Noir more eager to seek my attention. His screeching became even more audible and his large ears poked out from behind me. Rozalia and Kirian could see what was happening but they couldn't help me at all.

I hoped, but I could not avoid the imminent.

Lord Owen turned and called me over, "Aeron, Noir... How about you two come in front?"

Noir shifted to one side of my shoulder and poked his head out, revealing his bright yellow eyes. I walked forward and patted his fuzzy head. He purred like a Skitty and nuzzled against my neck. Lord Owen continued his speech as I stood silently, listening once again to the people at the sidelines.

"That's his pokemon..."

"...I hear it is the offspring of Lord Altair's pokemon."

"It's a dual dragon-type right...?"

"I thought it was a flying-type?"

"Why can't we have one like it?"

"SILENCE!" Lord Owen's deep voice roared throughout the hall, rumbling the wide room, silencing everyone's voices as well as hurting my partner's sensitive ears.

Noir folded and cupped them protectively with his claws. I glanced sideways to him to check if he was okay. Noir turned to me and perked his ears up again. He was fine.

"Owen, I've had enough if this long talk. Just let them choose already," Lady Amalia spoke up, crossing her arms and glancing over at her daughter, who like the rest, were not paying much attention.

Thankful, the small crowd sighed in relief and cheered, but it soon ended when Lord Owen shouted again.

"Aeron." Father gestured to me. "Assist Lord Owen in picking out their number."

"Yes." I bowed dutifully in his direction and descended down the platform.

In order to be fair, each person was to pick a number to tell who was to choose their pokemon first. Other than Kirian and Rozalia, mostly everyone else was giving me jealous looks as they approached me to get their number from a box. Noir glared them with slit-shaped irises and gave a screeching growl that only I was able to hear. I knew he could also feel the tension between them and me. He may be young and small but he was ever dependable.

One by one, they chose a pokemon from the set that was brought in. Those pokemon are not just random ones that our seniors have caught. Here, your partner must be able to fit in with the different divisions. I'm sure that it's obvious by now that this place is out of the ordinary. Usually one receives his/her pokemon from a person they call a Professor, then they go on a journey to collect badges, win contests, etc., but not here.

This place is a fortress situated in an isolated rocky island. It was once a stronghold for Ninjas but those days are long gone. Now it has become a Tavern for hired mercenaries, bodyguards spies and other jobs in line to those. There are still a few who try to uphold the old practices and traditions, but in the end, it was the same. We enhance our capabilities for the benefit of those who will hire us for jobs. They were mostly people with high-ranking and wealth.

My fate is the same. All my life I have lived on this island and one of these days, I'll have to go out there and serve under a master. It is inevitable. The same goes for the ones now pairing up with their pokemon. Tomorrow, they'll be divided into classes and specialties under one of our mentors.

I belong in the Sky unit of Lord Altair. They specialize in reconnaissance, retrieval and most of all flight. Lady Amalia of the Rosette unit is an expert in concoctions and various mixtures. I also hear that her unit also teaches medicine. I wondered if Rozalia would choose a pokemon that would be fitting there. Lord Owen's Warrior unit is all about martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. Other groups include armed combat using blades known as the Saber unit, another trains in the art of traps and tricks called Gambit division. Kirian would likely belong there. Lastly is the infamous Black Scythe unit, a group specializing in assassination.

After my duty, I excused myself from my father and the other two masters. Then I made my way out the crowds and towards the exit. Noir was still latched on to my shoulder, waiting anxiously to be out in the open. For a moment, I glanced back at Kirian and Rozalia in the sea of people. I barely caught a glimpse of them, but I could tell that they were eager and thrilled as the rest of the newly graduated trainees. I couldn't tell what pokemon they chose but I was likely to find out soon. Finally, I made it out and didn't look back again.

End of Chapter 1

1st Person POVs will end after the main character intros.

ARTWORK (remove $)

Insignias: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d6r06yc

Main Characters: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7xe041 - Latest (ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7z08yr)
Aeron: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7wbnhy
Neo: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d6vkgx7 - Latest (ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7z3msm)
Faye Lin: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d6vooxz

Other Characters (submitted OCs)
Ikari : htt$p:/$/fav.$me/d7y4lf4
Lord Tristan: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7xc9uu
Maya: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d6ri0f8
Aspen: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7wzv9l
Corentin: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d808xo8

Rozalia: ht$tp:/$/fav.$me/d7xe28w

Other OC Artwork will be posted as they appear in the chapters.