One more day!

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto

The clouds stopped the sun from shining through on the village hidden in the leafs. It was a sign that rain was coming and for one little boy that was fine. In a rundown apartment which was provided by the Hokage sat one lonely boy by the name of Naruto Uzumaki. He looked around the darkened room and could not figure out why he had woken up. He glanced at the clock that was on his bedside stand if you could really call it that and noticed that it was only 4.30 in the morning. He groaned. This was becoming a regular thing for him. During the day he would train so hard that he literally fell asleep when his head hit the pillow however these blissful moments only lasted for a couple of hours before his nightmares woke him up again. He sat in the dark room with his knees pulled up to his chest and thought about why he bothered to go on every single day. Every day he put on his perfect mask of happiness on but at times you could see small cracks in them. It was obvious that everybody in the village hated him. Yes he had graduated to become a genin and even had a team but they were no different from the villagers. Yeah sure they did not glare at him but hate was evident in the venom that they spat put for him. Heck even his jonin sensie wasn't even bothered. He just wished there was one person that actually acknowledged him as a person and not the demon fox that was sealed in him.

He groaned again and headed towards the little bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and looked back at his reflection. Blonde hair that had been left to grow fell on a tan face. Big blue eyes devoid of any emotions stared back at him. He had learned very early in his life to mask his emotion perfectly and now it was second nature to him. When he felt sad he would bury it deep down, when he felt angry he would take out his frustration in training. The one feeling that was constant in his life was the loneliness. Even if he was surrounded by a million of people that feeling would not go because it was the people around him that caused it in the first place. One more day Naruto he thought to himself one more day. It was kind of a mantra for him, to wake up and feel like going on. If it was not for this he would have gave up ages ago and rid the village of their biggest burden. His shoulders dropped at the thought of facing people again but hey the show must go on.

"One more day" he whispered to himself and got into the shower. He was shocked out of his thoughts for just one moment when the cold water hit his skin. He didn't complain about the water as he was used to it. It was one of the ways the landlord got his revenge on the demon child. He got out of the shower and went to his so called bedroom. He opened the closet and got out his orange jumpsuit. He looked at it distastefully. He wanted to dress better but then again none of the shops would sell him any clothes. This ugly thing was he only thing that was sold to him and they charged him extra for it but who was he to complain after all he was just the demon child. He got dressed and headed to the kitchen area. He opened the cupboard and took out the packet of instant ramen and boiled some water and waited for the ramen to cook. Ramen everyone wondered he ate so much ramen they never once thought to ask him even though he would never tell them that he could not afford anything apart from this. Even so he was glad that he liked ramen and it was good for his fast metabolism.

He had his breakfast and walked out the apartment making sure to lock it. He then checked his seals to make sure that he they were intact. He had created these seals himself allowing his apartment to be protected when he was out. On more than one occasion he came home to a demolished building. However much he didn't like the apartment it was still his home. He looked around, there was no one on the streets yet and he was thankful for this. Lately his mask was starting to crack and he wasn't sure that he could keep up this façade of being happy and idiotic. In fact he was far from idiotic, he only acted like this to get some attention but that usually backfired.

"Today is going to be one of those days" he muttered to himself and started to walk towards the training ground where he usually met his team. He was upset and angry and full of rage and he knew it. He wanted to calm his mind and what better way than training. He knew that none of his team mate would be about. His so called teammates he thought. Sakura, he didn't really like her, yeah he asked her out all the time but it was more to keep his act up rather than anything else, the only thing that she cared about was getting the attention of that stuck up Uchiha. It made him sick how she would treat the Uchiha with love and respect even though he didn't care or want it and the way she treated him like trash not worth talking to. Then there was the Uchiha, Naruto thought that he could be friends with him as they went through the same pain and loneliness oh but how he was wrong. He thinks that he is so much better. Yeah right, that's something to laugh about. If Naruto wanted he could defeat the Uchiha at the blink of an eye but sadly he didn't want to give the villagers and the council more reasons to hate him. Last but not least there was his sensie. Honestly he didn't know what to make of him, yeah he didn't hate him and glare at him but what he did was much worse he just outright ignores him. His sensie gives more attention to the Uchiha and the pink banshee than him. He goes through this everyday yet he doesn't say anything. He suffers and keeps the hurt inside of him and carries on with the mask in place. He reached the bridge and started some light exercises.

The morning started to turn light and for Naruto it indicated another day of hate and insults. He stopped his training and sat down against the bridge. He yawned. All these sleepless nights and waking up early was starting to get to him, he felt tired contributed by the other factors. The first one to arrive was Uchiha, scowl firmly in place. Today he didn't feel like greeting him just he just kept quiet, closed his eyes and sighed. He could tell that Uchiha was looking at him trying to figure out what was wrong. Well tough, he can go to hell. For once I don't feel like putting my mask on. Right as if on cue came the pink banshee you could hear her screech from all the way here. God she was loud. She stopped right next to the Uchiha who was still looking at Naruto with a confused expression. What the hell is up with the dobe? He never is this quiet. Sasuke thought to himself.

"Hey Sasuke-kun, do you want to get some lunch with me after this?" Sakura asked in her usual fangirly way.

"No" Sasuke had other things to do apart from becoming strong to kill Itachi he had to figure out what the hell was up with the dobe, who unknowingly had become his rival/best friend although he would not admit it. Sakura looked disappointed but shrugged it off. Naruto was aware of this, he sat where he was still and silent. What is the purpose of my life? Thought Naruto, he tried to come up with some answers but his mind went blank. That one question had been bugging him ever since they had come back from the land of waves. He had stated that his purpose was to become a tool for his master. Did Konoha want him to become a tool too, did they not see that he was human with feeling, dreams, and aspirations. No obviously, they only saw the demon inside of him and nothing more.

"Where is that good for nothing idiot?" Sakura asked Sasuke referring to Naruto. He flinched ever so slightly that even the trained eyes of the ANBU couldn't detect it. Sasuke looked at her as if asking her are you stupid? He was sick and tired of her annoying face. The way she treated Naruto infuriated him. He looked away towards Naruto. She followed his gaze and was stunned to see the blond haired ninja sitting against the bridge railing. She noticed that he had his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. How dare he not greet her and Sasuke-kun. What the hell was he playing at, Sasuke-kun is a way better ninja than he ever will be and he should be respected by all. She slowly went over and stood in front of him.

"Naruto, you idiot, you are late and how dare you not greet me and Sasuke-kun?" she screamed at him.

"You finally noticed huh?" Naruto asked with eyes closed and steel in his voice. Sakura was shocked at the tone of voice that he used. Naruto was sick and tired of them all and he just wanted to be left alone. He didn't even understand why he came here in the first place. Yeah he did one more day. From the tree line Kakashi watched the interaction between his students. Something was wrong, he knew it Naruto never acted like this before.

"What the hell are you talking about baka. Would have been better if you weren't here at all!" she screeched like a banshee with more venom in her voice than she would like. That was nothing new to him, but today his mask had cracks that were really big. And frankly he had enough of taking crap. He thought they were his friends but once again he was proven wrong.

"Sakura leave me alone, before I say something that I regret" Naruto informed her calmly, there was a raging battle going on inside where his emotions were trying to break his barriers. Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi noticed that he had dropped the suffix 'Chan'. What's wrong dobe why are you acting like this all of a sudden? Honestly even though Naruto was feeling like crap he didn't want to hurt his so called friends.

"Why you dumb, idiot why don't you just di.." she was cut short when Sasuke yanked her away from Naruto. She stumbled and fell confused. Sasuke was shocked at what he saw face to face with him. His usually blue eyes, bright and radiating happiness was devoid and empty. Naruto's eyes were the same as his, every day when he looked in the mirror at his own reflection. His tan face showed nothing and the big foxy grin was gone, the one that could put the sun to shame and reach even the darkest corner of the darkness even mine thought Sasuke. Naruto averted his eyes not wanting the Uchiha to see something that he didn't want them to see.

"Dobe. What's wrong?" Sasuke asked in his monotone voice. Even though his mind was screaming with concern for his blond friend.

"Why care so suddenly?" Naruto replied with venom. He didn't want their pity. They only notice him now because he was not annoying and loud, but the reality was that they couldn't care less if he lived or died. Sakura was fuming. Her precious Sasuke-kun was talking to that baka and concerned about him and Naruto had the guts to question him. How dare he?

"Naruto, answer Sasuke-kun now!" Sakura spat out. Naruto looked at her with disgust. They stood shocked still. However Sakura was not backing down she would make Naruto see that he was beneath her Sasuke-kun.

"You should consider yourself lucky that he considers someone like you a friend and is concerned about you" she felt a shiver run up her spine and could feel her chest tightening as Naruto released some of his killer intent. Sasuke looked at Naruto, even he was starting to get a bit scared now. I have never seen him like this before. Something really big must be bothering him. Every ninja present in the village looked towards the training ground that they could feel the killer intent coming from and wondered who was it?

"Did you feel that guys?" Kiba asked team 8 and 10 who were doing joint training. They all nodded. They had never felt that kind of killer intent before whoever it was must be really strong they all thought. Their sensie's shared a look. They had not felt that kind of killer intent since their beloved fourth hoakge sacrificed his life on the day of the kyuubi attack. The hokage felt it too and he would have to have a talk with his naru-chan later when he calmed down. Hinata could not stop fidgeting. This felt like Naruto. She was worried for him lately he had become depressed. Usually they would meet up and talk about things but ever since the wave mission he had been avoiding her. She didn't have a chance to ask him about what was bothering him as her team was kept busy. She prayed that he was okay.

"Naruto?" Kakashi had decided it was finally time to intervene. How could he have never noticed that Naruto was this strong. Maybe if I paid him more attention then this would have never happened. Naruto glared at Kakashi with hate. Finally the lazy one decided to intervene he thought to himself. What did he think I was going to hurt his precious Uchiha and pink banshee. To say that kakashi was shocked was an understatement. He was shit scared, the only other person to glare like that at his enemy died twelve years ago. Naruto calmed down, his killer intent disappearing. He took his time glaring at everyone one of them.

"I DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU EVER AGAIN!" he spat out and walked away from the training ground. All three of them stood there glued to the floor as they watched Naruto's frame receding. What the hell happened? They all thought.

Hey guys this idea kept going round and round in my head until I wrote it down. Let me know what you think of it. Planning to do more chappies. Please R&R. Thanks