
A/N: Okay, this is my first time writing and I'm really excited and also a little nervous. I may have a hint of a lemon but probably not full blown; I don't know, I'll have to see what I feel about this story first. I decided to write this because I noticed there aren't many good MadaraxSakura fanfics that really capture my interest (excluding the ones by OfBrokenLove :D); so I've decided to give it a go. Okay, I'm done with this boring ass intro now; so sit back and enjoy my first fanfiction, Euphoria.

-P.S. I'm still a bit of a noob on writing on this site so if anybody has any corrections and suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Viewer discretion advised.

Disclaimer: All characters in this fanfiction are completely the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Naruto inc except for the names of Sakura's parents and a couple of Madara's co-workers. The plotline, however, is uniquely mine and I will take full creditability for the actions of the said characters.

Chapter 1: How to save a life

Sakura POV-

The feel of the powder white snow against my skin gave my spine chills as I lay on my lawn. My eyes fluttered everytime a snowflake landed on my eyelashes. There I lay, pondering, everything that had hapened in my life; all the tragedies, my wins and mostly, all of the bullying and solitary loneliness I've suffered. Is there some malevolent force out there that has it out for me? Why me, dear Kami, why me?

I know I'm not perfect but why do I always come out on the short end of a situation? From my mom abandoning our family for the co-worker she was having an affair with to my dad's extreme depression and alcoholism from her betrayal to him marrying that woman and her and her damn daughter moving in and destroying my life; And to think that no matter how many times I wish them away, those problems will still face me tomorrow as they always have. Lying here, I wish I could just melt with the snow into the ground and burrow there, never to be found or disturbed again.

A sole tear slid down my cheek as I recall the day my mother left.

It was a Thursday in May and I had just gotten off the bus from school and was entering my house when I heard glass breaking. I recoiled in fear and slowly crept up the stairs to my parents bedroom where the noise was heard. Then I heard glass break again along with a stream of curses from my father's mouth. "Damn you Yoko, damn you you selfish bitch!", I heard my father shout before his bedroom door swung open and I was caught redhanded easedroping. My father's face was marred in anger and disgust as he looked down at me. "What the fuck are you looking at you whore?", he said menacingly before departing to the bathroom across from his room. Before he closed the door, I caught a glance at the maroon red, syrupy liquid that dripped in streams down his right hand. I was too frightened to even breath, nevertheless say anything to him. My father has never spoken to me like that before and I didn't know what to do. What had made my father so angry?

I slowly walked into my parents room and the first thing I noticed was the heavy smell of blood and bourbon in the air. I gazed around the room in shock to see it in chaos; the bed broken, family pictures shattered and items either smashed or strewn carelessly about the room. What I saw next nearly made me want ot collapse right then and there. Behind me on the back wall, were words written in blood-my father's blood. It read: "Leave my loneliness unbroken.", along with my mother's name surrounded by mean words like whore, slut and conceited bitch.

I didn't know what the quote meant but I had a feeling it was something bad. Tears began to stream down my face as I could no longer hold them back. I collapsed on the soft carpeted floor, sobbing uncontrollably. After what felt like hours, I came up for air and tried to get hold of myself. I just so happened to glance at the large bed to see a corner of paper sticking out among the disarray of covers. I snatched it and read it; the more I read, the wetter my eyes got again. I now know why daddy was mad. I didn't have a happy family anymore. My world will never be the mommy was gone.

My breath came out in shallow pants recalling the events. "Don't you dare cry, Sakura; You're past this.", I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and stared at the snow repleted sky.

I smiled. Though my life has numerous problems, there was one solace I had in this world-

"Pink Freak, time for dinner!" yelled from the doorway the last person I wanted to see right now. The obvious grimace on the redhead's face showed me that she also didn't pardon my company as much as I her's. "Coming, Karin", I replied before getting off the ground, dusting off the snow from my jeans and heading to the door. Karin had already gone back inside muttering insults which I'm assuming were directed at me. I stood on the porch one last moment looking at the beautiful white scenery surrounding me. Then I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding and went into my house. If there is anyone out there that truly cares and hears my cries for help, I only ask on thing of you:

Save me.