A.N: De-anoning this little monster from the snk kink meme-the prompt "Eren/Anyone; Hanje decides that she wants to see if Eren being a titan effects his ability to reproduce", but OP misspelled one of their bonuses so it said "Eren's partner barbies feelings for him" instead of "harbors."

...I have no regret or pride from writing this.

"Oh, Levi! Your room is so clean and fresh!" Eren awed at Levi's outstanding cleaning abilities and squeaked in delight at the sparkling floor and streakless windows.

"Of course it is, you brat. Nothing's dirty under my watch."

Eren swooned and was caught by Levi's strong, clean arms. "O-oh, Levi! That sounds so romantic and…s-sensual!" He looked down with a blush and leaned against the other's figure. He bit his lip before looking up with his huge-ass kawaii eyes. "I-I have decided, I want you to be the father of my children! My titan loins yearn to bear offspring of such a strong, skilled, tall soldier like you!"

Levi scoffed and flipped his hair back elegantly. "They'll be the cleanest little mutts humanity's ever seen." He brought a strong hand to Eren's cheek and slowly closed the distance between them until—

A giggle came from the door. "I see someone like the idea of my proposed experiment with Eren, hm?~"

Levi quickly hid the Barbie look-alikes—something Erwin humorously pointed out earlier when they first saw the dolls—and scowled at Hanji, who was smirking in the doorway upon seeing the corporal roleplaying with two dolls. "You really need to learn to knock."

"Sorry, my natural urge to observe kicked in," she replied teasingly, and adjusted the frames of her glasses. This certainly was an interesting observation day!