Disclaimer: I do not own the recognised characters and plots of Grey's Anatomy

"Freakin' rain!" Alex was soaking wet when he walked through the door of his house, his day had been bad with a capital B. First the coffee cart broke and before he could find a new one he was paged 911 to the pit. The patient didn't make it, 10 years old and three days away from his eleventh birthday, and to top his day off after his 8 hour shift he walked outside the hospital to find that in typically Seattle fashion it was raining, hard and a block and half away from his house his car broke down.

As Alex dumped his stuff on the kitchen bench he looked around, he still hasn't bought much furniture or unpack anything bar the essentials. The couch Jo bought him stands alone in the barren room. Alex can't help feel depressed when he looks around, this isn't how it should feel coming home, coming home after a day like his should make you feel relieved, it should have examples of why you do what you do and what's important to you so that sometimes when you forget you see something that reminds you.

"Screw it" Alex said out loud, it was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon and now e had a project in his head there was no way he was going to sleep. The first thing he did was go into the spare room where he had stashed a heap of flat packs that he never opened he found some tools in the attic and got to work, before he knew it he had a tv cabinet, a kitchen table and chairs that he had already set up down stairs. He was just bringing the last of the furniture down the stairs when he slipped in some water that had dripped off of him not that long ago.

Before Alex knew what was happening he was going head first down the stairs and with the coffee table in his hands he couldn't do anything to stop it. Alex didn't even get the chance to say anything when he hit his head on the banister knocking him unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

Christina was tired, she had back to back surgeries all day and had to supervise interns that didn't know anything about how to practice medicine, all she wanted was to find a box of cereal and lay in bed reading and eating. The rain wasn't helping matters much either, rain always made her hair act like it had a mind of its own and her need for a 30 second dance party always felt stronger when it rained.

Getting to the front door, she was surprised that the door was unlocked because she couldn't see Alex's car in the driveway, "oh well – it's not like we have a whole lot to steal" as she walked in the door the first this she saw was that the TV was sitting on a cabinet.

"Hey Alex did you actually get furniture or did your girlfri— Alex!"

Christina had started trying to find Alex and found him at the bottom on the stairs lying in his own blood. After finding a pulse – however thready- Christina called an ambulance and Grey Sloan Memorial so that they would have everything ready to go when they got there. Doing a primary assessment Christina saw that he had an obvious contusion to his head that appeared to have bleed at some point in time (who knows how long he had been there for), he would definitely have multiple bruises and possibly a broken leg, what worried her most though was that she could see glass around Alex, whatever he had been carrying had had a glass top that had smashed on the way down and the only way to explain the amount of blood around him would be if he had been impaled by a piece of glass. Christina was about to roll him over to get a look at him stomach when she heard the ambulance pull up and the paramedics getting out.

"In here! Hurry up!" Christina screamed at the paramedics, she had lost too many people she cared about and though she was loathed to admit it Alex was like a brother to her and Meredith and there was no way she was going to lose him too. The paramedics assessed him and got him on a gurney as the loaded him into the ambulance Christina bent by his head and whispered in his ear. "Come on Evil Spawn, hang in there".

Christina called Meredith from the ambulance, she was already at the hospital and was waiting in the ambulance bay for them, before she hanged up Christina heard Meredith trying to get her attention.

"I'm with Jo waiting, but Hunt has benched us from participating in his treatment anymore than family members would be allowed." Meredith had tapered off at the end Christina could tell that she was trying to keep her composure. "What, that's ridiculous, Why?" "because Christina" Meredith said in a commanding voice "Someone needs to be Alex's family he doesn't have anyone else but you me and I guess Jo, the others are all friends yeah but we are his family, he's going to need people who are not trying to be both his friend and his doctors plus I'm not sure I could even work on Alex anyway the same way I couldn't work on you or Derek" Cristina knew Meredith was right she was about to tell her that when the ambulance pulled up. Before they had even stopped their friends had opened the doors and before Christina could say anything Alex was already headed into the ER.

Meredith had to hold Jo back as they got Alex out of the ambulance, she liked Jo she was good for Alex and they were similar in so many ways but right now she would just get in the way.

"Alex!" Jo yelled.

"You can't see him now you will just be in the way, you have to let people do their jobs." Meredith explained using a similar tone she used on Zola.

"No. You don't understand he's all I have, the one of the only ones who has ever believed in me! You have to let me see him!"

"No!" Meredith's attending voice kicked in. "You don't get to act like you're the only one who cares about Alex or needs him. He has been my friend a lot longer then you've known him, he's like a brother to me. You don't think I wanted to rush in there see what the damage is, to see my person, Alex, Christina and I are family and you sort of are too but we are his family and that means we have to act like it, so know we find Christina and we wait for them to update us, and its hard waiting I know but that's what we do for as long as it takes, we are family."

Jo had calmed down by now and was just sniffling quietly "You're right I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything but it."

Meredith just smiled compassionately at her. They met Christina at the doors of the ER and together they walked past the trauma room that Alex was in informing a nurse that they would be in the waiting room as soon as someone had an update they were to be notified.

Thanks for reading let me know if i should go on or not.