Just a little, up to ten chapters fic that has come to my mind lately. Tell me what you think :)

Echoes of her newest Christian Louboutin's were the only thing he heard in the empty apartment. She was clearly pacing, as always when she was nervous. The sound brought him to their bedroom-to-be, where she was walking in front of the great mirror that was already installed in the wardrobe.

She saw her husband approaching with a bag in his hand, but she only smiled and let him to come to her. He kissed her cheek and handed her the gift bag, that, it turned out, consisted brand new pair of Jimmy Choo's.

"Something to put in your new closet", he smiled at her. Their new penthouse was in the middle of decorating. Her closet and en suite bathroom were already done, but it was still a large job to decorate living and dining room, his study, master and guest bedroom and rooms for their three children.

"What are you doing here? I didn't think that I'll see you until tonight."

"I decided to take an early lunch break, so I could see my favorite girl."

She smiled and kissed him, but he felt that her smile wasn't genuine. So he took her hand and led her to the window, from where they could see Big Ben and half of London.

"I was worried about you", he confessed, as he hugged her from behind. "Ever since we moved back, you've been kind of distracted and silent. Are you regretting out coming back?"

"No", she sighed. "I wanted to come back, I missed this town, I…"

"Are you afraid of how everyone would react?"

"Not really. I haven't seen anyone for seventeen years, so I don't really care what they think of me. I know there will be nasty and rude comments, but that's not what can hurt me. What can hurt me is that our children will hear that. You know well how Rita Skeeter can be."

"I wouldn't worry about that. Sure, our return will be attraction for few weeks, tops, but nothing that woman can write will change the way our kids see you."

"And how is that?" She asked, leaning in his embrace.

"As a good person you are."

"Really?" Her smile was bitter. "Would a good person do what I did? Walking out on fiancé in the middle of the rehearsal dinner, the day before the wedding isn't something a good person does."

"I said you are a good person", he kissed her neck slowly, "not a stupid one. But you gave life to Agnes, Adrian and Aria, you nursed them when they were sick, you taught them to talk, and they love you more than anyone else in the world. They surely wouldn't care about the things that occurred so many years before they were born."

"I hope you're right."

"I know I am", he turned her around and bore his eyes into his. He always saw everything in them, her fears, her hopes, her love for their children, and her love for him. Still, after almost full fifteen years of marriage, he couldn't believe that he held this beautiful woman in his arms. After their turbulent history, he still thanked Merlin every morning when he woke up next to her. He hated to see her hurt. He promised himself that he would always do his best to eliminate the cause of her pain.

The ringing of her phone interrupted their passionate but silent moment, and she searched through her bag for it.

"It's Astoria", she told him, and then answered. "Hi, Tori… No, I don't really, I only need to wait for Laurel, she should be here soon, and after that I'm free… Mhm, I'd love that… See you."

"And, Astoria is steeling you from me", he pouted mockingly.

"Well, she and the rest of the girls, we're having lunch at The Ledbury. Now, don't be cross, darling, I didn't even know you were coming and I promised them before, Tori just called to confirm it."

"I'm not mad", he laughed, "how could I ever be mad at you. But, you can", he started trailing kisses down her collarbone, "make it up to me… since Laurel hasn't… arrived yet and", he shifted to the other side, purposely paying attention to the spot she was so sensible to, which made her moan, "this is supposed to be our bedroom."

"You do raise", she turned her head to give him better access, "an interesting question, but… I don't want our decorator to walk in on us."

"Why not, it'll give her better insight in how to do this room."

That made her laugh genuine, for the first time in several days. Their return in London occupied her in most ways, and she now realized she worried too much that she forgot to actually enjoy.

"No, my love", she moved from him, though difficult hearted, "we never got caught on act, even when we were sixteen. At that age, that would be possibly acceptable, but now, it would only be embarrassing."

"Alright, then, I'll see you tonight. Mother is having some friends over for dinner, but you better pay all your attention to me."

He placed another hasty kiss on her lips, and bid her goodbye.

"Have fun with the girls."

"I will", she said, and after she heard the doors closing, she walked to the giant mirror in her wardrobe. Fully observing herself, she realized that she hadn't change much. She could still fit in her wedding dress, and all of her clothes were the same size as before she gave birth to her children. But her eyes were something that changed on her. Only those closest to her could see the love and warmth in them. In front of the entire world she kept the cold mask and iced glare, something that her mother-in-law taught her. 'If people can't see your weakness, they can't hurt you, darling. And they won't see it if you decide not to show them.'