Hi! Well, this is my first time ever publishing a crossover story, so I hope you all like it! Please enjoy and review!

A Logical Decision

"We will leave the decision up to you. You have one hour."

There was the sound of footsteps leaving the room, the slam of the heavy, steel door, and he was alone.

His decision. His decision.

He chuckled drily to himself. Nothing had been ultimately his decision since the day he jumped. His eyebrows creased as unbidden memories rose to the surface. In the past few months, it had been all too easy to push them down, even easier than it had been before ('before' was the only word that he would attribute to his past). In fact, he rarely thought about his before, if at all. The quickness, the raging, wild system of his genetically enhanced brain, frighteningly and impressively faster than his mind from before, the staggeringly vast learning abilities and expanded storage of information left little, if any room for memories of before. It was almost as if that life, that life from before had never existed, just a fleeting, brief amount of time. His mind, which in the life of before he had described a mind palace, was now so much more than a useless little palace; it was a universe. Logically, he knew there was nothing to be gained by remembering life from before, so it was pushed away into the farthest, dustiest corners of his mind-but it was still irritatingly present.

And now he was being asked to decide the fate of someone from his 'before'-the one person he had purposely not allowed himself to even entertain a thought of.

Because with this person's face, his name-it brought pain, it brought longing, and it brought the oddest feeling of all- desperate hope.

Dr. Watson's information automatically popped up in his mind like words on a computer screen, scrolling through his mind's eye.

Dr. John Hamish Watson

Captain, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers

42 years old

Date of birth: September 8, 1971

Marital status: Unmarried


Father: Duncan Watson, Mother: Kate Brown Watson.

Sibling(s): Harriet Watson

Current employment: None

He frowned. Why would any of this pointless information-why would this man mean anything?

Dr. John Hamish Watson

John Hamish Watson

John Watson






Best friend

Friend…that was the word that puzzled him the most.

He didn't have friends. There was literally no one that he needed in his life. There was not a single person that could offer him something he did not already have, he had no weaknesses.

But yet-there was still this pull, something tangible moving him towards this John Watson. Out of any person he knew from before, he could call up memories of this man the quickest, his voice, his face, and most dominantly, this deeply cemented need to protect him, to make sure he was happy and well.

But as he had been told so many times since the beginning of his process-everything, everyone from 'before' did not matter. They were tiny and insignificant in comparison to the now, and thinking about it was a valuable waste of time.

Despite knowing this, this was just one thing he could not help.

He knew that he had jumped from a building to save John Watson, to ensure John's safety, and his happiness. He knew that though his mind before was pathetic compared to his mind now, he knew even before he had had a brain superior to most. If he had that even then, even with his highly intelligent brain had still decided to jump for a single man, he reasoned now that he must have been, to say the least, enormously important.

Which made his decision now all the more difficult.

When he had jumped, his plan,-which he saw now had a ghastly amount of flaws-had gone horribly wrong. He did, technically speaking, die-until someone from the now stepped in and changed everything.

With the consent of his brother from before, he became a subject of a completely secret underground experiment, the first subject of the operation to succeed.

Sherlock Holmes died that day-and Khan was born.

Since then, he had been living in this facility, with the 'testers'-he found it of no importance to learn any of their names-adjusting to his new, superhuman body. His existence thus far had been dull-he was not allowed out of the facility, his time was spent, for the lack of a better word, training.

Yesterday, he had been given a choice to enter into a hypersleep-waiting for a time where technology would be more advanced, where his abilities would be useful, not overwhelming to the natural world-the world at present was literally not prepared for his genius and his strength.

The decision had been a simple one. A week from today, he would be put to sleep, not to be awakened until it was a "better time".

Until he remembered his friend from before, John. The testers thought of this not long after he did, and they gave him a choice-they could bring John Watson in, perform the same experiment, and put him into hypersleep along with Khan-and they both would be awakened at the same time, both together, and both equals-or they could leave him be.

Khan's first instinct was to say yes-bring in John Watson, bring him his friend-but then…there was so much more he still had to consider.

Was it fair to rip John Watson away from his life, force him into becoming a science experiment, to say goodbye to everything he knew?

No. It wasn't fair.

And who was to say that his John Watson from before would be the same after the experiment-Khan knew that he was hardly the same person he was from before-for Khan himself, the name and persona of Sherlock Holmes seemed as foreign to him as a stranger on the streets. Would he truly have returned to him his friend from before? Or would he be delivered a stranger?

Logically, he knew he could not expect John Watson to be returned to him one hundred percent perfect. He knew that there was an almost certain chance that he could be receiving an enemy, what with his military history, his personality, and strength-John Watson, already a force to be reckoned with, would be absolutely lethal after this experiment, a weapon of complete destruction. And once done-there would be no going back.

There was no need to check the time-exactly fifty six minutes, and thirty three seconds had passed since the testers had left the room.

It was then he knew he needed no more time-his decision was made.

John Watson would die.

Not today, no-but he would go on and live his life, go on without Sherlock, go on alone-and in an expected amount of time, John would die-and Sherlock-

Khan would continue to live.


In the end, though, it would be the most logical decision.


"Please proceed to room 221 in fifteen minutes."

There was the sound of footsteps again, and the door shut.

Khan had made his decision.

In fifteen minutes, he would enter into hypersleep, and everything from before would completely, truly be deleted-having absolutely no relevance.

But there was one last thing that needed to be done as Sherlock Holmes.

Tester #3's laptop was placed in front of him. A video feed had been brought up on the screen, ready to record. After a moment, making sure he was alone, he leaned forward. "Begin recording."

The computer beeped to show that it had understood, and a red light flashed.

"January 3rd, 2014," Khan began. "To Dr. John Hamish Watson, from Sherlock Holmes."

The computer beeped three times, and Khan continued.

"John," he said, surprised by the emotion that came to his voice when he spoke the name-"When I left-I always expected to come back." He hadn't expected to plunge so quickly into this speech, but it seemed appropriate, and the words began to come, faster than he thought they would have. This had to be done, and had to be said.

"I always expected to come back and tell you how much you meant to me. But now-now I'll never get that chance. I can't tell you what happened to me, and I can't tell you why, but I just want you to know, wherever you are-that everything I did-" he choked on the sudden, rising emotion, his eyes burning with unshed moisture-"And everything I do-I do for you, because you are the only thing in my life that ever truly mattered." He swallowed hard, and went on. "That-that is why I left, and it is why I am making the decision to leave you now. And so it is with a heavy heart, that I once again bid you farewell. Goodbye, John. You were, and are the best man that I have ever known, and your friendship meant more to me than you will ever know."

He closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

"Sherlock Holmes is dead. My name…is Khan."

He gave a curt nod.

"End recording."