I do not own The Walking Dead.

So I haven't uploaded in a really long time and I am so sosososo sorry. I don't even have an excuse or anything (not that I would try to excuse my horrendous upload patterns but you know what I mean) I was just really lazy and had a complete lack of muse. Writing block sucks.

I watched last week's episode last night as I was behind and spent half of the night squealing and writing this haha.

But the Walking Dead is back, and holy shit is it intense. (I am going to die of a heart attack from watching it one of these days smh) Hopefully that will help my creative juices start flowing again.

Also thank you all who reviewed the last chapter and everything, I wasn't sure how good it sounded because I've never been in love, but I really wanted to right infatuated Patrick and all that jazz, it was fun. I had even had more details about Patrick's past in the original outline but I scrapped a lot of it because wow was it horrible and cheesy. Anyways, back on track!


"I'm really hopping he's telling the truth." Patrick whispered, settling down in their corner of the room. Tensions had died down since the group had found each other. Aaron and Rick had both agreed that they should wait until morning before they attempted to drive anymore. Everyone had started to relax, finally.

He wanted to believe that everything Eric and Aaron had said were true, and they were all going to be safe, but he couldn't help but feel some skepticism like Rick. After the Governor, and Terminus along with everything else it was hard for them to trust anyone anymore.

The sudden presence of his boyfriend jarred him from his thoughts.

Carl had just finished helping Maggie pass out some blankets and jackets that the other's had found in Noah's home town. It was a stinging reminder of what they had just lost not long ago, but they needed it.

"I think he is. He has to be." Carl replied. He made himself comfortable and bunched up his backpack like someone would fluff a pillow, draping the blanket over him. He lifted up a corner and Patrick set his glasses aside, gratefully scooting his way underneath it. He flipped the blanket over his lover and patted it down, making sure they were both covered up. Patrick took the opportunity to slide his arm over Carl's side, pressing his face into his neck.

With all the constant running around and guarding in shifts, it had felt like ages since they had last cuddled up like this and shared warmth. Though they had gotten to sleep for a while in the barn, staying warm next to the fire with Judith curled up between them. Carl let out a laugh when he felt Patrick's hair tickle his neck.

"You need a haircut." He stated, trying to hide his smile as he propped himself up on one elbow. Patrick scoffed.

"Speak for yourself, Rapunzel." To emphasize his point he grabbed the sheriff's hat of his head and placed it next to his glasses, running a hand through Carl's locks. He evaded Carl's attempts to swat his hand away and gently grabbed it instead, linking it with his own.

"God, I don't know about you but even the hard ground and hay felt better than this, horse shit or not." Carl snorted.

"Well, come tomorrow we could be sharing a bed again."

"And if not?" Patrick mumbled, staring down at their hands with a troubled expression. Carl sobered and laid down with a sigh, taking his second hand and placing it on top of Patrick's.

"Then we keep moving. We can always go back to our Washington plan."

"For how long? I'm tired of running." After losing the prison, then Washington, and then Beth and Tyreese- it was beginning to feel like there was no end to the cycle. Like they were climbing an uphill battle with a ball and chain around their feet. How long could they continue like this, who would die next? What if this Alexandria was just another Woodbury?

Carl cupped Patrick's cheek, still firmly grasping Patrick's hand with his other.

"We're all tired of it, believe me. But I won't stop fighting, not until we're safe. You heard what dad said; we're survivors, we can make it." Carl squeezed his hand. "I love you, more than anything.

"I love you, too." He tried his best to move in as close as possible, until Pat laughed and met him halfway. Satisfied Carl pulled away, whispering a goodnight to him. He flopped over onto his other side, facing the wall. Patrick swallowed, suddenly realizing how dry his throat had become.

"M' thirsty." He said, and tossed the blanket off of himself. Carl groaned at the loss of his personal heater and sprawled out.

"Hurry back."

"Will do." He slipped his glasses back on and strolled over to where the adults were convening around a map.

"May I have some water? He asked, nodding a thank you to Kara when she handed over a flask with a smile. Maggie glanced around for something.

"I should probably go check on Eric and see if he needs another pain killer." Patrick swallowed his mouthful of water and put the cap back on the flask, wiping a few drips on his chin with his sleeve.

"No no, don't get up. I can do it." He offered with a shrug.

"I don't know, Pat." Rick began, skeptical. He lightly swayed back and forth, trying to get his finicky daughter to fall asleep. Patrick sent him and exasperated look.

"What are they gonna do to me? Bludgeon me with a license plate?" Daryl snorted. At least someone appreciated his humor. Rick seemed to give in, and Maggie handed over the bottle of pills and a bottle of water from Aaron's bag.

Sure, he wasn't the strongest of the group, not by a long shot. He could barely hold a gun straight without shaking, but Aaron and Eric really didn't seem like violent people. The rest of their group however, that could be a different story.

He approached the other room where Eric was resting in his makeshift bed, and he couldn't help but come to a stop in the doorway. Aaron had shrugged of his jacket and lay next to Eric, the candles flickering around them. They stared, completely enamored with each other. As if the world outside of their space simply did not exist. Patrick suddenly felt as if he had walked in on something private, only meant to be seen by the two of them. They gazed at each other with intensity, an unabashed open love that Patrick had yearned for before the outbreak had happened.

Something he had himself, now. He smiled and knocked on the doorframe lightly.

"Sorry to uh, interrupt. But I brought some more meds, if you need them." He said, gesturing with the bottle.

"Oh, no. It's okay. Thanks." Aaron replied, smiling as he took the bottles from him. Patrick winced a bit at the look of his wrists.

"Also sorry about the whole tying you up thing." He said, leaning against a column opposite of them.

"Don't be. They'll heal. I would have probably done the same in your situation."

"And we're sorry for following you guys and listening in on your conversations." Eric offered.

"Honestly, we probably would have done the same. Only not as James Bond style as you guys managed." He said with a shrug. The three of them shared a laugh. Patrick slid down the support and sat on the cool ground, hugging his legs to his chest. He had been tossing around a thought, ever since they had told them about Alexandria.

"Can I ask you guys something." He began, albeit sheepish.

"Mhm." Hw fiddled with a hole in his pant leg.

"We'll we be accepted? At Alexandria?" Aaron blinked, perplexed.

"Yeah, of course. Everyone will totally love you guys, and I believe you'll become valuable members to the community."

"That's not exactly- what I meant was. Are the two of you accepted?" He reiterated, feeling awkward.


"Well, yes. Everyone seems very accepting of us. Generally we have bigger things to worry about like our people, and gathering food." Eric said. He smiled at him. "You and Carl will be safe."

"Really?" Despite everything he still couldn't help but feel hopeful. That maybe they had finally reached the top of the hill, and everything would be okay.

"Yes, really."


There was a lot of gay in this chapter and I could not be more pleased. Also I have no idea what happens in the comics, as I have never read them. So I could be completely wrong about everything, but at least it's fanfic, right?

Also sorry this chapter is a little short.

I am beyond thrilled with that last episode- and not just because of Aaron and Eric (though that's a big factor) it was intense man. And I am so happy to see some homosexual representation on a really popular television show. (And I haven't forgotten about you Tara! Now I can only silently hope she hooks up with Rosita even though I know it won't happen.) And while I do watch Glee and love Kurt and Blaine to death I've always thought TWD has had a bigger audience spread across several age groups and what not.

This suddenly turned into a deep discussion, what happened. Anyways, thanks for reading!