Hey y'all, it's been a while. Just been... sorting through stuff. The other week an incredibly talented graphics maker (Forbidden Forest on ) made me a cover for this story. I realized watching Safe Haven last week that'd I'd subconsciously casted Mel as Julianne Hough! Haha, so the cover features her. Also bought Thor: The Dark World last week. I can't wait to get to get to part 2 of the Falling Stars trilogy... it's after the new movie! I really hope y'all stick around for that. :) Speaking of sticking around (kinda), the support on this story have been amazing! So many followers and favoriters. It makes me more happy than it is possible to put into words. Thank you guys! - Anna :)

PS sorry it's kinda short. I'm sure the next one will be longer.


I rolled over and mid-morning light peeping through the window pressed against my eyelids. I fumbled around, trying to find the blanket I lost to the floor or the foot of the bed during the night, but I couldn't find it. Sighing, I opened my eyes and promptly bolted up over the view of another bed next to me- another bed filled with a sleeping man.

I peered over and memories of last night came flooding back. Holy crap, what am I doing... Loki breathed softly, much different to the wheezing that was going on before we stopped. His clothes were still ripped up and he was still covered in blood, but his face was calm. His face showed nothing of the chaos and pain he'd been through last night.

Quietly as possible, I rolled out of bed and tiptoed into the bathroom. My once white tank top is now stained red and my arms had bits of dried blood on it. I pursed my lips and started scrubbing it off. I don't like blood. My stomach rolled as I spent the next five minutes turning my skin back to it's normal color.

There was no saving my shirt. I groaned as I squeezed the water out of it. I would have to go shopping. I didn't have much cash left, so that worried me a bit, but being caught because of bloodied clothes worried me more.

I quickly scrawled "Loki, off to get clothes. Be back soon. - Mel" on a notepad that was on the side table and threw it on my bed. Hopefully he wouldn't miss it.

Back in my car (let's face it, it's mine now), I put the flannel back on and buttoned it to the top. It was less bloody than my top, if that was possible. The dark stain blended in better with the plaids of the shirt as well.

It was about a ten minute drive to the nearest Walmart. I quickly made my way to the girls section. I found a pair of jeans, a cheap white shirt, and some underclothes before making my over to the guys and picking out the like for Loki. Though to be honest, I could not imagine him wearing a white v-neck and skinny jeans, but I couldn't wait till I was.

I quickly paid for it, thinking about if what I had left would be enough money for food and gas, and I had to quickly force it from my head as I didn't think it was.

Ten minutes later and I was back in our comfy little hotel room. I divided his clothes and my clothes into two bags and used my key card to get in. The room held no Loki and was completely still like no one had been in here for weeks. The beds perfectly made, no blood anywhere. Just... perfect.

I couldn't breath for a second, panicking that Loki could have just took off. "Loki? It's Mel," I called into the silent room and swallowed, then the room flickered and Loki appeared, laying in the bed.

"Hey." I breathed, before clearing my throat. "I brought clothes." I lifted up the bags in my hand and smiled. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get out of these."

"But did you bring me frilly Midgardian clothes?" Loki sneered, though I was relieved to see he didn't flinch, but his insults did have a more impact when he didn't look like a beaten, I don't know, tiger or something.

I swallowed and answered, "Yeah, sorry, Azzguardium is a few planets over. Didn't have the time to drive over, with us being on the run and all."

"Asgard," Loki corrected, momentarily fighting a smile, and I blushed, but then his face turned steel again. He opened his mouth, though before he could say anything, I could him off.

"So you're an Assgardian. Is that why you act like such an asshole?" I retorted back, shutting him up for a second and majorly surprising myself. I nearly gritted my teeth, he's trying to get under my skin, and it's working. I don't use language like that. So I hurriedly added, "I call shower first."

I dropped his bag and bolted towards the bathroom.

By the time I walked out of the bathroom, my hair was already forming ringlets. I spent close to an hour in there, scrubbing and scrubbing blood off my body- the last 58 minutes in the trying to get the image of blood out of my eyes. Even now, my body long cleaned, I could still feel it dripping down my neck.

I looked at Loki, eyes closed, but sitting at the edge of the bed. "All right, buddy. Your turn." Hesitantly, I went and sat next to him. His eyes opened and I added softly, "Do you need help?"

He turned to me and glared, "I thank you kindly for last night, but no, I don't need your help," he practically spit those words, "now."

I clenched my teeth, as to not lash out again, and shrugged, "Fine. Whatever. It was my pleasure." I scooted back and pulled my knees to my chin. I kept my eyes on him the whole short walk to the door, pissed that he was such a jerk and now I've got myself involved with him. I hope he felt my eyes on him, I hope he knew I saw every wince and heard every gasp. "It's my pleasure to see you in pain," I muttered under my breath.

I didn't think I said louder than a whisper, but I saw his shoulders stiffen nonetheless. I sighed and deflated. I just wasn't an angry, mean person. I've already learned it wasn't who I wanted to be. It's why I had to get out of my old life.

Without a word, I got up and went back to the bathroom, and turned on shower. By the time I'd done that, he was in the bathroom. He leaned on the sink to give me room to slide by him and I caught his eye on the way out. That silent moment spoke more words than anything with him.

Then I heard the click from the locking of the door and I almost laughed out loud.

I sat on his bed and waited for him. After he was out, we'd have to hit the road. Pretty sure we've long past the alloted time I've seen on TV shows to stay in one place when you're on the run. I was mainly lost in thought- trying what to do next, what was I really doing, what am I getting myself into, and trying to ignore the random yelps of pain from the bathroom.

It was quiet for a while, and I assumed he'd found his way into the shower. I was nearly startled when I heard a strangled cry. And again, and again. I bit my lip, unable to take it anymore, and I gave a soft knock at the door.

"Loki? You all right in there?" I called nervously.

I heard a loud and irritated sigh. "I do not think you could have got tighter pants. What do mortals do about..." He trailed off momentarily, "Got it. You'll have to tell me whether they make my butt look big."

I stifled a giggle. "Now that would be my pleasure."

"What?" He called back, before I heard a loud gasp.

I wiggled my toes, debating on what to do. "You have pants on?" I finally asked, comfirming, before I do what I was about to do. He seemed in a more pleasant mood than earlier.

"Do I- well, yes. I've already complained about them." He answered, with a curious note in his voice.

I smiled and pulled a bobby pin out of the pocket of my old jeans. I started picking the lock with a small smile on my face.

"What are you doing, I don't think I'm too fond of these clicking noises I hear." I heard him say before the door unlocked with a pop. I opened the door to find him sitting on the seat, one arm in a sleeve.

Loki froze and my breath was nearly taken away. Up and down his torso and arms were little cuts and bruises and long scratches like... like he'd been scratched repeatedly with a cat with five fingers. Most looked like rugged scars at this point, but dang, if this was what he was feeling all last night...

I swallowed hard. "Well, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into." I said, keeping my voice upbeat and lighthearted. I came in all the way and swiftly, without another sound, finished pulling his shirt over his head.

He grunted in surprise and pain, "What are you doing, you-"

"Before you insult me, I'm done babying you. You hear me? I was babying you, letting you do this alone. You need to suck it up and accept some help. It ain't gonna kill you, and we need to get going. Each second you let your pride get in the way, is a second they get closer to us. And if we're going to do this, we can't get caught by them. Do you hear me?" I repeated again, firmly, looking him in the eye, as if talking to a child.

Loki took a deep breath, and then a mischievous grin appeared on his face and a glint in his eye. "Fine. I hear you. I won't let my pride get in the way any longer." He took hold on my shoulder and hopped down, gritting his teeth along the way. "Let's go. Let's do this."

"O-kay..." I replied, drawing out the word, trying to pinpoint the reason his attitude suddenly changed, and I got nothing. Truth be told, I was a little worried for my life. But I pushed that thought away and he got in the Impala and I checked out and we left for Virginia, with the image of his face turning from anger to mischievous in two seconds flat playing in my mind's eye over and over. It left a small pit in my stomach.