A/N: ...uh, hello... It's been awhile - school and all. Just thought I would leave this little idea here. Let me know what you think! P.S. This is a bit AU ;)

She sighed. Loudly. Glancing around the room, she realized she was so in the zone the room was now completely vacated. Stretching her stiff muscles, she moaned quietly and flicked off her heels. She grabbed the bottle of wine she had hidden in her desk, biting the cork out with her teeth, she took a swig.

She couldn't help but stare at his desk the entire time. It ate at her. She felt the unpleasant butterflies in her stomach, and pressed her forehead to her forearm, hiding her face in the desk, stray tears running down her cheeks.

She loved him. There was no use in denying it. It shook her to her core. A sob escaped her lips. This whole office was full of things touched by memories of her and him together. She closed her eyes and imaged he was still hers, kissing her cheek, playfully telling her it was past her bedtime and that… he loved her. She internally shouted at her brain to shut up. She stayed like this for a while.

She blew out a long breath and sat up. Clicking her computer back awake, she began to type. The document seemed to stretch on and on, it was definitely the longest letter she had ever written, she even was careful about her spelling. She printed it, signed and sealed the letter.

She carefully collected her things, the things she wanted to bring with her. She twirled the nameplate in her hands. Lois Lane. She sighed loudly again; she definitely didn't feel like Lois Lane. Dropping the nameplate in her purse, she walked to Perry's office, slipping the letter under the door.

Standing in the entryway of the office, she looked around. She was leaving, maybe forever. She couldn't be there without him. Maybe one day he would come back and she could once again stand in this office and not see it was a graveyard to the things that happened and to the things that never happened.

Flicking the lights, she walked out of the Daily Planet for one last time.