This is my first fanfic, please be kind to me. Although I really appreciate any kinds of reviews, pointing mistakes (That I hope wasn't here), constructive pointers and others.

Disclaimer: I don't own LSK nor I want to own it personally. I just want to own Yu Wo, the author with Giant's (Doraemon) principle held high.

Pairing : Lesus X Grisia

12 years old…

Originally, I hated the Judgment Knight for making me lost my parents and the object of my revenge but through a series of accidents, I've learned that the Judgment Knight wasn't as cold-hearted as people had stated. With determination, I had said that I wanted to become his successor.. And is chosen.

"From now on, you will be the future judgment. I hope you'll work hard from now on!" Says the triple-black big guy, (with black hair, black eyes, and black clothes) to the 12 years old me.

I wonder if he's okay with the heat of the sun with those black colors That's what in my mind when I nod in confirmation. "Yes, teacher.."

"I certainly am able to feel the heat. But I've gone through all the cruel training that this heat entirely lose its effect to me," The triple black knight speaks as though he reads my mind. "Those that you'll got from tomorrow."

I swallow my saliva loudly, nodding slightly in fear.. By many things... But I'm still determined to become the next generation of Judgment Knight!

"You may fear my ability to predict what you think..." The Judgment Knight says again that make me jolted, yet again, "..As I able to do that from the training that you also fear of..." He continues after a few seconds pause, "..But remember this, the Sun Knight is far more frightening than exposed to the heat all black!"

"Ye…" I stop halfway from nodding again. I raise my head and blinkes confusedly, "H-huh..?"

"Just remember that," The Judgment walks to the building, ignoring the question I has been asking through my eyes. I quickly run to my teacher, the 37th Judgment Knight.

13 years old…

I meet the current Sun Knight and future Sun Knight 1 year after my training began. We meet on the court of Judgment when it coincidentally my first time stepping in this place too.

I see the big Sun Knight first. People always say that all the Sun Knight are beautiful, I could see that now. For the Sun Knight by the same generation as my teacher is the same. He has slender figure and long light brown hair that looks so soft. His skin is as fair as snow.. Just like everyone know. And he looks strong, that's the main point. It's just to be expected for the man who has the title of 'The Strongest Sun Knight'. I really want to challenge him once!

Then my eyes drifts to the kid that is standing slightly behind the current Sun Knight. Is he the future Sun Knight..? I see a boy whose face more beautiful than the big one with a shiny golden hair. He looks back at me with his big blue eyes.

I know this boy. Before, when we're still in the selection period, I've helped him and his friend to beat a bunch of older males up.

The words my teacher said a year ago resounds inside my head again. I heard he was chosen to be the successor just because of that shiny hair of his.. And he isso weak that he even lose to a dog... How can this would-to-be Sun Knight later will be more frightening than the heat under the Sun with all black..? Even now I still don't understand about the reason.

"The Light God will never forgive a serial rapist like you!" I hear my teacher's voice and realized that I've been daydreaming the whole time!

I quickly turn to the source of the voice. Only to be welcomed by the sight of someone hanging on a crucifix and is beaten without compassion. I remember behind my head that I'm brought here to see criminal being punished. Just like this one now.. He's a serial rapist...

I am terrified with the sight. It is too bloody and simply too cruel for me. Do I have to give a command for something like this too..? When I am older... I think as I couldn't tear my gaze from the sight of cruelty.

Then, I hear the future Sun Knight speaks with sorrowful tone, "This is simply too piteously cruel! How could you possibly use such methods to treat a child of the God of Light?" Huh..? Is he talking to me..? I finally able to not to look at the torture and look at him instead.

"...Even if he is a criminal, he may still repent! The benevolent God of Light will certainly not condone such brutality!" He looked at me, so it definitely directed at me.. But why..?

The boy looks at his teacher while I stood there in silence, contemplating in my head. So, I really have to do this later.. I will be the cruel person like this in the future... No, I've already knew that.. But…As the thought struck my mind, my stomach feels sick. And I can feel that tears begin to well up within my eyes.

It was then the future Sun Knight looks at me with dumb-founded face. I know he realized the tears by my eyes.

I run away. Leaving my teacher and the others behind while holding my mouth so I won't puke right here and now.

By the last second I hear the current Sun Knight's voice, "Child, are you not going to hurry up and follow him, to teach him the benevolence of the God of Light?"

What..? They still won't give up preaching about it even after this?! I think but unable to stop and yell at them.

In the toilet...

I puke all my food out, dirtying my clothes. It is painful but I couldn't stop vomiting. The acid is the one to be thrown out when I've vomited all of my breakfast. Even so, the uneasy feeling which leads to another vomits still there. I'm still puking, to the extent that I choked but still throwing up more.

After the series of vomits finally stop, I walk out of the stall... Only to find the future Sun Knight with shiny hair sits in front of me. Another stool is placed between us.

Guess it's for me.. I think as I put my butt on it. The boy blinks twice over me then gives a basin of water and a handkerchief to me, quietly. It was then I finally realized that my appearance is a mess. Well, now that I think about it, it's just to be expected actually. So I take the objects and wipe my clothes as much I can before wash the hanky clean.

I stand up in front of him then give him the handkerchief back. A smile cracks from my lips as I couldn't say 'thank you' because of our position. We then just sit in front of each other in silent. Somehow, I feel the mutual understanding between us.

Present time...

I quickly check that the sweet bag is already inside my robe before run to the toilet.. to puke. For this matter, I'm pretty ashamed by myself for still couldn't able to stand the blood and gore from my daily activity.

By the time I came barging to the toilet, I see the Sun Knight whom I've been made best friend all along sitting gracefully and smiling as gracefully as always.

I quickly passed the sweets from my clothes to him and go straight to the stall, puking noisily as always. I've been curious on how he still able to maintain his so-called gracefully way of sitting and smiling and all that while being near someone who is vomiting his food out.

He give me a handkerchief as always after I finished my daily [business] while eating the blueberry pie I've prepared for him.


When I ran to the toilet, that I didn't know for how many times already, I saw him. But I ignore him and ran away to vomit again. As he gave me the handkerchief just like usual, I remembered about the cookies I've prepared for him.

I wonder if he love it.. This is the sweetest cookies I ever know... But.. I glanced at him as my hand wiping my mouth. He should be love it, right? I took the cookies and gave it to him.

He received it while staring at me confusedly then opened the fabric.

I went stiff right away as I saw his big eyes widened and sparkling by the sight of it, "Whoa~~~! Chocolate cookies~!" He cheered, "Praise the God of Light for allowing his children to have a good life!" Then chomped the cookie immediately after that.

My eyes widened. Ukh, why my heart suddenly beats loudly..? I thought 's when I saw a bit of the cookie stuck by his mouth, I [unconsciously] took it, "You got some on your mouth..." I said as I put it into my mouth.

I almost puked again. Bleagh..! "Too sweet..." I said grimly and lowly.

That's just another episode as for how we became 'best friends that loathe each other'.

But.. He is so cute...

Present time...

I take the handkerchief from his hand and carefully clean myself up as I sulkily.. No, I mean, gloomily complain, "You have not concerned yourself with the judging of criminals for a while now, Sun. I thought that you had finally understood that only the harshness of the God of Light can bring an end to their criminal ways"

So you finally remember me after such a long time, huh?!

His face changes. I know he knew about my anger this time around. I could see he hurriedly parted his lips then replies, "The God of Light's benevolence does not exist within the Church alone. The palace, too, requires the illumination of benevolence, and His Majesty, the King, thirsts for the teachings of the God of Light more than anyone else."

Oh, don't be angry.. I was dispatched to "educate" that pig of a king!

So that's the reason. I think as I answer him, "His Majesty, the King, surely treats you with scorn," With his stupidity and body size... "Only the God of Light's harshness can make him aware of the perils he faces." I give him a sympathetic look.

It must been really tough, dealing with that pig of a king.

His smiling face changes to a grim one, hand forming a fist when he speak, "Through the efforts of Storm Knight, His Majesty, the King, was able to experience and comprehend the God of Light's benevolence."

If it weren't for Storm that fat pig would still be unwilling to back down and lower taxes.

Wah, Storm..? Why am I suddenly able to guess the damage he got? "Storm Knight must deeply regret not having educated the entire palace with the harshness of the God of Light. Can his eyes not see the wickedness in the palace?"

He went to the palace, which is full of women… Are his eyes okay?

"He used his eyes to witness the wickedness in the palace, and though it was excruciatingly painful, he continued to forgive them with the benevolence of the God of Light."

He only just stopped short of going blind.

Though so... Pity fills my heart. "May the God of Light have mercy on him for witnessing wickedness and yet administering no punishment."

Poor thing… I hope his eyes recover soon.

"The Pope has already communicated to us the support of the God of Light. The warm sunlight of the outside world will shine on his forgiving eyes for three days, and Sun has been most fortunate as to be able to experience together with him the God of Light's benevolence."

He's on leave for three days, as am I.

"May the noon sunshine allow you two to experience the God of Light's fiery harshness. No matter where you may go, the God of Light's harshness will bear witness."

Hope you guys have fun! Where are you going?

"The God of Light's benevolence shines upon every corner of the continent, even if it is the lowly Sun Knight's room."

I'm going to hole up in my room like a turtle. I'm sure that the glint from his eyes wasn't just my imagination.

I finally couldn't be able to hold myself from grinning. I even still grinning as I shake my head, "May you come to accept the God of Light's harshness one day."

"May you learn to accept the God of Light's benevolence soon as well." He smiles widely and takes a bite of the pastry. From his face I come to know that he enjoys the taste very much.

To Be Continued...