Disclaimers: 'Castle' is the property of Andrew Marlowe and ABC Studios Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. I merely own the story.

Title: All of the Songs Make Sense

Summary: A collection of unrelated one-shots based on different things throughout six seasons of Castle and Beckett. Mostly K and T rated, but there will be an occasional M rated chapter.

A/N #1: This idea was given to me by my Unmuse Chuck. We're both huge music fanatics. I was adding a playlist for each of us on my phone. Since I write for two different fan fiction universes, he suggested that I write a story for each of these universes based on my playlists. I know most of you won't know the songs that I'm using because my music tastes are mostly 70's and 80's stuff, but believe me, the songs do fit Caskett. I wouldn't be using them if they didn't. If I do this right, it'll be more than 40 chapters. Some will be long, others will be short.

A/N #2: This chapter takes place at the end of 'Number One Fan.' I thought it was a good place to start.

Chapter 1: For Love of a Good Cheeseburger

"Cheeseburgers. He likes cheeseburgers," Kate told the hostage negotiator.

"I do love a good cheeseburger," Castle admitted earnestly.

'Trying to amend my carnivorous habits

Made it nearly 70 days

Losing weight without speed, eating sunflower seeds

Drinking lots of carrot juice and soaking up rays

But at night I have these wonderful dreams

Some kind of sensuous treat

Not zucchini, fettuccine, bulgur wheat

But a big, warm bun and a huge hunk of meat'

Jimmy Buffett – Cheeseburger in Paradise

It was after three in the morning. After closing down The Old Haunt, the gang all ended up at Remy's, their favorite 24-hour burger joint. They had all shared many a laugh, not to mention a lot of cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes at Remy's. Castle remembered the night Kate had brought him here after he'd gotten the huge bill for ruining the exhibit at the art museum. He still cringed when he remembered writing that check. He could've sent two other kids to college on what that had cost him.

"I still can't believe that you got shot by your number one fan, bro," Espo reiterated for the fifth time that day.

"If it hadn't been for that doofus, she wouldn't have shot me," Castle argued back. "I took donuts in and he actually had the audacity to ask me if they were gluten free. Seriously, dude? They were donuts! You either eat them or you don't. I'm not a dietician."

"Besides," Kate wrapped her arm around Castle's bicep and squeezed, "she wasn't his number one fan. I am."

"Beckett, are you drunk?" Ryan asked her.

"A little," she buried her face against Castle's shoulder as she began a fit of uncontrollable giggling.

"A little?" Espo looked at Castle with a raised eyebrow. "You'd better get her some food, bro."

The waitress came over to the table to take their order. The boys, Jenny, and Lanie placed their order. She then turned her attention to Kate and Castle. "Kate?" Castle nudged her.

"I want a cheeseburger, no onions, curly fries, and a strawberry shake," Kate looked at the waitress. She never even looked at the menu anymore. She'd been ordering the same thing for as long as she could remember.

"I still can't believe that you order a cheeseburger without onions. I'm telling you that you're disrespecting Jimmy Buffett. I'll have the same thing as she's having, but put onions on the cheeseburger."

"Fine, Castle, but I'm not kissing you later," she warned him.

"Yes, you will," he grinned.

"So, what's the joke regarding cheeseburgers?" Jenny Ryan asked.

"Safe word," Kate mumbled, putting her head on her folded arms on the table.

"How much did she have to drink?" Lanie asked. "I don't remember her being this drunk when we left the bar."

"Oh, you weren't in the Ferrari with her," Castle looked at Kate's best friend.

"As for how much she had to drink, ask Espo," Ryan nodded toward his partner.


"Let's just say she was fine until that last shot."

"And, just what was in that last shot?" Lanie crossed her arms, glaring at her sometime boyfriend.

"I forget everything that was in it, but it cost 40 bucks," Espo looked at Lanie and waited for the explosion.

"You bought her a 40 dollar shot?"

"Don't get mad at Javi," Kate slurred. "I didn't have to drink it."

"Except he dared you," Ryan pointed out. "You never turn down a dare, Beckett. And technically, it wasn't a shot. It came out in a tumbler."

"Castle, get her some water now! How is it that you're not drunk, Javi?"

"Chica, I'm former Special Forces. I've drunk worse things than 40 dollar shots."

Castle managed to get a huge glass of water down Kate, making her a little more coherent, but not much. He was hoping food would also help. But he knew that chances were that greasy food would make things worse. He just hoped he could get her home before she got sick.

"So, you were saying something about a safe word?" Jenny smiled at Kate as the waitress brought their food over.

"Uh, yeah. The uh . . . negotiator guy asked Castle for a word that would tell . . . them that uh . . . that he was in trouble," Kate tried to keep her thoughts straight. Esposito was going to pay for ordering her that shot. "He loves cheeseburgers, so we decided that was the word that he would use."

"That's so cute," Jenny giggled.

"Cute? The psycho bitch almost killed him! Excuse me," Kate slid out of the booth and bolted for the ladies room.

"I'll go and check on her," Lanie quickly excused herself as she followed Kate to the restroom.

Castle watched as his girlfriend's best friend followed Kate to the restroom. Neither of them had really talked about what had happened earlier that afternoon. They'd both been so relieved that he was okay except for a huge bruise in the center of his chest. As usual, he'd deflected the situation with humor while Kate hadn't really talked about it, at all. That was just her way.

When Lanie entered the ladies' room, she could hear retching coming from one of the stalls. "Kate, are you okay?"

"Esposito is a dead man," Kate came out of the stall as Lanie handed her some paper towels. "I thought that he was dead, Lanie. When I ran into that office and saw him lying on the floor, I couldn't help thinking 'Not again.' I thought that it was unfair that he'd survive that poisoning only to get shot in the chest weeks later."

"But he's okay, sweetie. I know that you don't want to joke about it, but joking is just Castle's way of dealing with things."

"I remember the first time he showed me that vest, I was so irritated and pissed off at him for buying it. He looked like such a little boy. I never thought that it would ever save his life. I never thought he'd ever be in a situation where he'd need the vest to save him. I'm the cop, not him."

"But, it did save him," Lanie reminded her. "So, are you okay?"

"Yeah, tell them I'll be out in a few minutes."

'Cheeseburger in Paradise

Heaven on earth with an onion slice

Not too particular, not too precise

It's just a cheeseburger in paradise'

Castle looked up when Kate returned to the table about 10 minutes later. "Are you okay?" He asked as she looked at him and smiled.

"Have you taken a bite of that, yet?" She nodded toward his cheeseburger.

"Yeah, why?"

"Kiss me anyway," she looked at him with love written all over her face.

"Did you rinse your mouth out?" He asked as she gave him The Look. He then captured her lips in a soft kiss.

"You two are just too cute," Jenny told them when they broke apart.

Castle closed his eyes and sighed as he ate the burger. He loved all kinds of foods from comfort food to fine dining in five-star restaurants. But there was nothing better in the world than a good cheeseburger. He'd had some truly great ones in his travels as a best-selling author. It was hard to decide which ones he liked the best.

'Heard about the old-time sailor men

They eat the same thing again and again

Warm beer and bread, they say could raise the dead

Well, it reminds me of the menu at a Holiday Inn

Times have changed for sailors these days

When I'm port I get what I need

Not just Havana's or bananas or daiquiris

But that American creation of which I feed

Cheeseburger in paradise

Medium rare with mustard is nice

Heaven on earth with an onion slice

I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

I like mine with lettuce and tomato

Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes

A big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer

Good God almighty, which way do I steer?

For my cheeseburger in paradise

Making the best of every virtuous bite

Worth every bit of sacrifice

To get a cheeseburger in paradise

To get me a cheeseburger in paradise

I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise'

"Castle, you look like you're in love with that burger," Ryan teased the author.

"I have eaten cheeseburgers all over the world. I've had 200 dollar cheeseburgers and I've eaten 59 cent cheeseburgers. But, these are the best anywhere," he sighed as he took another bite.

"When Beckett and I first became detectives, she was on the search for the ultimate strawberry shake. It became an obsession. I thought at one point I was going to have to stage an intervention. One day we were on lunch break and we walked by and saw the sign in the window advertising shakes. We figured they couldn't be any worse than some of the others we'd had," Espo told the group.

"So, the shakes pulled you in?" Castle looked at her as she looked at Espo and blushed. "What am I missing?"

"Bro, when she took that first drink of her shake, let's just say that I heard sounds coming from Beckett that I never want to hear coming from Beckett."

"You're kidding," Ryan and Jenny started laughing as Kate once again buried her face in Castle's shoulder.

They sat around Remy's for another hour laughing and teasing each other, talking about anything but what had happened the day before. The thought that they could've lost a friend/member of their family was a sobering thought. Lanie and Kate began discussing ideas for a baby shower with Jenny, a topic that the boys quickly begged out of.

It was almost 4:30 when Kate and Castle walked into the loft. Well, Castle was walking; Kate was doing more of a stagger. "I'll get you another glass of water and some aspirin," he said, walking into the kitchen.

Kate walked over to where Castle's bullet-proof vest was sitting on the coffee table. A vest that lived up to its name the afternoon before. She picked it up and looked at the perfect hole directly above the 'I' in 'Writer.' Castle had even made a joke about Emma dotting the 'i.' But just a fraction of an inch higher and he wouldn't have been joking.

Rick looked at her from across the counter and knew what she was thinking. It was written all over her face. The same thoughts had been running through his head, but he was afraid to voice them out loud. Voicing them out loud made them real. "Here you go, two aspirins for the detective," he walked over and handed her the water and aspirin tablets.

"Thank you, Rick," she took the items and downed the aspirin. "I'll get you an official police vest. I can order it for you tomorrow."

"I liked my 'Writer' vest. It reminds me of when you didn't like me," he pouted.

"I always liked you, Castle. You just used to annoy me," she took his hand.

"So, I don't annoy you, anymore?"

"No, you still annoy me, but in a nice way," she smiled as he moved close to kiss her. "Like right now. You need to brush your teeth and use mouthwash. I hate raw onions!"

"Okay," he pulled back from her. "Are we going to talk about it?" He asked, referring to the ruined vest.

"Not tonight. If I talk about it tonight, I'll start crying and never stop. It'll just ruin my buzz."

"I'm okay, Kate," he cupped the side of her face.

"I know. Go brush your teeth and meet me in bed. I have a feeling you'll probably be holding my hair back later."

"How romantic," he quipped as he got up and followed her toward their bedroom.

After brushing his teeth and using mouthwash like Kate had suggested, he walked into the bedroom where he found Kate sprawled out across his side of the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently moved her over, before getting into bed and pulling the covers over the both of them. "Are you awake?" He asked, getting a grunt in reply. "I didn't know that you were my number one fan."

"Still am, Castle," she mumbled drunkenly, throwing her arm across his stomach. "Go to sleep. I have to sleep before the bed starts spinning."

"Goodnight," he settled down into the mattress and pulled her closer to him.

A/N #3: All of the chapters from this story are from my playlist. I'm a Jimmy Buffett freak. Not quite a Parrot Head but pretty close. This song and another I'll be using later 'Come Monday' are my favorites.

A/N #4: My song tastes are eclectic which will be reflected in the chapters. I'm sure most of the songs can probably be found on YouTube.

A/N #5: I'm sure that I'll be exploring Kate being Castle's number one fan in a future chapter.

I can be found on Twitter Caskett1960. Come and follow me.