Small town just outside Waynesfield, Ohio

Silence. Complete and utter silence encompasses the pair that walk down the empty street. Their footsteps echo off the old stores. The man could swear that it reminded him of the 50's. Not that he was old enough to have even lived in the 50's, but he imagined this is what it would look like.

The old ma and pa stores closed for business. The windows yellowed with age. It had been quite some time since this small town had seen any kind of business. It hadn't been... lively... in months.

No matter how quiet they tried to be, and they had perfected the art of stealth, every move they made sounded like a gun shot. That's how quiet this town was.

Gun shots wasn't something they heard often. Not that they hadn't each scavenged up a gun, but they had learned not to use them. When they did hear shots fired they moved in the opposite direction. As far away from the sound as possible. Gun shots or any loud noise, really, drew them near.

The man had only shot his gun twice. The woman, once.

They spotted their destination just ahead. The man pointed out the old station wagon halfway on the curb. The doors wide open. The owners must have left in a haste.

The woman nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings, just in case. No one was around, not for miles.

The man approached the vehicle and removed the gas cap. Setting the canister he had been carrying all day on the ground. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a coiled hose. Cut to just the right length they needed.

Each of them wore a backpack. That's what their lifes belongings had dwindled down to. Every item in that bag. You could tell a lot about a person by what they carried around with them now a days. Not that they ran into many people to begin with. Or any for that matter.

They tried to stay away from anyone. Everyone is a potential danger.

"I'll take this one." The woman tells the man, dropping to her knees in front of the car. She uncoils the hose and sticks it into the gas tank, arranging the other end to reach her lips.

She puffs up her cheeks and begins to syphon from the tank. Her partner, smirking at her position from where he leans against the car. He is supposed to be on the look out, as unnecessary as it is, but instead he looks down at the woman in amusement. Her position mimicking a very compromising one.

"Used to being on your knees, aren't-" The woman looks up and glares at the man.

"Not today Puckerman." The man waves a dismissive hand at her and crosses his arms. Instead opting to look straight ahead.

"It was too easy anyway." The man, Puckerman, sighs. He was more of a boy really, at the age of 18, he was forced to grow up. Doing things he would have never imagined himself doing, all at the cost of surviving and keeping his friend safe.

The tank starts to fill, leaving the girl to sit back on her legs until every last drop is in the red canister. She too, was at the mere age of 18, but the sights she had seen over the last 2 months had aged her way beyond her years.

"There's a convenience store, just down there. Want to check it out?" The boy asks as the girl shakes the last remnants of gasoline from the hose. She looks up at the direction he points to and coils the hose.

"Looters had to have gotten to it by now." The girl hands Puckerman the hose. He looks at her hopefully, putting away the hose in his bag.

"I don't know, this place seems pretty untouched to me." The man tries, hoping to persuade his friend. The woman takes a look around at her surroundings once again. Her face gives off no emotion, no indication to what is possibly going through her mind.

She had to agree, this was the first town they had wandered in that didn't have vehicles congesting the streets. No broken glass settled on the sidewalks. No bodies littered the ground. It was almost eery. Like a ghost town.

"It couldn't hurt to look around." It wasn't that the woman normally called the shots, but ever since they had passed a hospital not two days prior she had been in a foul mood. Puckerman could understand, that was why he was willing to have his friend call the shots for the time being.

"That's what I'm talking about!" The man exclaims enthusiastically. His friend can't help but crack a smile. They reach the end of the store and set the gas tank down. Pulling out their guns. They had become pros at clearing areas. Who would have known that those long hours of playing Call of Duty would have actually come in handy?

The partners walk into the store cautiously. Both with their weapons out, a flash light in each of their hands. They couldn't concentrate on the items on the shelves just yet. They had to make sure the place was secure.

"Clear!" The man yells from the opposite side of the store.

"Clear!" The woman echoes back.

"Rachel, are you looking at all of this?" Puckerman asks in awe. As far as stores had gone, they had just hit the mother load.

They had been to many stores, none of them contained nearly as much as the one they were in now. And this store was tiny. Sure, some of the shelves had been emptied, but for the most part, supplies were everywhere.

"Amazing!" Rachel breathes, the first genuine smile lights up her face. They hadn't ever been this lucky. Batteries, flash lights, food, and water.

"Should I bring the jeep around?" Puckerman asks, not being able to contain his excitement, stuffing his backpack full of beef jerky and slim jims. He hadn't had it in months.

"No, but we need something to help us carry as much as we can." Rachel didn't like bringing the jeep into towns. The engine was already loud enough, bring it into a small place surrounded by buildings, the sound would echo off every possible surface it could. And it would leave them trapped if they were ever surrounded.

"Man, you gotta love hicks! Wooh!" Rachel can't help but be curious at her friends excitement. She follows the sound of his voice to behind the cash register. He holds up a shotgun above his head like a prize.

"You can't be serious!" Rachel gasps, holding her hand out for the gun. "Noah, you're a genius" The man smiles at the praise, he doesn't get it much these days. He hands over the gun and continues to rifle around behind the counter. Not much ammunition, but it would do.

"Do you think other stores have guns?" Rachel asks as Noah empties out the cash register. Rachel never really understood why he always takes money. It's no use to them now. She figured it was a way for him to hold on to their past. She had once asked him, why. He had simply shrugged and stuffed the green into his pocket.

"Good kindling." Was his answer.

"There might be." Puck replies, an air of excitement surrounds the man. "Should I bring the jeep around now?" Rachel bites her lip and shakes her head.

"No, but we'll gather as many bags and fill them with what we need and leave them outside. Then we'll go look around for more weapons THEN we'll both bring the jeep around and load it up."

"Sounds good." That's why Puckerman doesn't come up with the plans. Rachel uses logic over convenience. It has kept them alive this long.

Findley, Ohio

They walk down the crowded highway. Making their way through the vehicles left behind. Her stomach growls loudly. They hadn't found any food yet. Bodies? Yeah, but they all head bullet holes in their head so they didn't have anything to fear.

"Find anything yet?" The Latina woman calls out, running a hand over her empty stomach.

"Nothing all that useful." The boy answers. It was the end of the world and he still tried his hardest to always look his best.

They didn't stray too far from each other. They were all the other had left. Not that before the incident they were all that close. In fact, Santana knew that they weren't even friends before the incident. The boy had been tossed in a dumpster. He had been teased and humiliated by her and all of her friends.

There had been a moment, when Santana finally admitted that she was in love with her that she and her traveling companion had finally seen eye to eye. They both understood what it felt like to be on the receiving end of a disgusted look. A look thrown at you simply because of who you chose to love.

"Wait! I think I found something!" Kurt calls out. His ass is sticking out of the passenger side of a prius. Santana rushes over to him, her stomach driving her every move.

"Here!" Kurt tosses her a small red bag, Doritos! Santana does not hesitate to rip it open and wolf down the chips.

"Is this a...?" Kurt lets his question trail off as he presents the new item to Santana. He looks at it like it is the holy grail.

"Holy shit it's a radio!" Santana is momentarily distracted by the new item. She's done with the chips before she would like, and even takes extra measure to lick the excess cheese flavor left on her fingers.

"This whole car has great stuff in it." Kurt informs Santana. There are quilts, some camping gear, and underneath all of it a whole lot of processed food.

Santana can already see the idea forming in her friends eyes.

"You're Latina right? You can hot-wire this car." Kurt asks her excitedly. Santana scoffs and reaches her hand into the back seat, pulling out a twinkie.

"That is the most racist thing I've heard come out of your mouth." Santana says around a mouthful of Twinkie. Kurt grimaces.

"But you can, can't you?" He prods. They only thing Kurt and Santana had to call their own was the clothes on their backs and a knife in their pockets. They had been wandering around for quite some time, hoping to maybe find more people. Hoping to run into friends. Or anyone, really.

"That's such a stereotype." Santana dismisses. Kurt looks at her expectantly, so she nods "But yeah, I can totally hot-wire a car. Want to know the best part though?" Kurt listens excitedly. Santana makes her way to the drivers seat and turns the key in the ignition.

"I don't have to hot-wire anything." Santana grins. Kurt claps excitedly and climbs into the vehicle.

"This is perfect! It doesn't use up that much gas. It's quiet! what more could we ask for?" Santana reaches her hand into the back seat, this time pulling her hand back to find a snowball.

"We need to ration that stuff." Kurt tells her, but allows her to eat the marshmallow treat.

"I'm starving" Santana argues, spewing coconut all over the wheel. She puts the car into reverse and gets out of the highway.

"This car may not use much gas, but there isn't much in here to begin with." Santana taps on the display panel, hoping that somehow it would magically create more gas.

"How far can it get us?" Kurt asks, indulging his growling stomach by grabbing a bag of funions.

"Depends on where we want to go?" Both of them know where they want to go. They were both missing their significant other. And if there was one place they knew they could find, it would be back home.

"Lima it is, then." Santana agrees, without having to hear one word from Kurt.

"I think we deserve air conditioning, don't you?" The had been traveling in 80 degree weather, of course they deserved it. But Kurt was usually the on who made sure they would ration the few items they could find, so of course if Kurt was suggesting it, Santana was going to go for it.

"Hell yes!" Santana turns up the AC to full blast, while Kurt turns in his seat to see what other goodies he might find. He isn't disappointed when he finds a pack of water bottles on the ground behind his seat.

"We have never been this lucky." Kurt tells Santana, handing her a warm water bottle. At this point neither of them care, they're just thirsty.

"Maybe our luck is about to change." Santana says optimistically. And she isn't the one to be optimistic, so Kurt can't help but feel that way too.

Farm miles from Lima, Ohio

Rachel found the crackling of the soothing. She had once been too scared to start a fire, afraid that those things would find them. But Noah seemed to have figured it out. They always drove for a good couple of miles into a secluded area before starting a fire. Noah lays on the ground, gazing up at the stars, a slim jim hanging precariously from his mouth. Rachel couldn't have asked for a better person to be stuck with when the end of the world came. Sure she would have preferred someone else, but that's the thing about the end of the world, you don't get a choice.

"I know what you're doing." Rachel speaks out, grabbing the attention of her friend. Noah turns his head to look at her, slightly confused.

"I'm eating. Want some?" Noah holds out the slim jim. Rachel wrinkles her nose. She's had to adapt to the new world. That meant no more vegan diet. Rachel knew that when it comes to self preservation, you must be willing to do anything. Eating meat was an unfortunate part of that.

"No thanks, I still don't like those things." Noah tosses her a bag of beef jerky. This she could stomach a bit easier. Those beef sticks were too meaty and greasy.

"What I mean is, I know you're taking us back home. Ever since we saw that hospital. I appreciate it, but we don't have to." Every fiber in Rachel's being is telling her to shut up. Ever since Lima had been evacuated they hadn't gone back. She just needed to know for sure that she wasn't alive. She needed that closure.

"I'm not only doing it for you." Noah tells her, turning his head again to look at the stars.

"I need to know for sure too." Noah had also had a special bond with her. Sometimes Rachel would forget. It was always about how Rachel felt. How much Rachel missed her. How much she meant to her. Rachel almost had a sort of claim on her, she often forget she was loved by many.

Rachel pulls her backpack to her and rifles through it. Pulling out a radio she and Noah had found at a police station a month ago.

"Give it a rest for tonight, no one's out there." Noah sighs, he too was tired of not hearing a response.

Rachel ignores her friend and clicks the radio on. Only static cackles through the speakers. She teaks a deep breath and holds down a button.

"This is Rachel Berry speaking. It's been a long time since I and my partner, Noah Puckerman have come into and human contact. Living humans. We are calling out to any other survivors. If you're out there, let us know." Rachel releases the button, waiting for a response. The silence crackles. She tries a different station every night. Tonight it's 3.

"This is Rachel Berry speaking. Is anybody out there?" Once again, she releases the button, anticipating another voice. Noah groans in frustration and turns to look at Rachel.

"Give it a rest!" He growls at his friend.

"I repeat: Is anybody out there?" Rachel lets the static play for another 30 seconds before she decides to click it off. Just as she is lowering the volume a voice breaks through.

"Berry?" Noah sits up quickly, hoping he hadn't just imagined it. He was almost certain he recognized the voice. Rachel too, look shocked, she twisted the volume all the way up, hoping to hear it again, but they only hear more static. They both wait with bated breath.

"Holy Shit, Berry is that you?" The radio rings loud and clear. Both Rachel and Puck recognize the voice.

Lima general. Lima, Ohio.

The morning air is stiff and subtle. The empty hospital shows no life. Not even the moaning and groaning behind a chained door represents life.

Few lights flicker int the otherwise dark hospital. The only light that filters in comes from the windows.

Most doors in this particular wing of the hospital are wide open. All except for one. It is barricaded with a gurney and chairs.

Behind the door lays a woman in a bed. For anyone who isn't paying close attention, she presents herself to be another dead body that litters the hospital. The shallow rise and fall of her chest proves otherwise.

Eyes snap open in panic to reveal brilliant hazel irises. A gasp is sucked harshly into her lungs.

She's finally awake.

So, I was kept awake by another Midnight thought last night. We can all blame The Walking Dead for that.

Who doesn't love a good zombie fic? I know I love them.

This is going to be a lot like the Walking Dead. It will follow some of their story lines and have some of my own. And it will be as merciless with killing off characters as it is on the show. So a big Character Death warning throughout this fic.

What do you think?

Reviews are very much appreciated :D

Have a great week - A