Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica and its characters are the property of Ronald D. Moore, David Eick, Sci-fi Network and NBC. No copyright infringement is intended.

Bill walks into sickbay and thinks, 'I have to do this, I can't let her die and not know how much she means to me. I have to do this.'

He absolutely hates seeing her like this and knowing there will not be another miracle to pull her through until the end. He just wants her to see Earth and live for them. He wants to be able to actually love Laura without having to care who sees them together. He wants to be able to be with Laura and love her until the end when they both can die together.

He thinks, 'Is that too much to ask?'

He walks up to Laura's bed and sits down in the chair next to her bedside. She seems to be lost in her thoughts, so he tenderly takes her hand in his and says, "Laura…"

He hopes he can do this without breaking down, but when he sees her struggling to sit up once she notices him, he isn't so sure. She hasn't said anything, yet Bill knows her voice is going to be hoarse, so he picks up the glass of water from the bedside table and helps her take a sip, not wanting to upset her stomach even more. Her hand is trembling when she reaches for the glass, so Bill keeps his hand around it and leads the glass to her lips. Once she is done taking a sip, he puts the glass back on the bedside table and places her hand back in his. He looks at her and then in her beautiful green eyes and says, "Laura, I need to tell you something and it's important," he pauses to gather up his courage and says, "I love you and I hope you know that, but I want to do something to make sure you know how much I love you and that you will never be alone."

He squeezes her hand gently, which makes her a bit nervous because she doesn't know what he is going to do. Usually she can see right through his "Admiral Mask", but today she just can't.

Laura tilts her head curiously and says, "Bill, what's going on?"

Bill reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black velvet box. He hears Laura's sharp intake of breath and looks up at her, she already looks stunned because she knows what's going to be in it. He slowly opens the velvet box and inside lays a small, rose engraved gold ring with a diamond in it. Bill looks at Laura and says, "Laura, marry me?"

Laura thinks, 'Did he just ask me to marry him? After all I've put him through and even though I am dying, he is still asking me to marry him?'

"Bill, I'm your commander in chief, I can't… What would people say?"

"Frak the people. Frak the press. Frak the quorum. Who cares what they think?"


"Laura, without thinking about the people, will you marry me?"

Laura bites her lip and then whispers, "Yes."

She tries to get up from the horrible bed and into Bill's strong arms, but her illness defeats her and she stumbles, nearly falls, into Bill's warm embrace. He wraps his arms around her and he feels her head rest on his shoulder. She snuggles deeper into his embrace until he pulls back slightly and puts his hand under her chin. She tilts her face toward him and he can see the tears that are about to flow freely down her face. He leans forward and just kisses her.

'Gentle and perfect, that's Bill,' Laura thinks.

When they pull back, their lips are still slightly touching, and Laura whispers, "I love you more than anything and I need you. Please don't ever let me go."

Bill smiles gently and says against Laura's lips, "I love you too, Laura, and I will never let you go."

Bill turns slightly towards Cottle and says, "Is it okay if I take her?" He knows what Cottle is going to say, but still wants to try and ask him anyway.

Cottle turns around once he realizes Bill is talking to him. "Hmmm…"

"Can I take the president back to my quarters?"

Cottle never once saw the sparkle in Bill's eyes come alive until Bill had met Laura. To Bill's amazement, Cottle says, "Well, I guess you can take her. I was going to keep her here for the night, but I'm sure she would be more comfortable with you anyway."

Laura and Bill turn to each other with surprised looks on their faces and they smile at each other. 'For once,' Laura thinks, 'we are going to be able to have a night alone.'

"Bill, just make sure she gets enough rest. You know what I mean, and if you don't, well, I'm not going to explain it," the Doc says, and as he rolls over a wheelchair, he says, "Here, take this."

"It's okay. We'll manage without it," Bill says, effectively ending the argument with Laura before it even started. Bill loops his arm under Laura's knees and puts his other arm around her back. He gently lifts her up even though his back protests and she is genuinely surprised. Bill thinks she is going to say something, but instead she looks deep into his gorgeous blue eyes and kisses him gently.

She whispers against his lips, "Thank you." She can hear him breathing heavily as they head towards their quarters, and she silently prays he won't fall.

Bill suddenly stops and she realizes they are home.

She hears Bill tell his marines to open the hatch and then she feels Bill stepping into their quarters. She is suddenly being laid down on the couch and as Bill makes his way to the drink cart, Laura slips her cold hand into his own old and warm one.

Bill says, "I'll be right back to talk, I was just going to get us some water."

Laura reluctantly lets go of his hand and gets comfortable on the couch. Bill walks back to Laura and hands her a glass of water. He sits down next to her and reaches for the cozy blanket he always keeps on the back of the couch and places it across their laps. Laura takes a sip of water and then puts her glass on the coffee table with a shaky hand. She snuggles into Bill's side and says, "So Bill, what do we do now?"

Bill wraps his arm around Laura's shoulders and pulls her tightly against him. "Well, what would you like to do? Do you want to get married soon?"

"My only wish," Laura says, "would be for me not to be sick. We are not going to be able to be together forever."

"Don't talk like that," Bill says. "You will get better. I promise you, Laura. I promise you." His voice hitches when he says her name, so he has to repeat himself just to try and make himself believe it.

Laura tilts her head slightly toward Bill and can't believe what she sees. Bill is looking down at his lap and she can see watery tracks running down his face. Laura says with a chuckle, "So, I guess even tough admirals cry."

Bill turns his head toward her and she wipes the tears off with the back of her hand. "Yes, I guess so," Bill says with a grin. He loves this woman greatly and he is so happy that she is going to be his wife.

"Bill, we should probably talk about our wedding. I know I would like to have it soon, mostly because I would like to be able to walk down the aisle without any help. I would like to be able to wear a wedding gown. It doesn't have to be traditional, but I do want it to be special for us. What do you think about getting married on the hangar deck? I know it's not the most beautiful of places, but it would hold most of your crew. We both know they are all going to come."

"That is a great idea, Laura. I am sure OUR crew would enjoy watching us getting married. Gods know they all love us! I could even talk to Kara about picking up a few dresses somewhere and bringing them to show you so you can pick one out."

"I would, however, like to have a proper reception. I'd like music so we can have our first dance together as an actual couple. I know I might be a bit weak and unsteady on my feet, but I would like for us to have a REAL first dance, not a first dance with a sick woman. I want our dance to be strong, like our love for each other. Would you do that for me please or would you be too embarrassed?" Laura takes a sip of water as if she is nervous to hear what Bill is going to say.

Bill lifts her chin up so she is looking into his eyes and says, "I could never be embarrassed of you, Laura. I would love to have a first dance. In fact, I was worried you weren't going to want to do that. So, thank you for telling me you want to do the first dance. I will love it even if you do stumble a bit."

She grins and then gently leans in toward him and kisses him. Her lips are a bit dry but they feel so soft. She knows he is going to pull away in an instant, so she clasps her hand on the back of his head and tugs his head back to hers when he tries to pull away.

She finally says, "I love you and I can't wait to get married. You are the one thing keeping me alive and I want the symbol of that to be our marriage. I don't know how long I have truly loved you for, but I know my love for you is certain. It started when you kissed me the day I promoted you to admiral and it has been growing ever since."

"I love you now and I will love you always. Now that we have that settled, let's go to bed," Bill says.

He gets up and helps Laura up, but when she tries to walk, her legs won't support her and she starts to fall.

Bill sees her starting to fall, so he reaches out and quickly puts his arm around her to catch her. He helps her walk over to their rack and sit down. He walks over to their closet and pulls out a clean nightshirt and sweatpants for Laura. He then takes off his uniform and slips into his sweatpants. He leaves his tanks on because he knows Laura likes the feel of them. He rushes over to his rack and gingerly helps Laura sit up. He slowly takes Laura's clothes off and slips the sweatpants and shirt on her.

She would never tell him, but she loves the way his hands slide over her skin.

He silently slides onto their rack and Laura snuggles into his side while placing her hand on his chest. They have a few blankets over themselves, mostly because Laura has been rather cold lately. Bill places a kiss on the side of Laura's head and says, "Goodnight, honey."

She must be asleep because he doesn't hear a reply back.

I hope you enjoyed it! Reviews are loved!