
Curses were flying everywhere as Rose tried to stand up. She heard screams and cries of fighting men all around her. This was it. The end of everything she loved. Either way, she would lose all she held dear.

"You take away the last bits of my sanity."

She tried to reach the center of the courtyard, where Bellatrix and Barty were duelling with McGonagall and some aurors from the Ministry. They were fighting for their master, for the cause which they considered right and just. What she was fighting for?

"I was afraid tonight, more afraid than ever. Afraid of losing you."

There was one thing that Barty Crouch Jr. wouldn't do for Rose – he wouldn't give up on Voldemort. And there was one thing he wouldn't do for Voldemort – he wouldn't give up on Rose.

"I would gladly receive Dementor's Kiss tomorrow if I could spend one more night with you. But I can't. The Dark Lord needs me."

And I need you – thought Rose frantically, as she stumbled over someone's body. She tried not to think if that person was unconscious or dead.

When had she stopped hating this madman and started to feel lust for him? Maybe it was on their first night, when he held her in a way she would never expect from a crazy murderer. Or maybe it was when she responded to his kisses for the first time. And just when had this desire turned into love? Was it when he screamed at night, plagued by memories of Azkaban and she held him close, whispering soothing words, just like his mother did everytime his father had punished him? Maybe it was when they danced at that party held in Malfoy's Manor, and he swayed her gently in his arms. Or when he took her to the park, and smiled at her with warmth, not the cruel or crazy smile she saw so often on his face.

There was one thing Rose wouldn't do for Barty – she wouldn't destroy the world and let Voldemort win. And there was one thing she wouldn't do for the world – she wouldn't destroy Barty.

Take your pick – whispered Fate, and its voice strangely reminded her of Neville Longbottom. And she made her decision.