Chapter 1


This is a new blog I like to call Ridgewell Exposed. I have dedicated this blog to showing you what it is like at Ridgewell High School.

I don't know what you've heard about it and the people there, but anything good is a lie. It's a horrible place, somewhere I wouldn't want to send my children, if I had any. It's not the school itself, or the teacher, but in fact the other pupils of the school.

It may seem like a typical high school, with all the clichés, disrespectful kids, kiss-ups, bullies and all the other things, and it is, but on a much bigger scale. The kids here are brutal. Once a rumour has started, it's hard for people to forget it here, and it ends up being the talk of the school for months.

You may be wondering who I am and how I know all this. The only clue I will give you is that I go to the school and have witnessed first hand just how horrible the people here can be. So I have made it my job to do the same to them.

Welcome to Ridgewell Exposed.


It was the talk of the school. Everyone had heard about it. Ridgewell Exposed. Someone had posted a link on Facebook, or tweeted about it, and it has spread like wildfire since then. Nobody knows who is behind it, but right now, I don't think people care. It's all probably a joke or something. It's probably Chris, if I had to make a guess. He seems like the type of person to do this.

I walked in through the front doors of the school and towards my locker. I could hear parts of conversations, mainly about this new blog. Whoever it was wasn't joking when they said that rumours become the talk of the school for months. The only way they really go away is if there is a new rumour started, and most people like to make them up to take the focus away from them. That's how it works at this school; you never know when you will be the victim. Although it is less likely to be me.

I'm not what you would call popular, but I'm definitely not hated. I have quite a few friends, and a few girls have crushes on me, although they are usually the year 8's and 9's, but a couple in my year do like me. People don't bother spreading things about me because I don't really care, and a couple of people are scared of me, not that I've given them any reason to be.

I arrived at my locker to see the usual people there, Charlie McDonnell and Alex Day.

"Alright guys." I said when I reached them.

"Hey." Charlie said.

"Alright." Alex greeted. I opened my locker to grab the books I needed as Alex started talking.

"So, have you heard about that blog? Ridgewell Exposed or something." He asked.

"Yeah, that's what everyone's been talking about." Charlie said.

"Do you think it's real though?" I asked as I pulled my head out my locker, I really need to stop putting important things so far back.

"I think someone's just having a laugh." Alex said.

"But it could be real." Charlie said. Alex gave him an 'are-you-serious?' look. "What? It could be. We don't know." He said.

"He's got a point." I said to Alex.

"You don't believe it as well, do you?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I mean, do you know who runs it?" I asked.

"Well no, but it's obviously fake. Who would know secrets about all of us? People aren't stupid enough to tell anyone because they know what will happen." Alex said.

"That's true." Charlie said.

"I mean, what is this person going to do? Hack into out Facebooks and see all our conversations? Or steal our phones and read all our text messages? I don't think so. This person has no way of getting information." Alex said, making it clear that that was his final thought on the matter.

"The question is though; do you have anything to hide?" I asked them both.

"I don't." Alex said. We both looked at Charlie.

"Me either. Do you?" Charlie asked me.

"Not that I can think of. But I'll let you know if I do." I said, directing the last part at Alex, knowing he would say something about secrecy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said. And there it was. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. See you in class." I said as I started walking down the corridor.

"Bye." I heard one of them shout back.

I walked up the corridor to my English class. I heard a loud bang, and turned in the direction of it. There was Jack Howard and Dean Dobbs laughing. I looked down to see a boy in the floor, picking up his books that they had obviously knocked out of his hands. At closer inspection, it turned out to be Phil Lester on the floor.

Phil is someone you would call very unpopular. There are constantly rumours being spread about him, and he is always picked on by people. I honestly don't know how he can come to school everyday and put up with it. I have never personally done anything to him, I've never spread a rumour about him, and I have never physically hurt him, but I wouldn't associate with him unless it was absolutely necessary, like for a project or just partner work in class, but other than that, I wouldn't. He likes to keep to himself, although I don't know if that is through choice, or the fact that no one really wants to talk to him. I don't know why he is hated on by so many people, I don't think anyone knows, but that's just the way it is around here.

Instead of helping him, like a nice person would do, even though I am nice, I just keep walking to my classroom. Nobody bothers to help him and it's kind of sad, but people know not to otherwise the same things will happen to them.

I walked into the classroom and took my usual seat at the back. There were already a couple of people in the class, but no teacher, as the bell hadn't gone yet. When it did, people began filing into the room. The chair beside me was pulled out and I knew, without even looking, that it was Alfie Deyes. Our teacher doesn't trust us enough to sit where we want, so she put us in a seating plan.

"Alright mate." Alfie said as he sat down, kicking his bag under the table.

"Alright." I greeted. Everyone took their seats.

"Right class, good morning." Our teacher, Miss Grainger, said. "Can you all take out your copies of The Merchant of Venice please?" She asked. There was a load of noise as people got their books out. "In silence please." She said. She walked over to her desk, obviously to look for something that she couldn't find. "I'll be right back; I think I've left the sheets I need on the photocopier." She said, and then walked out the class.

"So, Ridgewell Exposed." Alfie said, turning to me.

"Yeah, I heard about that." Dean, who sits in front of me, turned around and said.

"Yeah, me too." The girl sitting next to him, Emma Blackery, said.

"I didn't know this was an open discussion." I said.

"Shut up." Dean said.

"So what do you guys think about it then?" Alfie asked.

"It's a load of crap." Emma said.

"Really? I thought it might be real." Dean said.

"Who knows a load of secrets about people at school? No one, because people aren't stupid." She said.

"That's what Alex said." I chimed in.

"I heard my name." Alex said as he walked over.

"Oh for god sake." I said.

"Problem?" Alex asked.

"Does anyone else want to join in?" I asked.

"What are we talking about then?" Jack asked.

"That was a rhetorical question." I told him.

"Ridgewell Exposed." Dean said, ignoring me.

"Oh that. Who's running it?" Jack asked.

"No one knows." Alfie answered.

"Are you worried any of your secrets are going to get out?" Emma asked.

"I don't have anything to hide." Jack said.

"Well I don't." Emma said.

"Nope, me either." Dean told us.

"I don't." Alfie said.

"Nope." Alex said, shaking his head. They all looked at me.

"I don't either." I said. "But obviously some people have, other wise this person wouldn't have started the blog. They obviously already have secrets to share, we just have to wait and see what happens." I said.

"Does anyone have any secrets they are hiding?" Alex shouted to the rest of the class.

"Are you talking about that blog?" Finn Harries asked.

"Yeah. Do you have something to hide?" Alex asked.

"Nope. But I bet Chris here does." Finn said, elbowing the boy next to him, Chris Kendall.

"I'm an open book lads." Chris said.

"Yeah, he has no dignity. He will tell you anything." Pj Liguori, Chris' best friend, said.

"What about you Peej? Anything to hide?" Chris asked.

"No, nothing that I know of." He said.

"What about your brother?" Chris asked Finn.

"Why don't you ask him?" Finn asked.

"Yo, Jack!" Chris shouted across the classroom. Jack Harries was unfortunate enough to be sat right at the front. Miss didn't trust him because he talks too much and throws things around the classroom. There she can 'keep an eye on him', as she put it.

"What?" Jack shouted back.

"Any secrets?" Chris asked.

"None." He said. "Zoe?" He asked the girl sitting a table across form him, Zoe Sugg. She shook her head. "Carrie?" Jack asked, looking around Zoe to Carrie Fletcher, who was sitting next to her.

"Don't think so." She said.

"Charles?" Jack asked Charlie.

"I've already been though this with them." He said.

"Yeah, apparently he doesn't." Alex said, causing people to laugh. This carried on, people being asked if they had any secrets, which everyone denied.

"And what about you Lester?" Jack Howard asked, turning to look at Phil, who was sat at the front next to Jack Harries. All eyes turned to him. He looked up from his book, but didn't say anything.

"Well? Anything to hide?" Dean asked. Phil stayed quiet, but shook his head.

"You sure about that?" Jack asked. He nodded once, before looking back down at his book.

"Well someone here has to be lying. At least one of you has a secret, so maybe you should just say it now before it ge–" I was cut off by the door opening. People ran back to their seats, and everyone went silent. Miss Grainger walked in.

"Got them. I hope you all have your books out." She said, starting to hand out the sheets.

The lesson carried on like normal, with a few more mentions of the blog. It was the same throughout the day. You could hear people talking about it. Some people just laughed off the idea of the blog, while others looked scared. Obviously some people in this school were lying when they said they didn't have anything to hide, and they were going to be exposed.

Thanks for reading :) So this chapter was just an introduction to the story and all the characters that will be involved with it :) I will be updating this every Wednesday and Saturday, so you can look forward to that (or not) and feel free to bug me to actually update it :)

Reviews are love :)

Multifandomer :) xxx