Jack awoke the next day to the feeling of being watched.

The feeling had intensified by the time he got to the main temple for breakfast. Even the wind felt heavy.

It was obvious that Palutena and Medusa could sense it too. Both goddesses were looking uneasy, and Medusa kept shooting looks over her shoulder.

Jack shuddered. I'm not the only one that feels it then?"

Lady Palutena shook her head. "No. It feels as if someone or something is here." She frowned. "I'd like to think that nothing could invade Skyworld without my knowing it, but I'm not that unrealistic."

Medusa looked as though she would very much like to say something to this, but refrained. Instead she shot another look over her shoulder and said, "It doesn't seem to be malevolent."

I should hope I'm not.

Jack flinched. The voice seemed to come from everywhere. Then there was a thrum of energy, and the air seemed to thicken. Jack could make out a vaguely human shape. There was a strange hissing sound, and the shape solidified.

Palutena drew in a breath. "Mother Gaea."

"The one and only." Her voice was rich and warm. Then she turned and leaned down to stare Jack full in the face.

The effect was highly disconcerting. While Palutena and Medusa both looked somewhat Grecian, Mother Gaea's face was a sort of mixture of anyone he had ever seen. Her eyes were a deep lilac, and there was something in them that Jack couldn't define. Power certainly, enough to make him wary, but something else as well.

She leaned back, and Jack got an opportunity to examine the rest of her. Her hair was a deep black, except for a lock of white that fell across her forehead. She was in a deep purple toga that was knotted at one shoulder with a long streamer of fabric. There was a similar fabric streamer tied to her other arm. Her skin itself was a sort of brown that put Jack in mind of a tree trunk.

Gaia frowned. "You are owed an apology, Jack Frost, if you'd have it."

Jack blinked. "I-you don't owe me a-anything."

The frown deepened. "I'm afraid I do. I trusted Lunanoff to do what he should for you. I let myself sleep after your creation, and in doing so I left you entirely on your own." She shook her head. "I left you to fend for yourself in a world that has quite clearly failed to recognize you."

Jack didn't quite know what to say. He settled for, "The wind was with me, even if it can't really speak."

Gaea smiled then. "Yes, Viridi mentioned as much. I am glad that some part of me found you. Even one as…detached as it. I gave them autonomy many eons ago. To see them aid you as they have is a wonderful sight."

Then she caught sight of Medusa. "Now here's a surprise. You've returned and you're getting along with Palutena? My how times have changed."

Medusa tossed her head and smirked. "Let's just say things are up in the air at the moment. We've called a truce." Her smile faded and she glanced at Jack. "I'm beginning to think my real enemy is that squatter up on the moon."

Gaea's expression changed so fast, Jack was sure she had to get some sort of whiplash. There was anger in it, and something that vanished too fast for Jack to identify. "While it is true that Lunanoff cannot communicate easily, there is much he could have done. We will be having a chat at the next great conclave."

Even centuries later, Jack would swear that that moment was the most terrifying he had ever experienced. Even though the anger was not directed at him, Jack still felt his insides run cold for a moment.

Fortunately, it was at this moment that Viridi arrived with Pit in tow. "I found her!" She stopped dead, Pit narrowly avoiding a collision with her. "And you found Medusa…"

Jack grinned. "Actually she kinda found us." He glanced at the smirking goddess. "She's really pretty nice you know."

Medusa shuddered at this. "Nice is the last thing I should be. Those humans down below need to be put in their place, not coddled, vainglorious things that they are."

Jack blinked. "They're not that bad are they?"

Medusa glanced at him, but Palutena said hastily. "I think we all have different opinions on that matter."

Gaea snorted but seemed to let it go. Instead she said, "Where is your base of operations Jack?"

Jack blinked. "Um, here I guess?" He pointed his staff back behind him. "Lady Palutena built a temple for me here. I mean, I've only been here for a few days, but it's the first time I've ever actually slept in a building, if that's what you're asking."

Gaea exchanged a glance with Viridi. "You have never stayed in Seraphina's castle?"

Jack's brows furrowed. "Who? Lady Palutena is literally the first person I've met since the moon spoke to me."

Gaea looked as if she had been carved from stone. Viridi winced and grabbed Pit, before prudently taking cover behind Jack. There was a rumble and lightning lanced down, decimating the ground.

Gaea seemed to go slightly misty, before solidifying again. "We will be speaking with her. I have told her we are coming."

She held out a hand to Jack, but to his relief, she stopped short of actually touching him. He had had a hard enough time just making himself take Palutena's hand the other day. "I can transport us there, if you like."

"Not without me!" Viridi snapped. "You're not the only one who wants to have words with her!"

Gaea simply nodded and raised her arms. There was a thrum of power and, Jack closed his eyes as he felt his insides twist.

It wasn't until he felt the wind rushing around him, that Jack opened his eyes. And promptly stared.

Seraphina's castle appeared to be largely made of vines, flowers, and latticework, though there was a central tower made of stone that seemed to have been created from a single boulder.

Can you hear me Jack?

Jack jolted at the echoing voice in the back of his head. "Lady Palutena?"

Don't worry, I'm using telepathy.

We're using telepathy. Medusa's voice corrected.

When he focused on them, he found he could actually see Medusa smirking.

Right. Palutena sounded a touch apologetic. Anyway, we weren't about to let you go in there blind.

"What am I, a pile of dirt?!" Jack jolted as Viridi floated up next to him, perched on a large fluffy cloud.

No. But I think something's up. When he focused on her, Jack saw Palutena was looking quite serious. Gaea was unaware of Jack's fate, and you were apparently misled. It seems someone doesn't want Jack to be found.

It would take some serious power to hide him from Gaea.

Exactly. Power enough to revive a god.

Viridi exchanged a glance with Jack.

Think about it. I take in Jack, and a mere two days later, Medusa is revived? If that's supposed to be a coincidence, I don't buy it, especially since Hades already tried that twice.

You think that was what my revival was? An attempt at distraction?

Palutena was quiet for a moment. To quote the humans, "Monkey see, monkey do". The difference is that this time, neither of us were distracted, and you actually sided with us.

Viridi pursed her lips. "What does this have to do with Seraphina?"

If I'm right, she won't even have known Jack existed. If they were able to put one over on you and Gaea, they certainly would have managed to do it to her. The only alternative is that she did know and chose to ignore him. Honestly I don't know which one I should hope for.

"We shall see soon enough." Gaea materialized next to them. "Head for the peak of the tower. It's where the seasonal masters are supposed to assemble each year."

Viridi grimaced. "No time like the present I guess. Let's go Jack."

The peak of the tower turned out to be a large room sectioned off into five areas, with a large table of sorts in the center. Every section was a different color, which Jack supposed represented a different season. The blue section at the far end of the room looked dim and disused.

After a moment Jack spotted several people approach as Gaea landed. They huddled around her exchanging greetings.

After a moment, one of them broke away to head towards Viridi, who promptly ignored him in favor of helping Jack through the window.

All conversation ended as Jack landed inside the room and the dim section of the floor lit up in a dazzling display of light, and energy pulsed throughout the room, leaving snowflakes of energy to drift to the ground.

A woman pushed through to stand in front of him. "As our compass shows, you are one of us.I am Mother Nature. It is a pleasure to meet you." Her hair was like a cloud of black and she wore a dress of green that seemed to be spattered with dew.

Jack glanced at the other spirits behind her. All three of them were lined up at the far end of the room, perhaps out of fear of Gaea, whose very presence seemed menacing. "Is it really?"

Mother Nature frowned, looking puzzled. "We have been without a master of winter for several centuries. While the Maestro-" She indicated the only other male spirit in the room, a tall, willowy looking fellow dressed in a rather fancy suit with red hair and carrying a baton. "-is able to conduct the winter weather, he is the master of summer and as such he has a very difficult making the season respond, especially as of late."

She smiled. "But enough of that. Come meet the others." She turned and ushered the others forward, skirting Gaea, who was watching carefully.

The first to approach was a female in a gold and orange ballgown. "My name is Calypso. I am the master of autumn." She grinned. "I must say it's nice not to be the baby anymore. I've only been around for fifty years."

The silence in the room grew uncomfortable at that. Finally, Jack licked his lips and said, " You still are. I was born seventy years ago."

Jack looked away when Mother Nature stared at him. "Not possible." She sounded horrified. "It can't be! I would have sensed you!"

At this, Gaea finally softened. "I helped Man in the Moon raise him all those decades ago. I'm afraid I put more of myself into it than was wise and fell asleep. When I awoke, I made the mistake of presuming that others had found him."

Viridi spoke up. "As it turns out, Jack's first contact with an actual person was three days ago. We're just fortunate it wasn't someone malicious. Old Hills had apparently seen him several decades ago, but calling me used up what little power he had left, and he wasn't able to make contact with Jack. By the time I had focused on him, Jack wasn't there." She scowled. "I've been searching nonstop since then."

It seems you were right after all, Palutena. Everyone jumped as Medusa's voice echoed through their heads.

I don't think that makes me feel any better. Jack saw that she looked almost angry. Clearly someone didn't want Jack to interact with spirit society. I'd suspect Man in the Moon, but he wouldn't do something like that deliberately.

Mother Nature scowled. "There will be vengeance." Her hair crackled, and roll of thunder sounded. She softened slightly. "Will you stay with us Jack? I can have a room set up for you."

Jack backed up slightly. "Um, if it's all the same to you, I already have a place in Skyworld." Trying not to stammer at her surprised expression, he said. "I'd kind of like to go back there now."

Hold on. There was a flare of purple energy and Jack felt his insides twist as he vanished from the castle.

Mother Nature pursed her lips. "I must commend you, Palutena. Not many would take action the way you have."

She didn't seem to expect an answer.

AN: Hoo boy this one took me way too long! Real life has been kicking tail lately. Anywhoo, fairly plot heavy chapter. Palutena is a fairly savvy individual, and in the game she always caught on quick, she's also the only character in Uprising to NOT respond to praise except for a single occasion from Pit. She remains noticeably silent whenever he verbally defends her. Also, this is my take on how the telepathic conversations work. They project somewhere in the back of the mind. For those wondering, Maestro is simply Summer's self given title, his real name is Gherin. The spring spirit, Sumyria will appear properly next chapter.

As regards Gaea, While many people make her synonymous with Mother Nature, in my headcanon they are two distinct entities. Also as hinted by her appearance, Gaea pulls double duty as the spirit of Humanity.

PS: Good luck figuring out who Gaea's appearance is a tribute to. Granted i've made it pretty obvious, but the Character I'm describing is my favorite portrayal of her in media