The Good Ol' Weasley Complex

Summary: A glimpse into the minds of the Weasley children that may just explain a few things about their behaviors.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter one: William Weasley

As the oldest Bill had always believed it was his duty to be the one his younger siblings went to for help when they couldn't (or wouldn't) go to Mum and Dad. For the most part he succeeded. Though he showed blatant favoritism for Charlie and Ginny he truly believed all of them knew he would never push them away no matter what they came to him with.

To him it was only natural that he would become a curse breaker as Charms and DADA were his best subjects in Hogwarts and (as a Weasley) he didn't believe there to be 'lesser' species to a Wizard but instead found them captivating.

He didn't realize when his siblings stopped coming to him.

He didn't realize when he no longer knew everything under the sun about ALL of them.

After all, Charley and Ginny came to him all the time, and he received mail from the twins and Ron, and he occasionally sat down to a talk with Percy. So everything was fine…

… If only he had realized how much it WASN'T…