Welcome to my new fanfic account!

Before you report me or anything, I am betweendreamsandreality.

After an absolutely horrible time with my old account - they deleted countless of my fanfics (this one included) - I have decided to change my account completely! If this story is deleted once more I will create a tumblr and update there instead. Additionally, I am not the only person to have this experience: the wonderful Zeplerfer lost her amazing HPxHetalia crossover to this sudden purge of fics.

I completely rewrote this in my new style of writing so I hope you enjoy...it's going to be a bit different and more fast pacing than you remember, if you have read this before!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or Harry Potter.

Warnings: Some language.

Alfred F. Jones was perfectly normal. Well…if the definition of normal included mystical creatures, magic spells and a secret wizarding school hidden in Scotland.

"Ah," Alfred sighed in satisfaction after breathing in the noxious fumes from the Hogwarts Express. Never had he missed the smell of fresh air as much as he did after anxiously sitting on the express for what felt like years to him. He had been on subways before in Boston, and even a few metros while touring around London, although it had never elicited the same amount of contentment – albeit the Express was far cleaner and fancier including a confection cart and padded seats. Even being shoved by first years who anxiously tried to catch their boat ride didn't falter his gleeful demeanor. He was too enthralled with the fact that he was finally home, even if his real home was over 3,000 miles away.

"We're finally back," Alfred said with a smile to no one in particular. The sight of the famous Hogwarts castle soaring in front of him made Alfred's eyes glaze over in anticipation. Despite being, essentially, the epitome of the "American Dream", - blond with blue eyes, young and patriotic – he absolutely loved Hogwarts (possibly more than his home in Salem), even if he was the only American student…well, practically the only one…

Alfred looked over the shoulder of his Gryffindor robe for his half-brother, Matthew. Matthew William Jones – they were only half-brothers, sharing the same father - heaved his red trunk, along with Alfred's blue one, off of the train before standing beside the sapphire eyed blond.

"Always a dreamer," Matthew panted. Side-by-side, one could notice the obvious differences between the brothers: Alfred was heavier with softer features but had a few centimeters over Matthew; in contrast Matthew had lengthier, more saturated tresses yet his irises were a close shade of lilac. Alfred wrapped his black cloaked arm around his brother.

"I'm not a dreamer, I just like food," Alfred defended and immaturely stuck his tongue out at his brother. Despite entering his fifth year at Hogwarts, as well as being a prefect, Alfred was as immature as those entering their first year. Matthew chuckled at his gesture.

"You are still hungry after all of that food you ordered on the ride here?" he asked. On the train ride, Alfred managed to eat four caldron cakes, ten jelly slugs and eighteen chocolate frogs which confused his brother on how he still had an appetite after all of those confections, but he guessed that was the reason he was borderline chubby.

"Maybe," Alfred elongated, the word lingered in the September air. Matthew slapped his brother's shoulder playfully.

"You said you were going to cut back! You talked all summer about trying out for the Quidditch team again."

"No," Alfred defended with a roll of his eyes, "I said I was going to try to make a Quodpot team, which, by the way, is totally different from Quidditch. I would never join the Quidditch team, you know that."

"Suit yourself," Matthew said with a shrug.

"Is that me favorite boisterous American?" a Scottish accented voice called from across the crowded and bustling Hogsmeade station. Alfred spun on the heel of his shoes to the source of the voice, although he knew quite well who it was.

"Yes it is, Seamus," Alfred said.

"Oy Mattie. You trust me with this one, don't you?" Seamus asked playfully and wrapped his cloak draped arms around the American brothers. Even though Seamus was two year older than Alfred, the two were great friends, although Seamus pretended he was more of an older brother than equals. Alfred supposed his paternal trait came from the fact that he grew up with four younger brothers and no father figure to care for them; therefore he didn't exactly mind it all that much.

"If you take him off my back, that is," Matthew retorted dryly. Unlike Alfred and Seamus, Matthew William Jones was sorted in the Hufflepuff house back in their first year attributable to his relaxed and sympathetic personality; due to this, Matthew didn't exactly get along with the two Gryffindors too well – their hero-complexes would usually inflate their egos.

"Atta boy, Matthew," Seamus complimented and ruffled the Hufflepuff's mellifluous hair.

"Seamus," Matthew huffed. "You know I-"

"Oy Alfred," Seamus interrupted before Matthew could rant. "We've got a new one this year." This made Alfred chuckle at the thought of having another Kirkland to deal with; as if five weren't enough to deal with.

"Does your mother ever quit?"

"Not until she gets a girl."

"Art's different though…"

"What do you mean by different?" Alfred asked skeptically. Sure, the entire Kirkland family was something different, – they had dragons as pets for Merlin's sale - however nothing was precisely normal for a famous pureblood family of Gryffindors. He couldn't quite comprehend what could be different to the Kirklands…

"He's not like us; got the sight or whatever he calls it. He thinks 'e is something special. He's supposedly smarter and "more mature". But what do you expect from an English bloke? It all makes me want to puke," Seamus explained with utter disgust.

"So he's a first year?"

"He's in your yea, actually."

"A fifth year?" Matthew asked, his trimmed eyebrows furrowed at the thought.

"How come I've never seen him before?"

Seamus shrugged. "Went to a different academy, I suppose."

"Why didn't he just come here in the first place?"

Seamus shrugged again. "'e was living with his father."

"His father?"

"'e was awful. You're lucky to have not met him. He was killed anyways, so now Art's here."

"I'm so sorry," Matthew said earnestly. He placed a hand on the redhead's shoulder for sympathy.

The redhead waved his hand in the air. "No need," he scoffed. "Art didn't like him anyways, not that he particularly likes us anyways! Even my mom didn't but she didn't really have a choice in the matter to begin with."

"Can we go in already?" Alfred said, changing the mood. He groaned and shifted his weight to his left leg; he absolutely hated depressing topics and wanted nothing more than to please his rumbling stomach. "I'm starving!" Seamus laughed and patted the American's back.

"Oy Alfred. Let's go watch me brother be sorted."

"Don't you two have work to do, Mister Prefects?" Matthew asked, his tone mixed between matter-of-fact and bitter.

"Play now, work later," Alfred explained, a devious leer growing on his soft features.

"Race ya!" Seamus shouted. Within a blink, the two Gryffindors ran into the great hall leaving Matthew alone.

Great, Matthew thought struggling to lug all three trunks to their proper rooms.

"Whoa," Alfred sighed as he and Seamus entered the Great Hall. The room was decorated as it always was for the first festival – candles illuminating the false sky and the Sorting Hat on display atop a wooden stool – yet as many times as Alfred had witnessed it, the festival had always amazed the American. At each of the four elongated tables was a banner of the designated house flapping in the slight breeze.

"Al, nice to see you again," Seamus' brother, Angus said as the two walked towards the head of the Gryffindor table. Angus Kirkland was the second eldest of the Kirkland family and twin to Owain Kirkland. Angus was the tallest brother, towering at 205cm with broad shoulders and defined muscles. His accent was a thick, rich Irish accent that sometimes made his speech indecipherable yet attracted many potential dates from foreign students. He had light-auburn side-swept hair that messily fell above his thick eyebrows, exaggerating his piercing green eyes. Personality wise, Angus was the most arrogant and extroverted Kirkland, however he was unconditionally generous.

"Congrats on the prefect position!" Owain congratulated, his elbows propped on the mahogany dining table as the two Gryffindor prefects joined him. Similar to his brother, Owain was rather tall at 200cm and broad-shouldered. He had the same heavy Irish accent, although he claimed it was Northern Irish after spending a year abroad there when he was younger. The two seventh years were practically indistinguishable by appearance from an untrained eye, however, upon closer inspection, one could note Owain's hair had natural blond highlights and a coffee-colored ring around his left iris. Many argue that Owain was the kindest Kirkland however he was seen as a pushover and constantly taken advantage of.

"Thanks," Alfred stated with a sincere smile. "It's nice to finally be recognized for my hard work, right?"

"Don't get your hopes up, kid. Being a prefect is a hard job." Gavin explained oversensitively. Physically speaking, Gavin Kirkland was the shortest brother, not counting the youngest, sizing up at a modest 1.6 meters. However, his height did contribute to his ability to swivel around the Quidditch post at astronomical speeds, which made him a perfect Seeker since his second year attending Hogwarts. Moreover, he was extremely athletic yet shy and despite this had a bit of a temper, since the Welch brother was typically ignored in his home life. The sixth year had lighter hair than his brothers – an almost strawberry blond shade – matching his light freckling peppering his pale skin from between his green eyes to his chiseled jawline.

"Yeah," Alfred began with a roll of his eyes, "showing first years around and getting extreme benefits. Sounds so hard."

"It probably is, seeing at how annoying they are," Peter explained. Since Peter Kirkland was only a second year, he was still immature and mischievous yet more creative and imaginative than his brothers. Completely dissimilar to his brothers, Peter had sea blue eyes that were slightly covered by the fringes of his sandy blond hair. He was shorter and skinnier than his family; although he had much potential being he was had only 12 years of age.

"How do you think we felt last year?" Angus explained. Peter scowled and thought back to his previous year.

"I wasn't as annoying as they are," he pouted defensively, pointing at the group of anxious first years waiting to be sorted into their respective houses.

"Yes you were," Owain stated.

"No he wasn't," Seamus stated. "He was more annoying."

Peter stuck out his tongue at this.

"Attention students! The sorting ceremony will now begin, aru!" Headmaster Wang announced after holding up one hand to silence the murmuring crowd. Yao Wang was a highly appreciated amongst the wizarding world and happily accepted the school's offer to be headmaster, as he attended the prestigious school all the way from China when he was young. He still was deeply connected to his roots and retained his rather thick Chinese accent, along with all of its slang and nuances. No, he wasn't very intimidating as one would expect from a Headmaster but was rather paternal, although many teased him for being maternal due to his effeminate appearance. The Headmaster had thin, raven black hair that was tied shambolically to the side which matched his chocolate colored eyes. "Usually we begin in alphabetical order, but circumstances being what they are, we will start off with our youngest wizards," he explained reading off a list of names of first year wizards.

"This is going to take forever!" Gavin groaned. "Why can't 'e start with the eldest?"

Alfred and the Kirklands watched with anticipation as student after student were called each placed into one of the four houses. Each time a Gryffindor was called, the house cheered and welcomed the young wizard with open arms. Finally, Headmaster Wang announced:

"Arthur Kirkland."

The only student left was not at all what Alfred had imagined to be the fifth year Kirkland he had been hearing so much about. Arthur Kirkland was scrawny with a feminine figure and held himself roughly the same height as Alfred. However, even Alfred couldn't deny that Arthur was downright gorgeous with stunning emerald eyes, long eyelashes and flaxen blond hair that was just the right amount of messy. Aside from his eyebrows, Arthur could barely pass as a Kirkland; he supposed that Seamus was right about him being different.

"That's your brother?" Alfred probed with a raised eyebrow.

"He looks a lot like Peter, huh?" Owain asked.

"I do not!" Peter shouted. "I'm nothing like that jerk!"

"Shh," Seamus hissed and nipped his fingers in anticipation.

Alfred rolled his eyes and continued to stare at the student trying on the talking headwear, infatuated by his appearance.

"Hmmm," the sorting hat pondered in a raspy voice. "You're very intelligent, I can tell but you're also brave and loyal. However, you are quite ambitious…Slytherin!"

The six Gryffindors looked dumbfounded at this; all Kirklands were known to be Gryffindors and there was no mistake about that.

"What!?" Arthur shouted, his voice not too low or too high. "A Slytherin? But I am a Kirkland and Kirklands are always Gryffindors."

"That does not change my decision," the hat said stubbornly.

The blonde haired student scowled before removing the hat from his head and walked to the Slytherin table on the far left side of the room. The room fell silent as all watched the English student with judging eyes. Headmaster Wang clapped his hands together in order to break the tension.

"Classes begin tomorrow at nine sharp, please try to be on time," the Headmaster said, his voice ever so shaky. "Now let the festivities begin!"

To Be Continued...

A/N: First of all, I wanted to state that if you did save a copy of this fanfiction at any moment, please PM me because my computer messed up and I only have random parts of the story saved :(

Second of all, I would like to say as much as I hate the situation, it is good to be back. With applications and work and everything, I took a long break but it is nice to be back, especially with this story.


Fourth, here are a few things to clear up:

-The Kirklands are all half-brothers except for the twins.

-My headcanon is that pureblood females are favored more than males, since there can be six males to a female, as most purebloods do, hence why Mrs. Kirkland has so many kids and why she's waiting for a girl. This will be pushed further with Matthew's little side story ;)

-When I first wrote this Arthur was a Ravenclaw...but that was over a year ago so...

-I'm sorry about the lame ending and lack of editing. I need a beta and I am also really lazy.

...And yes, Hogwarts is in Scotland.

I hope to see you again,

-SecondStarr aka BetweenDreamsAndReality