(Chapter 14)

They fell asleep on the couch, and were awaken by Trunks alarm clock.

"It's time," said Trunks as Goten nodded.

"Wait, I don't have anything to wear," said Goten.

"I'm sure I can find something for you in my closet. Come on."

Goten sat on his bed as clothes came flying out of his closet and onto Goten.

"Hey watch it."

Trunks stuck his head out of the closet to see Goten covered in his clothes, and he laughed before he stuck his head back in his closet.

"I found something." He threw it at Goten who caught the clothes. "Try them on in the bathroom to see if they fit."

Trunks quickly put on his suit. He tied his tie, straightening it to lie on his shirt. As soon as get finished he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hey Goten, how does it fit?"

Goten came out of the bathroom and stood before Trunks.

"You look great Goten."

"Thanks Trunks. Could you put on my tie? I'm not very good with putting them on."

"Sure, just be lucky you don't have to wear one to your job."

Trunks brought the tie around the collar of Goten's shirt and brought the two sides to the front of the shirt. He tied the tie than looked up at Goten's loving eyes and sweet smile. He just wanted to take Goten right on his bed, but he shook the thought away.

"You're all set."

"Thinking dirty thoughts."

"I wish you wouldn't do that."

"Sorry, can't help it."

"I'm sorry to. I don't think I should be thinking about you like that. Especially with what you're going through."

"You have the right to those thoughts. I know you would never force yourself on me Trunks. I know your dirty thoughts are coming from a loving place."

"Good because I can't really control if I have them or not."

"I know."

The drive to the courthouse was silent with Goten fidgeting in his seat. Trunks glanced briefly at his boyfriend.

"It will be alright Goten. I'll be there the whole time."

"Is anyone else coming?"

"My mom, dad, Bulla, Uub, and Gohan."

"I guess my mom is still not talking to me but what's my dad's problem?"

"There's a bond between your parents but don't think he doesn't support what you're doing because he does. He loves you."

"Thanks Trunks, you always make me feel better." Goten leaned in and kissed Trunks's cheek as Trunks blushed.

"It's really nothing Goten. I love you. I'd do anything to keep you happy and safe.

Trunks entered the parking lot and parked, turning off the car. They got out of the car to see Trunks's family, Uub, and Gohan waiting for them outside. Goten was hugged by Bulla and Uub, and Bulma. Gohan stood uncomfortable and guilty.

"Gohan, are you ok?" asked Goten.

"I'm sorry for just letting you leave my house. I just didn't know how to react, but I'm here now to support you."

Goten hugged Gohan tightly. "I forgive you."

They all entered the courthouse, and Goten took his seat with his lawyer. He took a deep breath. Everyone rose when the judge said so and sat when the judge told him or her to sit. His eyes showed readiness. He was ready to face the pain and move on from this afterwards. The court doors closed and the trial began.

Four hours later Goten came out of the courthouse wearing a wide smile. Trunks was right beside him with a smile as well as Trunks's family and Uub and Gohan. Goten wanted to tell his dad the good news, so they said their goodbyes to everyone and went with Gohan to the mountain area. They landed near the house, and Goten knocked on the door. The door opened to see a smiling Goku.

"You look happy son."

Goten ran into his father's arms, holding him tight as Goku patted his back. Goten let go to see his mother walk in.

"Those hooligans got what they deserved. I'm so happy for you Goten. I love you."

"I know mom. I love you to but what I have to tell you next may make you feel differently."

"What is it sweetie?" asked Chi-chi.

"Trunks and I are together. We're in love with each other."

Chi-chi sat down with her hand to her head.

"You're my son and while I don't approve, I still love you.

"Do you ever think you could?" asked Goten.

"Someday maybe, but I don't really know."

Goten and Trunks flew over to Goten's place to relax. They rested on the couch making themselves comfortable.

"It's over," said Goten. "I can finally move on."

"But not completely, right chibi?"

"No, but I feel myself getting better each day."

"And you know I'll always be there."

"Dude you better be. You're not my boyfriend for nothing."

Trunks laughed and ruffled Goten's hair, them moving his fingers through his boyfriend's long locks. Goten leaned into Trunks's fingers with a smile at him. Trunks's arm came around Goten.

The End