Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Holy Shit

He found the party to be dull. While he enjoyed being there for his best friend, there was simply nothing for him to do. Miroku set down his second shot of brandy and sighed. Outside the toddlers were screaming at the top of their lungs, their parents not caring to quite them down. For a group of sophisticated adults they sure did not care if their kids ran ramped.

On top of his throbbing headache, he was absolutely bored. The adults that surrounded him were not exciting, not a big surprise seeing that most of the people at the party were Kikyo's friends. The only other person that he actually enjoyed talking to other then Inuyasha was Sango, however she was too busy being fawned over by women as they asked her how she faired with her pregnancy. He would have even spoken to Sango's husband Bankotsu, but even he was forced to endure the same form of interrogation.

Miroku placed his head in his hands and cursed his miss fortune. The things he did for his best friend. Speaking of his best friend, wasn't there a specific reason as to why he was here in the first place? The sound of the front door opening had the writer lifting his head to attention. There at the door stood Kikyo, holding the birthday girl in her arms.

"Mamama!" the girl cried out reaching out for Miroku. He smiled and took one of her hands in his, shaking it.

"Hello there, squirt!" He chuckled. She squealed with joy and pulled her hand back. Hotaru tried to hide herself in her mothers embrace, a smile still on her face. She had her father's spirit, that much he knew. He always heard of how she got into mischief and how much of a handful she could be. Her hair was dark and unruly, her eyes a bright gray. She was so full of life, hard to believe that she was Kikyo's daughter. He frowned at that thought. He really should not think bad of her, however Miroku never did see the woman as being a good chose for Inuyasha. She was too dull and sophisticated for his rowdy friend. It did not help that Kikyo did not particularly like the erotic writer.

"I need you to go get more plasticware from the pantry. I asked my sister earlier, but she is taking to long." She demanded in a stoic tone. She did not sound demanding, however Miroku could tell by the look in her eyes that she would not take no or an answer. He raised his eyebrow at her, plasticware? It took a moment for recognition to light his violet eyes. That is why he is here because his friend was to much of a coward to face his wife's sister.

"As you wish." He gave her a mock bow in which she frowned at.

He did not bother to ask where the pantry was because he already knew where it was. Miroku walked into the kitchen and towards a door that sat near the laundry room. It was already open and the room was bathed in darkness. Seeing the way that it was positioned away from the open backdoor, very natural light reached the pantry room. Yes, room. The pantry was about the size of walk in closet. Miroku placed his hand on the wall and sighed at his bad luck. There was no light switch, meaning that the only way to turn on the light was to walk into the dark and find a string or chain of some sort that turned the light on. Miroku walked inside, his hand grasping air as he searched for the chain.

"Hello? Is there anyone—" he started to speak allowed, believing that Kikyo's sister still remained inside. His sentence was cut off when he ran into something or someone. Guess Kikyo's sister was still in there after all. He grasped her hip and pulled her to him to keep her from falling. Her form pressed against his and held onto him for dear life. He did not blame her, who knew what stood behind them. If she fell would she had fallen into shelves or fallen to the floor?

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice breathy from the fear that momentarily flashed through him.

"Yes. Thank you." She whispered back. Miroku looked up and strained his eyes in the dark to see her. That voice . . . through the thick darkness he could see familiar azure eyes staring back at him. His eyes widened and his grip on her tightened. He knew this person. He knew those eye's, that body, that voice.

" -Kagome?" He heard her gasp and watched as fear and panic entered those beautiful eyes of hers.

"M-Miroku?" she whispered hesitantly. For the first time in a long time, Miroku cursed.

"Holy shit."

A/N: I don't' really post these and I'm sorry. There are only two or three chapters left! I love reading your reviews and thank you for reminding me to update! Sadly at the moment I don't have access to your name so I can't thank you properly. Seeing that you guys like this story give me joy! Please continue reviewing and telling me your thoughts on this story. This was not edited and if any mistakes are found it will be!

Question: Did this new development come as a surprise or had you already assumed this outcome?