John Watson made up the bed for the fifth time, ensuring everything was in order. He rearranged the pillows several times, fluffed them a bit, and placed them back at the head of the bed.

Breeding season was upon them and there was no better way to spend the winter than with one's mate, wrapped up in each other's warmth. John was anxiously waiting for the first heat of the year to jump start breeding season. He wasn't sure how his new mate would respond to their first mating session and he was beginning to worry he'd be rejected.

His mate was showing all the classic signs of being ready to breed. He was snippy, irrational, and eating more than usual and for Sherlock Holmes, it was surprising when he ate at all. It was like skating on thin ice, every time John ventured into the kitchen. He wasn't sure how Sherlock would regard him. Usually it was will utter indifference and occasionally he employed John's help with something, but for the most part Sherlock kept to himself.

This particular day, John walked out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the kitchen to find Sherlock working diligently on a project. John felt like sharing his accomplishment of preparing the bed but knew Sherlock could care less about the state of the 'love nest'.

John discreetly sniffed the air for any pheromone cues. His mouth began salivating and he subtly licked his lips. Sherlock was definitely close, but not quite there yet. John carefully approached Sherlock from the front, so as not to spook him.

Sherlock continued inoculating broth tubes, ignoring John's presence. John cleared his throat. Sherlock kept his head down and continued flaming his inoculating loop.

"Need anything?" John offered. He could smell Sherlock's unique and intoxicating aroma. It was like a cross between puppy's breath, pomegranates, and something else John couldn't quite pinpoint.

John let out an involuntary grunt and Sherlock looked up from his work.

"A cold shower wouldn't do?" Sherlock asked.

John swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"There's no need to worry about stepping on toes." Sherlock looked back down at his tube rack. "It's only your nature."

John nodded dumbly and wiped the drool from his lips. "Should we... court?" he asked with an awkward high pitched inflection.

"I have no intentions of mating this season or any season for that matter."

John felt his heart drop into his stomach. "But, we're mates."

"Flatmates, yes," Sherlock said with a long bored drawl.

"What about your heat?"

"I can manage on my own, I have before." Sherlock looked up once more. "Is that okay with you?"

"I suppose it has to be," John said, clutching on to the counter. "It's your body."

Sherlock smirked. "You'd let me, wouldn't you?"

"If that's how you feel. I can't force you into it." John thought a moment. "Well I could... I wouldn't."

"You believe you could?"

"I know I could. What's important is I wouldn't."

"You can cut out the big strong Alpha routine," Sherlock scoffed.

"I could do it; I could make you," John said puffing up his chest. Sherlock stood up and John stood his ground as Sherlock approached him. Sherlock loomed over him, breathing heavily. He was a good half a foot taller than John and broader in the shoulders too, but Sherlock lacked years of experience and hand-to-hand combat training. John could easily take him out if he wanted to.

John licked his lips and considered his options. He could show Sherlock his brute strength or he could fold and let Sherlock win the argument. John swallowed his pride and chose the latter.

Sherlock laughed and pushed John aside as he walked into the parlour. "You're not like other Alphas," Sherlock commented. John kept up his hopes that Sherlock might change his mind if he played his cards right.

"In what way?" John ventured.

"You're small," Sherlock chuckled.

John bit his tongue and tried his best not to satisfy him with an idiotic response. "I'm big where it counts," he let slip.

Sherlock laughed and John became disheartened with his progress. He'd gone through too much to be turned down now. He took it personally that Sherlock wouldn't mate with him.

"I'm sure you are," Sherlock chuckled maliciously. He reached for his violin and John knew he had lost him.

"I'll be in the bedroom if you need me," John said with a heavy sigh.

"I won't."

"Well I'll be there anyway."

John returned to his nest and sucked back a few tears, let out a shuddered breath, and fell onto the bed. He should have been used to rejection after a decade of failed breeding seasons, but each hurt worse than the last. He thought it would have been different with this one but he was sadly mistaken.

Sherlock was the most unlikely partner he had ever had. John was just so alone; he couldn't bear another season without a mate. He chose Sherlock because nobody else would. Now he knew why.

Sherlock was attractive, alluring, and every bit the partner John could have ever dreamed of, but he had the personality of a cornered tiger with a thorn in its paw. Sherlock's brother discouraged their pairing and had even offered John money to live elsewhere. However, John was stubborn and thought he was the one that could tame Sherlock.

John sulked in the bed, drawing the pillows close to simulate Sherlock's body. He wrapped his leg around the stack of pillows and felt frustrated with the poor analogue.

Sherlock burst into the room unannounced. "You said you're big where it counts." John gave him a blank look. "Prove it."

Sherlock crawled into the bed and sat in the middle looking at John intently. Sherlock's pupils were lust blown and John knew this was his make or break moment.

"You... want to see it?"

Sherlock nodded eagerly. Sherlock held his hands between his shaking thighs, trying to conceal his arousal. John sucked in a few breaths, letting Sherlock's smell mull over his tongue. John's hands shook as he pulled down his jean's zip. Sherlock's face went blank as John released himself from his pants.

John reached out for Sherlock's hand and placed it on his warm throbbing member. Sherlock stared at John's prick with an analytical gaze.

"What do I do?" Sherlock asked looking John directly in the eyes. He gave John a worried look when he didn't respond right away. He pulled his hand away and placed it back in between his legs. "I've never..."

"I know," John said, placing a hand on Sherlock's arm. "It's fine."

Sherlock didn't seem too sure. He continued to look away at a fixed point on the bed spread. "I've tried everything I can to stop it. Melatonin, progesterone... I've even tried testosterone, in hopes that I wouldn't have to put you through this."

John laughed in response. "What's so bad about mating?"

"I don't want to breed," Sherlock emphasized.

John gave it some thought. "But you only have a few more years of it... then you can't reproduce. And-"

"You don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" John asked with a curious head tilt.

"I don't want children. I don't even like children."

John let the thought mull over in his mind. "But you want to mate?" Sherlock nodded in response. "You can't exactly have one without the other."

"You've mated before. Unsuccessfully too, might I add."

"Don't remind me," John said, rubbing his eyes. "Are we going to do this or should I..." John looked down at his exposed cock. Sherlock looked down as well and John noticed Sherlock's lips shudder, ever so slightly. "We could just fool around, there's nothing saying we have to breed."

"I'm not a fool, John Watson," Sherlock said with a mocking laugh. "I can see right through your plan."

"I'm not planning anything."

"The moment I slip into full heat you won't be able to control yourself and neither will I. We'll become a tangled mess of liquid sex."

"What's so wrong with that?" John sat up and before his better judgement could get the better of him, he clutched on to the back of Sherlock's neck and brought their lips together. Sherlock pursed his lips and refused to let it go any further.

John thought if only their tongues could meet and they could swap some non-volatile pheromones, then Sherlock would see he was a fit mate. He gripped Sherlock tighter, up to the threshold of pain, and when Sherlock winced, John started into an open mouthed snog.

Sherlock met his embrace with enthusiasm and began softly moaning into the kiss. John pulled away and Sherlock followed him, bringing their lips back together. John slowly leaned back and Sherlock crawled forward in desperate need.

John hands ventured down Sherlock's backside and under his trousers. He cupped Sherlock's arse in both hands and gave him a good squeeze. He pulled Sherlock forward and on top of him in order to close the distance between their genitals.

Sherlock ground into him with natural instinct, while John started exploring the cleft of his ass with his fingertips. The pads of his fingers met Sherlock's entrance and he was surprised to find it relatively dry. Sherlock already smelled heavily of pheromones; John couldn't imagine what he'd be like or smell like when he finally started into his heat.

Sherlock quivered with anticipation and broke the kiss. He looked at John with doubt and fear. John hushed him and tried to comfort him the best he could. He pulled Sherlock forward once more, to try and get him back in the groove of rubbing up against him. Sherlock remained apprehensive and worrisome.

"What would help?" John asked.

Sherlock bit at his lower lip, before shaking his head. "I don't know. I just don't know. And perhaps that's what frightens me the most."

"You're doing fine," John assured him as he slid his hands down further. Sherlock remained pinned to John's chest. His breathing grew heavy and uneven. "We don't have to do this, you know? I won't-"

"Don't talk me down from this," Sherlock growled. "I know what I want." He looked down at John with unbridled carnal desire and licked his lips. John withdrew his hands and pulled down Sherlock's zip. He slid his hand under the front of Sherlock's pants and started palming him roughly.

Sherlock had an impressive length for an Omega. Then again, John was used to female companions, and hadn't seen many Omega cocks in his day.

Sherlock started panting and thrusting into his hand, which in turn made John even harder. Sherlock let out a high pitched whimper and stopped mid-stride. He started shaking at the knees.

"I'm ready," Sherlock said, pulling away quickly. He stood on his knees before John and started stripping his trousers and pants.

John finally got a good look of Sherlock's half-naked form and was stunned. Never in a million years did he believe he'd ever be with a well-hung Omega male.

Sherlock turned abruptly and presented himself with his arse high in the air. John's mind blanked as he looked at his mate's rear end. He sat up and blinked a few times, trying to remember what comes next. He reached out and placed a hand on Sherlock's arse and ran his thumb down the cleft to find it pleasantly moist.

The sweet smell of heat hit John all at once and made him light-headed. He began drooling profusely as he sat up on to his knees. He gave himself a few strokes and allowed himself to succumb to his primal urges.

John clamped his hands on to Sherlock's mid-section, fell forward, and ran his tongue down Sherlock's lumbar curvature. He reached his tail-bone and Sherlock jerked. John smiled to himself and placed a kiss at the top of Sherlock's cleft before running his tongue down to Sherlock's entrance.

Sherlock made all sorts of delicious noises that encouraged John to continue probing with his tongue. He began begging for it and John's libido increased exponentially. His tongue breeched Sherlock's entrance and Sherlock nearly collapsed.

John pulled back and wiped his face clean with his sleeve. He gave Sherlock's right thigh a slap and nudged him to roll over. Sherlock refused to budge, even as John tried to knock him over with a shove. John gritted his teeth and used all his strength to push Sherlock over and onto his side.

Sherlock tried to roll back on to his stomach and John struggled to roll him on to his back. They wrestled back and forth until John clenched onto Sherlock's wrists and pinned them above his head, effectively holding him steady and in a face to face position.

John wanted to see every minute detail on Sherlock's face as he bred him. Sherlock closed his eyes and turned his head away as John shifted to hold down his wrists with one hand.

John knew this was a very sensitive little dance they needed to perform. Too many times before he was rejected at this stage; right before insertion. Sherlock kept his legs together and his arse clenched. At this stage the Omega wanted it desperately but in a last line of defence they would refuse to fully submit until the Alpha would prove himself and take them forcefully.

John hated this part of the mating ritual because it could prove painful for Omega and Alpha alike. Most Alphas didn't think twice about pummelling into their mate. It was effective but John lacked the drive to force his way in.

He tried prying Sherlock's legs apart with his free hand but Sherlock held his knees together tighter. The moment he let go of Sherlock's wrists, Sherlock rolled over on to his stomach. John let out an indignant whine.

He allowed his lizard brain to catch up with the situation and found the position to be in his favour, even with Sherlock clenching his muscles. John slid his hand in between Sherlock's legs and ran his middle finger up to his perineum.

"Come on, open up for me," John panted. He pressed lightly and gently caressed the spot until Sherlock began to moan and relax his inner thighs. Sherlock shifted his hips in a circular motion and John took the opportunity to coax him to open up more, by sliding his middle finger up and against Sherlock's entry.

Sherlock clutched on to the bedspread as John slid his finger in slowly. John curved his finger and began searching for his sweet spot. John searched blindly, stroking softly. John added another finger and continued to torture Sherlock with his slow soft strokes. Sherlock moaned deeply and rotated his hips to guide John's finger to where he wanted it.

Sherlock's hips slowly started levitating upwards and John started working his fingers in faster. Sherlock pushed backwards and began fucking himself on John's fingers. John slowly pulled out his fingers and prepared to mount, only to have Sherlock grab his hand once more and try guide his fingers back in.

John found it difficult, but not impossible, to mount Sherlock while he had a death grip on his wrist. John took his free hand, pressed the head of his cock to Sherlock's entrance, and was immediately met with resistance. He gave it a good shove and Sherlock howled and let go of John's other wrist.

John continued pressing deeper as Sherlock winced and cringed. After he was fully seated, he allowed Sherlock to adjust to the sensation. John gripped Sherlock's hips tightly and gave an experimental thrust. Sherlock dug his fingers deeper into the bed-sheets and clenched his fists.

John used every bit of his reserve to take it slow and easy. Sherlock spread his legs further and let out a satisfied sigh. John ran his hands down Sherlock's back and massaged around his spine to further ease his discomfort. Sherlock let out a muffled moan and began to relax.

John felt a tingling sensation radiate from the tips of his fingers right down to his toes. It felt as if his chest was lightening and all of his pains were starting to melt away. He never wanted the feeling to end and the harder he pumped into Sherlock, the more euphoric he became. His mind went blank with exhilaration and he became numb to the world.

He could no longer control the words coming out of his mouth.

"Oh God, take it. Take that Alpha cock." He gave Sherlock a swift slap on the arse and felt the repercussion reverberate throughout his core. By now he was going at it full force and Sherlock was a pleasure vessel fit to burst.

John was consumed with the need to breed and frantically clawed at Sherlock's back to get a better grip. He pressed on the back of Sherlock's head to drive him into the mattress to achieve a better angle. Sherlock's hips rose instinctively and John firmly held his head down while he enjoyed his spoils.

John's knot started to swell and things became even more heated. He removed his hand from the back of Sherlock's head and threw all of his body weight against him, forcing him to collapse. John lay on top of Sherlock's back, biting at his neck and shoulders. John started to growl as the tension became too much.

Sherlock struggled away from the impending knot and John held him firmly in place. John gripped Sherlock's shoulders, pressed up, and pounded in to him, causing the bed's headboard to slam into the wall with every deep thrust.

"John!" Sherlock cried out with a strangled yelp. John was so close he could barely make out the sounds of Sherlock's cries for mercy. All that was left was a quick slip in; then glorious orgasms awaited him on the other side.

Sherlock continued to wail as John's knot tried to breech his tight hole. Just then, something clicked in John's brain. He grabbed the shaft of his penis, right before the knot, and continued sliding in and out, until the stimulus was too much to bear.

John pulled out completely, worked himself in his hand, and came with an eruptive force. A glob of semen hit his chin and dribbled down his chest. John looked down in a daze to see the mess he'd made.

Sherlock turned to look back at John and John snorted a laugh. Sherlock sunk his head into his hands and brushed back his hair.

"Phew," he said with a heavy breath.

"That was... mad," John said, shaking his head.

"You weren't the one being nailed into the floorboards."

"How was it?" John asked as he searched for some tissues.

"Fine," Sherlock said with a shrug. John chuckled to himself, because he knew it was more than just fine for Sherlock. "And thank you."

"For what?"

"Maintaining some sense of self-control." Sherlock pressed up on to his hands and winced.

"Well... yeah," John blushed. "You said you didn't want children."

"Hm. But you do."

"It's fine," John said with a wry smirk. "Just as long as I can do that again."

Sherlock stretched and thought to himself for a moment. "I believe it can be arranged."

"Then it's all fine."