Hi all, it's been ages since i updated this story and i am sorry. I need to get this done. So here it is. I apologize in advance for the errors, it was rushed.

"Mom if we don't leave now, we'll never reach the lodge, or worse the snow might melt" he called out irritated. "I had to call Brad to take care of my plants while we're away" she replied. They jumped into Kick's town car, "I'll be there after you guys, I need to finalize my stunt details with Calvin. See you in a little while" he said giving the driver the signal to continue ahead.

Liz and Honey had made their way to the check in and were shown to their room. Liz was awestruck at the size of the place and at the kids that were running around. "Gram can I go play over there?" she asked pointing towards the giant play area. "In a bit dear, we need to go to settle in first" she said looking at the disappointed Liz.

After settling into their cozy abode, Liz towed Honey towards the play area. It didn't take her long to get acquainted with the children around her. "Mrs Buttowski, please come this way" a young woman told her, escorting her towards a luxurious Spa. "But my grand-daughter is in the play area" she tried to reason. "Yes, and she will be well taken care off. You see, we take pride in not only caring for the children here at Camp Houghton, but also the parents, well in this instance, the grandmother" she smiled. "Oh" is all Honey could say. "She will be well taken care off, trust me" she assured. And she was true to her word. There were care-takers all around, playing, assisting.

While Liz, played she noticed a young woman handing out Winnie the Pooh balloons. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a campt-shirt and laughing and taking pictures of the children while she handed them the balloons. She was instantly drawn to the woman. She made her way towards her, as she handed out the last balloon. "Oops, sorry, we're all out" the woman gave an apologetic smile to Liz. "So what's your name?" she asked. "My name's Liz, its short for Elizabeth" she replied. "No ways, that's my middle name" the woman replied. "That's so cool!" she beamed. "Can I call you Liz?" Liz asked the blonde woman. "Sure, it would be a change" she smiled. "So who are you here with Liz?" the woman asked. My grams, but my dad said he would be here later" Liz replied. "That's nice" the woman replied. "Yeah, he's famous and stuff" she giggled. "Really, anyone I know?" she asked. "Yeah, he's K.." she was cut short. "Hey, Liz I you gotta see this, there's a line of monster trucks driving into the back" the little girl said excitedly. "I gotta go now, bye" Liz said looking at the blonde woman. "See you around" the woman smiled warmly. She watched as Liz as she and her new found friend trotted towards the window. "Miss Perkins, is there anything I can get you?" the waiter interrupted the woman from her thoughts. "Hmm, no thanks and please, call me Kendal" she said. The waiter smiled, "very well" "Jess" she called out. "Yes, Miss.. I mean Kendal" she corrected. "Do know the parent's of that little girl over there" she said pointing to Liz. "I'm afraid not, but I could find out if you want me too" she replied looking at Liz. "She looks really familiar, but I just can't place her" Kendal said. Just then her phoned beeped, "I have a huge surprise for you this weekend… and it has to do with music" she read the text from Alex. She smiled at the thought. She retreated to her chalet to take a break.

Later that day, Kendal walked towards the in house game room and found the children had settled in for the first play, which she could see they were thoroughly enjoying. She walked over to the back row to sit in with the adults.

Kendal was well loved by the camp staff and majority of the parents of the kids. That's how she had met Alex, she was on vacation at the resort during the camp and she somehow had been drawn into assisting the staff with the kids. Alex bumped into to her and the hit it off instantly. His mother was from a wealthy prominent background, but chose to raise Alex without the aid of her inheritance. He worked hard to be where he is and when his grandfather had passed on the inheritance he received was invested to fund the camp. The camp was mostly for single parents and orphans and considering his own upbringing, this his way of helping the people he meets.

Kendal walked over and saw Liz sitting with her friends and smiled when the Liz saw her and waved excitedly at her. She sat down and watched the reminder of the play. After the play the children where treated to Italian cuisine. Kendal watched as the kids face lit up when they saw pizza and pasta. She spotted Liz with an elderly lady with brown hair, she looked familiar, she walked towards them. "Grams look its Big Liz" Liz said smiling at Kendal. Honey turned and Kendal greeted, "Hello, I'm Ken….." she stopped mid sentence as her smile dropped. "Kendal Perkins!" Honey exclaimed. "Hi, Mrs Buttowski" Kendall greeted in disbelief. "Oh my goodness, Kendall dear, it's been ages. How have you been?" she asked wrapping Kendal into a bear hug. "I'm well, thanks and yes it has been ages" she said retuning the hug. Liz looked on in confusion. "It's been too long" Honey said. "Yes it has" she replied. "Please sit, we have a lot to catch up on" Honey said inviting he r

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