A tall man who walked proudly before his execution. His most prominent physical features were his curved black mustache, a fierce grin he almost always wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short thick neck. Like many other high ranked pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a green sash around his waist. He had a white cravat around his neck, wore dark blue pants, he wore what appeared to be black sea boots. He was known as The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger.

It was time for his execution.

"You want my ultimate treasure..? I will give it to those who find it. I have gathered everything in this world and hidden them at that place." Roger declared with an intense grin on his face.

It was the beginning of the Golden Age of Pirates.

12 years later..

In the small village of Foosha, two boys glared at a crew of pirates.

"Oi, what are you doing, Luffy, Naruto?" A red haired man asked the children with a grin on his tanned face. His hair is slicked back, his calm black eyes looked at the children fondly, over his shoulders is a black cloak and on his head is a straw hat with a red ribbon in the middle, he wore slightly loose brown trousers cut below the knee and collected halfway up the shin, with golden buttons down the outer leg and a loose buttoned up white shirt, on his waist is his sabre. He is the Captain of the Red Haired Pirates, Red Haired Shanks.

The two children looked at him with a defiant expression, the first boy has messy black hair, innocent black eyes, his skin is tan, he wears a white shirt with the word 'Anchor' on it, blue shorts and brown sandals, the other boy is also tan skinned with messy and wild blond hair, his eyes a beautiful sky blue, on his cheeks are faint whisker marks, he wears a black shirt and black shorts with black sandals.

These two children are brother,Monkey D. Luffy and Hawk D. Naruto.

Luffy grabbed the knife in his hand.

"I'm not joking this time! I'll prove it for all to see!" Luffy roared. The pirates watched with amused expressions which turned to horror when Luffy stabbed himself under his eye.

"Baka! You were serious!?" Naruto's jaw dropped.

"Baka! What the hell are you doing!?" Shanks roared with wide eyes. Makino, a young woman with black hair that goes up to just above her shoulders. she wears a yellow kerchief, an orange blouse with black sleeves and a long light blue skirt and orange sneakers with white soles sighed as she patched the boy up.

"Honestly Luffy, you need to think before you act.." She sighed.

"Let's drink and celebrate! To Luffy's craziness and our greatness! DAHAHAAHA!" Shanks laughed.

"GAHAHAAH! DRINK! DRINK!" Shouted one of Shanks subordinates.

"Sake! Sake! Bring out some more sake!" Shouted another.

"Ah! It didn't hurt one bit!" Luffy grinned.

"Liar! Don't do something so stupid!" Shanks shouted with a demonic look on his face. "I'm not afraid of pain at all! Next time bring me out to sea! I want to be a pirate too!" Luffy shouted.

"Yeah! I wanna come as well!" Naruto shouted with a grin.

"You brats can't handle being a pirate! Not being able to swim is a pirate's biggest weakness!" Shanks grinned.

"If we stay aboard it should be fine!" Naruto roared.

"I've rigorously strained before! My punch is as strong as a pistol!" Luffy declared with a grin as he held his fist out.

Naruto gave him a deadpan gaze.

"A pistol..really?" Shanks asked in a bored tone.

"WHAT KIND OF TONE IS THAT!?" Luffy roared with a glare.

"Nothing is better than the life of a pirate! BAHAHAAHAH!" Laughed Lucky Roo. A man with a round body, in his hand is a piece of meat, he wears a green t-shirt with white vertical stripes on it, paired by a matching bandanna on his head, short beige pants with a dark, bluish-green sash around his waist, and red shoes with fur around the ankles. He has a yellow coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with a fur-lined collar and red epaulets with black stripes on them.

"Don't give them dumb ideas, guys." Shanks said.

"But it's the truth, right?" Lucky asked.

"Captain, why don't you take him with us one time..?" Asked Yasopp. He wears a blue button up short, white loose pants, brown sandals and two guns on his waist, his hair is messy and a dirt blond, his eyes black, he also wears a blue headband with his name on it.

"Yeah!" Naruto and Luffy cheered.

"Fine, they can take one of your places then." Shanks said lazily.

"Sorry Naruto, Luffy!" Lucky laughed as he took a chug of sake.

"What the hell!?" Naruto roared.

"The most important thing is, you are too young, wait another ten years." Shanks told them with a small smile.

"Stop underestimating us!" They roared.

"Don't be mad, have some milk." He handed them both a glass of milk, both boys nodded in gratitude as they drunk their milk.

"Pirates don't drink milk! DAHAHAHA!" Shanks laughed.

"Ahhh! What a dirty trick!" Naruto shouted.

"Tch, I even cut myself and he won't agree.." Luffy grumbled.

"Luffy, Naruto, you should try to understand captain's feelings." Benn Beckham said with a small smile.

A pale tall man with tied up black hair, calm black eyes, he wears a tight black shirt, loose green pants, black boots and in his mouth is a cigarette.

"Shanks feelings..?" Luffy muttered.

"Yes. He is our leader, after all. He knows that being a pirate is fun, but he also knows it is a very dangerous and hard life." Benn told them.

"Do you understand? He doesn't purposely tease your ambitions of being a pirate." When Luffy and Naruto were about to nod in understanding they heard Shanks laugh.

"DAHAHAHA! Can't swim!"

"See!" They pointed. Benn sweat dropped.

"Would you boys like something to eat..?" Makino smiled sweetly. "Okay! Just put it on our treasure tabs!" Naruto grinned as he sat down.

"What treasure? Your lying again." Shanks said calmly.

"No! We will definitely become pirates, we will pay her back when we get treasure!" Naruto declared.

Makino giggled.

"I'll be waiting." She said.

"Shanks, how long are you going to stay?" Luffy asked as he took a bite out of his steak. " Well, it's been almost a year now, I plan on setting sail a couple of more time before heading north." Shanks told him.

"We'll learn how to swim by then!" Naruto grinned.

"Good luck." Shanks grinned.

"Excuse me!" Was the rough and arrogant voice that resounded throughout the bar, they all turned to see a man. a tall, dark-skinned man with a black goatee, black hair, and an "x" shaped scar above his right eye. He wears a long purple coat with a white shirt and black trousers. He also has a golden necklace around his neck. He is Higuma, a mountain bandit, behind him were his lackeys.

"Hehe, so this is what pirates look like..? This is the first time seeing them, they look stupid to me." Higuma sneered.

Luffy looked curious, Naruto however sneered and glared coldly at the man.

"We are bandits. We don't want to cause trouble, we just want ten barrels of sake." Higuma ordered.

"I'm sorry, we are out of sake." Makino said hoping there would be no trouble.

"Oh..? that's strange, what are they drinking..? water?" Higuma mocked. "It's sake, but it is the last of it." Makino said.

"I'm sorry, looks like we finished all the sake. Sorry about that." Shanks handed him a bottle of sake.

"Here, if you don't mind, take the last bottle." Shanks offered with a smile. Higuma sneered before crushing the bottle by slamming his fist into it, the sake dripped all over Shanks.

Makino, Naruto and Luffy's eyes widened.

"Just who do you think I am..? Don't take me so lightly. One bottle is not enough!" Higuma growled.

"Oh! Now the floor is all wet." Shanks realized. Higuma sneered as he brought out a piece of paper.

"See this..? My head is worth B8,000,000. I'm one of the prime fugitives here! I've killed 56 people before. You cocky bastard!" Higuma shouted.

Shanks leaned down and began cleaning up the mess.

"Now you know who I am, don't mess with me again..after all, bandits and pirates don't get along." Higuma sneered.

"Sorry about this, Makino. I'll clean it." Shanks however had to avoid the sword slash by Higuma which destroyed more glasses.

"You enjoy cleaning, you should do it more." Higuma grinned darkly.

"Hmph, later you chickens.." Higuma sneered as he began to walk away. They watched the bandits leave.

"You alright captain? Did you get hurt?" Makino asked. Shanks shook his head as he stood up.


"He fixed you good, captain!" Laughed another crew-member.

"DAHAHAHAHA!" Shanks laughed.

"THAT WAS DISGRACEFUL!" Luffy roared with an enraged expression. "WHY DIDN'T YOU FIGHT HIM!?" Naruto roared with the same expression. "SO WHAT IF THERE WAS MORE PEOPLE!?" Luffy roared again. "YOUR NOT A MAN OR A PIRATE!" Naruto screamed.

Shanks smiled calmly.

"Look, I know how you feel, but it's just a bottle of sake. There's nothing to be worked up about." Shanks told them.

Both boys turned to leave.

"Don't leave, Naruto, Luffy.." Shanks sighed, when he grabbed their arms, his eyes widened. Luffy's arm completely stretched, however his eyes widened when his arm turned to black flames.

"Huh?" Both boys muttered.

"Ahhhhhhhh! His arm is stretching and his arm became fire!" Shanks shouted.

"No way!" Said Lucky.

Quickly drawing something, he showed two strange fruits to the children.

"Luffy, Naruto, did you eat these fruits!?" Lucky demanded.

Both nodded calmly.

"Wasn't nice, you wouldn't like it." Naruto said calmly. "Baka! You ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi and the Heru Heru No Mi! They are devil fruits of the sea! Whoever eats these will become a human made of rubber and hellfire! The drawback is you lose the ability to swim!" Shanks shouted at them.

"WHAAAAAAT!?" Both boys shouted.


"What interesting kids, seems like punching and kicking won't do any harm to them!" Higuma declared as he looked down at the Luffy and Naruto.

"Dammit! Say sorry right now!" Luffy shouted. "You bastard!" Higuma sneered as he smashed Luffy into the ground.

"A rubber man, huh?" Higuma muttered. "If I sell him to the circus, I will make some good money." Higuma grinned as he slapped Luffy across the face and sent him to the ground. Naruto charged at him.

"Say sorry!" He roared, Naruto was however kicked in the head.

"What a strong..brat!" Higuma sneered as he stepped on Luffy and Naruto's head. "We were having a good time laughing and drinking, did we say something to piss you off?" He asked.

"YES YOU DID! SAY SORRY!" Luffy roared.

"I was wondering why no one welcomed us at the port, this is why.." They turned to see Shanks and his crew.

"You guys were the bandits from the other day." Shanks realized. "Luffy what's wrong? I thought your punch was like a pistol?" Shanks smirked.

Luffy glared and Naruto chuckled.

"Pirate, why are you still here? Are you going to clean up the whole town?" Higuma sneered coldly.

Shanks walked closer.

"I suggest you leave or I will open fire." Higuma declared. Shanks smirked when he saw a bandit put a gun to his head.

"Didn't you hear!? Get lost! I will shoot you in the head!" The bandit screamed with a snarl on his face.

"Well, since you pulled out that gun, seems I gotta fight.." Shanks commented getting surprised looks from the bandits.

"I said don't use it to scare people.." Shanks said coldly. Lucky Roo shot the bandit in the head, killing him.

"That was fucking dirty!" Higuma shouted.

"Dirty..? Don't make me laugh. Do you think we are saints or something?" Benn smirked.

"The people standing in front of you are pirates." Shanks declared. "Listen well bandits, you can throw food at me, spill sake on me, or even spit on me, I can laugh it of, but! I don't care what reasons you have, I won't forgive anyone that harms my friends!" Shanks narrowed his eyes.

"Forgiveness!? Go to hell!" The bandits charged, before they could cause damage, Benn had knocked them out by hitting them with his rifle.

"Wait a minute! This brat messed with us!" Higuma shouted in fear as he looked down at Luffy who had started the fight.

"It doesn't matter, there is a reward on your head, after all." Shanks smiled. Higuma growled as he threw a smoke bomb into the ground, he escaped with Luffy and Naruto.

"Oh now We got careless! They took off with Luffy and Naruto! What do we do!?" Shanks yelled as he held the side of his head.

Benn sighed.

"Calm down, captain."


"Get lost." Shanks glared coldly at the sea king who emerged from the water, in his arms were a terrified Naruto and Luffy.

The sea king went back into the water.

"Thanks boys, Makino told me everything, thanks for sticking up for us!" Shanks grinned. Naruto and Luffy's eyes teared up.

Shanks smiled softly.

"C,mon! boys don't cry!" Shanks told them calmly. "BUT SHANKS!" Luffy shouted. "YOUR ARM!" Naruto and Luffy cried into the man's chest.

"It's nothing, it's just an arm. As long as you two are alive." Shanks smiled. Both boys cried even harder.


"So, you're really leaving this time?" Luffy asked Shanks.

Shanks nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, we stayed long enough, are you boys upset?" He asked Naruto and Luffy.

They nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't want to come, I'll become a pirate myself." Naruto explained. "I wouldn't take you brats even if you begged me. You don't have what it takes to become a pirate!" Shanks laughed.

Both boys glared at him.

"Yes I do! One day, I'll find a crew just as strong as yours! Then I'll find the world's most legendary treasure! And become the King of Pirates!" Both boys declared before lightning danced between their eyes, the challenge was on.

Shanks smiled.

Oh..? So you will be better than us..well then.." Shanks muttered as he took off his straw hat and a took his black cloak off his shoulders

"This hat is my gift to you Luffy. It's my favorite hat, you know. This cloak is my gift to you Naruto, it is also one of my favorit cloaks . When you become great pirates, return those gifts to me." Shanks neared his ship. Both boys held their respective gifts to their chest and cried.

"Those brat's are going to be big.." Benn muttered.

Shanks grinned.

"I know, they remind me of my younger days.." He muttered. "PULL THE ANCHOR! SET SAIL!" Shanks declared as his ship began to leave.

He looked into the sky.

The Son's of Monkey D. Dragon, they will turn this world upside down, don't you think, Roger-sencho?