Idk I really wanted to write a pokemon x and y fanfiction so here we go. I doubt this'll just be a one-shot because there is so much to write. Like a whole adventure full of it.

Also if anyone wants to beta for me I will love you to death. Reviews are always welcome~ They make me super happy and maybe you guys can suggest what will happen next! (Because I need you all to pick out Calem's first pokemon!)

Rating: R

Pairings:Sycamore/Calem if you like squint and turn it upside down or get that Sycamore is like the single person who uses French in every sentence. (Also there will be Serena/Shauna in later chapters).

Chapter: 1

Word Count: 1,390

Let's go!

"Welcome to the world of pokémon. My name is Augustine Sycamore…"

The boy tapped the screen of his 3DS. He'd already heard the speech thousands of times. Every game had the same one. He could probably recite it if he wanted to, but the mover beside him was giving him odd looks already. He almost wished his mother was there instead of the burly man, but she would have just taken the device away.

He sighed and turned his attention back to the screen. It was at the gender select option. He had thought he'd skipped by this already. Picking the girl was second nature to him by now. They had better clothing options, which added a lot more to the game.

Next, the screen to name her came up. He usually just put in the defaults for them. It wasn't worth the effort to name someone who would wind up with a nickname in a few minutes. But this game didn't have the option, so he lazily typed in Serena and hit enter. The dialogue continued and he rolled his eyes. He should have just kept his friend's save file.


The sound of his name made the boy fall off the box he had perched himself on. He hit the ground with a loud thud and groaned in discomfort as he sat up. The mover was looking away, apparently trying not to laugh.

"Yeah mom," he called back. He squinted as the back of the van opened and the lights turned on. Maybe he should have sat up front.

"We're finally here," she chirped, clapping her hands together. "Kalos! Aren't you excited?"

"Ecstatic," he replied as he quickly shoved the 3DS into his coat pocket and stood. "Can I call my friends now?" He waited for her answer and clicked his tongue in annoyance when she didn't respond. She'd probably run off to go see the house or let Rhyhorn explore.

"Kalos isn't so bad," the mover offered as he lifted a box and walked past Calem. "There's a lot more scenery than Kanto and the air is much fresher." Calem made a face and reached up to grab his bag. The movers were supposed to handle all the unpacking, so he might as well get out and explore for a bit. Besides, he couldn't call Red without his mother's permission. Calls to Kanto from Kalos weren't cheap, after all.

After hopping out of the back of the van, Calem found himself staring at his new house. It wasn't much compared to his old one, but the garden wasn't too bad. Just a little work on it and it'd be perfect… Except that was Rhyhorn's blanket sprawled out on it. So much for that plan.

"Whatever… I'll just take a look around then," he growled as he walked past the house. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to explore. Everything was close together and the wall around the town kept him from leaving without his mother noticing. So much for an exciting new adventure in the Kalos region, he thought bitterly, guess there is nothing to do but head inside for now.

The inside of the house was much better than the outside. Outside it had looked cramped, like they weren't going to be able to fit anything in it, but inside it was much larger. He was slightly satisfied with that. But he still missed his old house in Pallet Town, even if it was a lot trashier.

"So, what do you think? Quaint, right? It's the perfect place to finally settle down and retire!" His mother gushed as she darted about the living room. The movers seemed to have a hard time trying to avoid her and more than once something had almost been dropped. Thank god he took after his father.

"It's alright. But did we really have to move? Things were fine in Kanto, you know. Red said Team Rocket was gone for good," Calem said, perhaps a little too coolly, as he picked up one of the boxes with his name on it. His mother didn't seem to notice it and she continued to flit about, just like the strange bird pokémon that seemed to have snuck in. He eyed it wearily and it flapped its wings and chirped at him—just like Red's Pidgey had when it had snuck into his house. Calem smiled at the memory and carried his things upstairs, praying that his room done like they had promised.

The upstairs was, not surprisingly, already set up. His stuff had come over first (which was why he was left sharing a bed with Green for a week); he would have been pissed if it wasn't ready just yet. He nearly tripped over his table as he walked to the bed. Perhaps it was time for him to sleep. He hadn't for the past twenty-four hours.

He glanced towards the stairs. He'd have to go down and shut—and probably lock—the door. He should have done that before hand. Placing the box in his hands down on the table, he went back down to shut it. No one seemed to notice as he did, and he quietly slipped back upstairs.

"Guess the caffeine finally wore off," he grunted as he took unzipped his jacket and threw it onto the floor. He cringed as he heard something hit it. His 3DS was in his pocket. Right. He lifted it up to check. Aside from the game being ejected, it was totally fine. Of course it was. It always was. The damn thing was almost unbreakable.

He sighed and set it, a little rougher than he should have, on the table. He'd have to start the game over again, but that was his own fault for not paying attention to it. Calem turned away and slowly tugged his shirt over his head. He shivered as the cool air hit his skin and rushed to the drawer for a pajama top of some sort. While over there, he took his normal pants off and switched into a matching pair of pajama bottoms.

Now fully changed, he made his way over to the bed and collapsed onto it. It didn't take him long to fall into a deep sleep.

Words Calem couldn't understand were whispered into his ear as someone's hand slipped beneath the elastic of his boxers. He shivered and let out a soft moan as he felt their lips on his neck, just below his ear. He wasn't sure how they knew about that spot, but damn if it didn't feel nice. He could feel warm—hot—breaths on his neck and something, hard, grinding against him. More words in that damn language were said, distracting Calem from the fact that his boxers had been taken off and tossed somewhere. His breathing grew frantic as a warm hand ghosted along the length of his penis. He'd done something like this himself a couple times. Maybe once with Red and Green, but this was something else entirely. His body moved with it. His hips gently rocking forward as he shut his eyes tightly.

That damned person—a man based on their voice—continued to stroke him, gently whispering those words to him. He didn't even care what they meant. They didn't even register in his mind at this point. Everything felt so fucking good. The familiar warmth told him he was close and he let out a long, needy, whine as the hand pulled away.

"I look forward to meeting you in my lab later," the stranger said. His voice was heavily accented in a way that Calem swore he'd heard before.

"Wait, come back," Calem hissed. "You can't just leave like this."

Calem jumped up and squawked awkwardly as something collided with his stomach. His face was still red with embarrassment from his dream and his hair was a mess. He stared at the bird pokémon in front of him—mocking him.

"Go away," he snarled, motioning for it to go back downstairs. How had it gotten in, anyways? Hadn't he locked the door? He stood up to go check it, but quickly sat back down. He couldn't go downstairs like this. His mother would die. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

Fuck having only one bathroom in the house