No sparkly vampires in this story, just like my other ones…


It's been 3 months since he's left. Three months since I've seen my family, since I've been normal. When he left I was so broken, still partly am. I couldn't believe my ears, he was gone and I knew he wasn't coming back. I think that's what scared me the most, when I was finally in a family, it all just got ripped away.

I know I have Charlie and Renee, but they haven't been the ideal parents, well Charlie has. Renee not so much and she never will. I understand she was young when she had me but if she couldn't take care of me then she shouldn't have kept me. Simple as that.

"Bells, I'm going." I heard my father say. It was Saturday meaning he was leaving for his fishing trip.

"Okay.' I said back, surprising him. I really hadn't said much in the past few months. I've hardly eaten but I've slowly been eating once again. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. I waited until he was down the road before walking upstairs and grabbing my purse that Alice had on insisted I use. I opened my wallet and pulled out the 4 cried cards, Carlisle had given me. I had about 1,000 in cash from Alice, might as well spend it.

I started going through my closet, nothing but sweatshirts. Wow, my clothing choice is sad. I grabbed a box from the attic and started throwing in the older clothes and shoes. By the time I was done my closet was almost empty. I looked around the room and it looked like a kid's room. That had to change. I grabbed another box and started putting stuff away, I was a senior in high school I did not need to have kid's draws. By the time I was done with that, my room looked so empty. No for long I thought and carried the box to the attic, writing 'Bella's Stuff' on the side.

I brought the old box of clothes to my truck; trying not to trip. I walked back inside and grabbed something to eat. Next I got in the shower, I started thinking about what color to change my hair too. Blonde. I smiled getting out of the shower and walking to my room. Putting on a pair of jeans, a black long sleeve shirt along with my converse; I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs once again trying not the trip. I pulled on my coat and headed outside.

The three hour drive went by pretty fast, it was already 11am by the time I gotten to Seattle. The first place I stopped was the phone store, I got a brand new IPhone which just came out a few months ago (Okay, I know IPhone's didn't come out till like late 2006 but let's pretend they came out a little early).

The next place I stopped was the hair salon. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A girl in her 20's asked me.

"I'd like to do something different with my hair, do you take walk INS?" I asked. She smiled and stepped around the counter.

"Of course. What were you thinking?" She asked me. I thought for a second before answering her.

"I'm thinking blonde and then maybe get some extensions." I replied. She nodded and took me over to a chair. Next another lady came over and told me her name was Amanda. I told her what I wanted to do with my hair and she told me she'd be back. The dying took about an hour, plus they had to die the extensions so it would match the color. I didn't mind the wait, it was peaceful.

"Alright sweetheart, you're all done." Amanda said. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked different, a good different. She gave me a few tips on how to style it sick I usually just wore my hair done, I also bought some different shampoo; still strawberry of course. I paid which the price made my eyes got wide but it was worth it. The next place was the mall. A place I'd never step into with being forced. The first store I went was Forever 21.

"Excuse me, do you think you could help me?" I asked one of the saleslady. She nodded and the shopping began.

By the time I was done it was already it was 3:30pm. Charlie said he'd back a little late so I didn't know when he'd be back. I was about to pass a car dealership when I stopped. A new look meaning changing everything. I pulled into the dealership, of course when I got out all of the guys all but ran to me.

"Hi, miss. How can I help you?" One of the guys said, He was a bit chubby and bald.

45 minutes later I was driving out of there with a brand new E550 2-Door Mercedes-Benz Coupe (I know that this car hasn't even come out yet but let's pretend it did). I almost dropped dead when I saw the price but I needed a change, what better than a new car?

I got back in Forks around and realized I had to stop at the store. It was 7:00pm so thankfully the store wasn't closed. When I walked in everyone stared but I did the best I could to ignore them, of course I was blushing. I got what I needed and got the hell out of there. I drove back home in silence, the engine of the car purring which made me smile. Charlie still wasn't home when I got in so I quickly putt all of the clothes I'd bought. I went to about 8 different stores and spent more than 400 at each, plus I stopped at Best Buy and bought a new laptop because of the one in my room was a bit old. I got a bunch of stuff for my room that didn't make it look so childish.

After putting away the clothes along with the shoes, which the sale's lady thought me to walk in heels so I bought a few pairs of thoughts, I want back downstairs and started on dinner, spaghetti.

"Bells?" I heard dad call just as I finished cooking.

"In here, dad." I called back. I poured the sauce in the pan and started to stir.

"Bells?" He said. I turned around and his eyes budged out of his head.

"Yes?" I laughed.

"Your hair." He said.

"I needed a change. Ready to eat?" I asked. He nodded and I set a plate in front of him.

"So how's Billy and Harry?" I asked. He seemed so surprised that I was even talking let alone asking about people.

"Their alright. Jacob's been missing you." He replied.

"Well, I'll have to hang out with him soon." I said.

After eating we walked into the living room and I started on my homework, I could feel Charlie staring at me. After a bit I went to bed, telling Charlie a goodnight. For the first time in months I got a full night's sleep. No nightmares, no Edward.

April 31st 2006 – Graduation Day

"Bella!" I heard my mother's distant yell. I turned around and my mother was waving like crazy. I blushed and Angela laughed a few rows back. It was now graduation day and tomorrow I would be out of high school and an official college student! I had gotten my acceptance letter just a few weeks ago and I was now officially going to Yale, which I didn't believe I could even in get in. Just months ago, I was sulking because Edward left and now here I am, happy. It still hurts when I think about them but it's whatever.

I started hanging out with Jacob a bit after but we had a fight, over the cullen's of course, and we stopped hanging out. Then when I tried to talk to him, he called me a stuck up bitch and then he called me a leech lover. I found out a few weeks later that he was a shape shifter, who had a huge problem with the Cullen's.

Surprisingly I did go to prom, with Mike. Jessica went with Tyler and Angela and Eric went together. I had a fun time too. I also went to Homecoming, with Mike again. Then I went with Mike again to the Winter Formal. My dad even thought I was dating him, but that was not happening. I liked Mike but not that way, and Mike knew that.

After finishing her speech, they started calling names. Of course my mother screamed when they called my name and I wanted to though my shoe at her.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the Forks High class of 2006!" We all through our caps up and I noticed my mother crying. The last summer till College.

August 2nd 2006

The summer went pretty fast. After the graduation party that Jessica's parents had we decided to take a trip. So I, Jessica, Mike, Angela, Eric, Tyler all rented a house in Miami. Charlie didn't like the idea but my mom was only 4 hours away from the house we rented. The house we found was a pretty big house, 6 bedroom with each their own bathroom and closets. But Jessica and Tyler were in each other's beds by the second's night, Angela and Eric had already planned on being in the same bedroom and then Mike and I. A few days after getting there Mike and I started a little fling I guess. We left around the being of May and we didn't come back to Forks until July 23rd. Eric and Angela both got into Harvard as did Jessica, Mike is going to Vermont while Tyler is going to New York. We're all going different ways but yet still near each other.

Today is packing day since I have to be in Connecticut by August 17th. I'd already packed must of my stuff before I left for Miami but I still had a few things to pack, such as pictures that I had framed and other stuff. Instead of living in the dorms, I'm going to be living in a house with 3 other girls that was right off campus, which was what people where doing now a days.

"I can't believe you're already in college. Man, I feel old." My dad said when I put the last box in the trail that was hooked to my car.

"You are old." I laughed. He blushed and pulled me in for a hug. I heard a car beep and I let go of my dad and turned around. Jessica, Mike, Angela and Eric were all getting out of their cars. We had agreed to meet before we all left.

"Alright, guys get together." Jessica's mom said. All of the parents got out their cameras, including Charlie and we started to pose.

"I'm going to miss you guys! Don't forget to call!" Jessica said. We all each hugged her goodbye and then she was off. Next Tyler left, then Mike then Angela and Eric. Finally it was time for me to go.

"Don't forget to call, whatever you need just call. Okay, or I might drive there myself." My dad joked.

"Alright. I promise. Love you." I said getting in my car.

"Love you kiddo." He replied. I shut my door and took one last look at the house before driving off with my dad waving. I was driving to Jacksonville first to see my mother which took about 2 days and then I was driving to Connecticut which only took a day from Jacksonville.

It wasn't even 2 hours later when my car phone started rining.

"Dad, I'm fine." I laughed.

"This isn't your dad." A voice said. I almost slammed on my breaks when I realized who it was.

"Carlisle. What the hell?" I said.

"Bella, so nice to talk to you again. How have you been?" He asked, slight amusement in his voice.

"Carlisle it's been almost a year, since I've talked to you. How in the hell did you get my number?" I asked.

"You did use the money I gave you to buy this car, meaning I got the car phone number when the bank statement came through."

"Well it's the least I could do since your son left me in the god damn woods." I retorted. I heard him sigh and then it sounded like he was walking.

"That's not what I meant, in a mean way. I gave you those credit cards for a reason." He replied.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's alright, I guess you are right. I am truly sorry for that Bella. I left to keep you safe." He replied.

"What are you talking about? Keep me safe from what, you guys could have kept me safe." I said.

"That's not important at the moment. Instead of living in that house with those girls, you're going to be living in your own house." He informed me.

"Wait? What are you talking about?" I asked as I turned on the high way.

"I bought you a house." His voice seemed nervous which you never get from Carlisle.

"Carlisle! You can't just by a girl a house!" I exclaimed.

"I know but we've put you though a lot these past year and it's the least I can do. Whenever you get there, the key will be hiding underneath the mat. Everything else is on the kitchen table. My number is also with those papers." He said. I sighed, I wasn't going to win this battle.

"Alright, fine. What's the address?" I said. I pulled in a cash station and wrote down the address before saying goodbye. I got out pumped some gas, used the rest room and got some snacks and then back on the road.

1 Week Later – August 9, 2006

I'd made it to Jacksonville in about a day in a half mostly because I was speeding and stayed with mom and Phil for about 5 days. I didn't tell her about how I'd talked to Carlisle but I mentioned I would be living in a house by myself now. Then I was on my way once again. And now here I am in New Haven, Connecticut. I talked to my dad before I left my moms and he seemed pretty happy but wouldn't tell me why.

"You have arrived." The little GPS thingy said. I pulled into the driveway and looked up at the large white house, yup I'm going to kill Carlisle. The house looked to be three stories! I grabbed my purse and got out of my car. I walked up to the house and got the key underneath the mat and unlocked the door. I entered the house and gasped. I fell in love.

By the end of the tour was over, I wanted to kill Carlisle. The house had 8 bedrooms. 8! I'm only one person and I do not need that many bedrooms.

"This house has 8 bedroom! I do not need that big of a house." I cried the moment he picked up. I heard someone laughing in the back ground and it seemed to be Emmett.

"You can always turn the rooms into something else, then you could keep a few as guest rooms when your parents come to visits." He said.

"If you were in front of me I would smack you." I said.

"You'd break your hand." He replied.

"Shut up. As long as you didn't hire a housekeeper or a cook, I'll be fine." I replied. There was no answer but a cough and vampires don't cough.

"Carlisle!" I cried once again. I hopped on the counter and put my phone on speaker, while putting my hair in a ponytail.

"No, leave your hair down." He said. How in the hell did he know I was going to put it up?


"Leave it down." He repeated.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Goodbye Bella." He said then hung up. What in the hell? I turned round and no one was there and I looked out the window but no one was there.

AN – So, Bella and Carlisle are both different from what they are in the movies and books but the other characters will stay the same. I wanted this story to be something that would never happen because that makes it more real to me, if that makes any sense. I hope you liked, I'll be updating whenever I can.

Ashley XOXO