Chapter 1

"Sir, there's an escapee at Station 4—criminal is unstable."

A man in a black suit grunted. He was middle aged, rather slim and have glasses like those CSI police officers in TV. He was standing in front of a multi-monitored control room, different people operating several keyboards and switches and such. His mouth twitched to a frown as the surveillance cameras showed a running girl, at the age of 16, broke bars, punched police and blew up doors. The prison looked so much like it came from war, and all because of this girl. "Who is it?"

"It's criminal no. 1412, cell 321, captured 7 years ago at a dilapidated warehouse, and killed 20 men in one night," a man replied almost immediately, his eyes were still glued to the keyboard in front of him, sometimes glancing at a certain monitor one at a time.

The man in black grunted. It was her again. Suddenly the screens went blank. The people went crazy typing codes and such. "Where's she?"

"Sir, the connections have been lost. She smashed the connection box outside the building." The man on the keyboards took the telephone and began dialing but soon put it back down. "She's cut the connection outlets too. We can't contact anyone inside the building."

The man in black frowned. "Well, do something!" He threw his hands in the air. He walked towards the keyboards and began switching some switches. When that didn't work or didn't give a signal of the computer going on, he turned to the other man. "Do you have a cell?"

The other man nodded and handed him the phone. The man in black dialed 911 as quickly as he signs the papers and the phone began to signal the dialed number.

"Hello, this is 911, how may I help you?" The receiver said.

"Bud, cut your crap, we need you in Station 1, ASAP. Call the CSI, FBI, Pandora, SWAT, or whatever that includes the police force," the man in black replied.

"Sir, calm down. We'll attend to you—"

"I don't need you to tell me about the crap you say about everyone in need of assistance. There's an ESCAPEE in here! AN ESCAPEE! And she's one of the most deadly of deadliest, so get your ass in work and call the damn POLICE DEPARTMENT or whatever and get Station 1 NAC, SURROUNDED—you hear me?" the man in black snapped.

"Alright, sir, we'll be there in thirty minutes. Right now, I want you to tell me where the accident/incident is and please tell me completely so we could—"

"I'm in a serious dilemma here, kid, and if you don't—"

"Sir, would you mind telling me where you are?"

"Don't sweat it, kid, I don't need your pathetic crappy help anymore. Screw your innocently not-so innocent life."



The phone slammed the wall with great impact that it almost cracked. The man in black faced the other employees and barked, "Call the President." Then he left the room.

You will certainly pay for this…Alice.

The cold winter air blew its falling snow in my face. I've finally escaped from the prison after 7 years! Ha, it serves them right. Ah, I've missed this; running freely in the snow, making footprints in it. It makes me want to remember those times. And they ruined those times painfully.

What did I do to deserve going to prison, you ask? Hmm. Let me think, I don't actually know. It's been so long, I can't really remember. But whatever it is, I'm free. Free from the seclusion inside the white hospital-like room. Free from the cold food they serve be 24/7. Free from the rumors and loneliness that built up inside me for years, days and weeks. But alas, the last one will forever stay in me for I am certain that I can't trust anyone anymore, for I am a serial killer. A serial killer, as they say, who killed 20 men in one night; a serial killer known to have killed her own parents—oh, now I remember. Good, there's no reason for me to think of any other thing as a reason in court and be thrown into prison. But anyway, reason established: I shall not talk to anyone, trust, no more.

I stopped. Ah, the wind is so refreshing. The night is so glorious. It's so pretty. Is this what I missed when I was in prison? It's really so pretty, like in the paintings my mother used to show me. Mother. I hate her. I hate every bit of her as well as my father. They were the ones that made me what I am right now. They were the ones who ruined my life. They were the ones to bring me in this stage of killing. I hate them; I hate them from the bones and blood that covers me. I wish I was a normal kid.

Well, that's an unusual wish. Why would any serial killer want to wish they were normal? They were normal once, right? They turned themselves like this, like I did. You know what I did? Oh, I didn't kill my parents; I just killed my younger sister. Oh, are you surprised? I would kill my parents, but that would be too much of a hassle, and besides, how could I show them what I'm capable of if I killed them? I do miss Will, though. And I promised we'll be together someday. I won't break that promise even if it would mean me committing suicide. But that's already taken care of. Someday I'm going to die like the rest of us, but I won't at the designated time that Death has for me.

Oh, what am I talking about? Of course I'll die. But, long story short, I won't commit suicide. There, good enough reason for you? Sure it is.

I'm going crazy. But I'm already crazy. Crazy enough to kill her own sister, crazy.

It really is pretty here. The benches, the frozen lake, the snow-covered trees; I feel like I'm in wonderland. I began humming a tune my sister used to sing to me. Yes, she even made a piano version of it. I remember her teaching me about them. I think I still remember some of them. My sister used to go to piano lessons. She didn't even give a name to the little tune. I'll think of a name before I die because when I see my sister again, I'll have a name for the tune to tell her. Oh, she'll love that, she'll really love that.

"That's a pretty tune you're singing." I turned around. A boy, blonde and looked about the same age as I am, stood behind. He looked pretty with the falling snow all around whizzing the atmosphere. His emerald eyes shone and he was smiling. I hate him. "Who are you?"

I scoffed and looked away. Doesn't he know me? Should he even know me? I'm pretty sure everyone in Tokyo knows who I am. I am deadly and could kill you or anyone in seconds, and with the description above, everyone is bound to be afraid of me. Well….do they? I frowned. They are supposed to hate me. Well, I'll just make everyone hate me more in order to get my plan to succeed. You don't know? Well, you're not supposed to know until later on.

"Why are you wearing that kind of clothing? Aren't those for criminals only?" He asked. I smirked. It would be a matter of moments when he finds out. Then, I'll make sure that I would dispose of him faster and…well, you know the rest. Seems like my habits still weren't done, huh?

I turned towards him; my eyes, piercing through his head. "What if I was a criminal, what would you do?"

He was lost in thought for a few moments before saying, "Then I would be extra careful when I see you around." He smiled.

WHAT? What? Did he just say that? I am a serial killer and a criminal, how could he just smile like that? I scoffed. "You're crazy."

"Why? Is there something wrong with being extra careful? You did say that you're a criminal." He looked at me confusingly.

"First of all, people would call 911 or the police when they see a criminal, or beg for mercy, and as I could see, you aren't. So," I said.

"So, what?"

"So—aren't you gonna ask me for mercy? After all, I'm a criminal." I flipped my hair and stared at him immensely. He just smiled.

"Are you a criminal?" He said. Am I a criminal? Of course, yes. A girl who killed her sister is a criminal enough of a reason. What else could you call me? Murderer, killer, yes, but it's already a criminal act. I've bathed in blood when I was nine; I've spent the next 7 years in a prison for committing murder of my own parents when I didn't really kill them. I took blame in everything my parents did to turn me into this and suffered inside the stupid prison of guilt and loneliness. I killed 20 men in one night in an attempt of an escape seven years ago and I killed more than twenty and injured more than I could count today, this night. What else could he mean by 'am I a criminal'?

I smirked. He nodded his head and continued walking. Funny, he didn't wear anything that could block this coldness away. And also funny that I'm not freezing despite only wearing an orange jumpsuit and a pair of sneakers. Hmm, something's wrong with this place.

"You know, those people in prison are criminals, correct?" What, doesn't he read books or watch news? Of course they're criminals, bozo, they did something wrong in human kind! Gee, what are the odds? "I don't really consider them as criminals."

I glanced at him. Huh? Is this guy mental or something? Of course they are! They are put into prison by their unlawful criminal acts! They don't deserve to be free, just like I am.

"Do you ever even wonder on why they are put there? Sure, they are in there for certain acts but the causes of those acts are what?" What does he mean by those? "For example, you are caught stealing some jewelry; why did you do it? No one bothers to ask those questions, no? And being a criminal doesn't always mean doing something against the law. And no one ever mean to disregard the law."

Well, good point, but I am always labeled as a criminal and that I would take it to the grave. I lowered my head down. And what if he does have a good point? He doesn't understand on what I am in, right? And if you were to be in here, you would have a right to not to listen to that guy. I glared at him. He was staring at the lake or river.

"So, do you like this place?" He asked.

Well, I couldn't say no, could I?

"I made it for my sister's birthday. She loves the winter so much so I decided to make a winter wonderland for her."

"Winter…wonderland?" What now?

"Yeah, winter wonderland. It was too bad that her birthday is in October 29—a week from now—and she's moving to south this winter for her high school years. I'd really miss her so I decided to make this fall special…so do you like it?"

It's still October, huh? I thought it was late in November. But I guess some things are not what they look like. And to answer his question, yes, it was nice. I like it.

I looked at him as he scrutinized my face. He smiled (for the third time, I guess). "I'm guessing that you like it, neh? Good." He looked at his pocket watch inside his short pants pocket, and then looked back at me. "Well, it's time for closing. You better go home or wherever you tend to go. I'd let you come home with me but I'm sure that my mom will throw a fit. So, bye?" He waved his hand and walked off leaving me standing there gaping.

"Some people are never what they seem."

Jack. Mmm, I know.

"But that also doesn't mean you couldn't trust them..."

Will. Sure, whatever you say.

"Last one out shuts down the lights!" I don't even know him yet I find him familiar. But the only problem I have right now is where I'll stay for the night. I'm sure that my parents' house is now sold. UGH! This isn't really well thought.

"Riem, here is the administrative officer of Pandora." A man in black introduced to the earlier man another man in white. Riem shook hands with the white garbed man as he introduced himself as Break.

"Nice to meet you, Riem-san."

"Same to you, Break-san."

"Now, Riem, this man is responsible for case of the escape of criminal 1412. You better treat him more preferably and with more hospitality."

The boss walked out leaving the two gentlemen inside the office.

"So, I heard you're a top of the Pandora org, eh?" Riem began.

"Yes, and I shall do my best at this mission and hope to achieve this within a month." Break smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't say that."


"Prisoner 1412 is a highly deadly criminal and serial killer as she killed 20-plus men and injured 51 in the station today. She has killed her family after a murder in the neighborhood. And she has continued killing the next 4 weeks until we finally succeeded in capturing her. It took 14 days to make her calm down and not proceeding killing all the other specialists we've hired to calm her down. I doubt you could capture her in less than a month with only being one-armed."

Break paused. "Well, I do not intend to think that I could capture her in one month, though, seeing as you have succeeded in capturing her in a month with a force. However, I tend to do this not alone, but with two other associates who have been inside Pandora for as long as I could think, maybe more or less. And I don't think calling her serial killer is an appropriate term. Do you even have evidence that it was her who killed those neighbors? Family is more to think possible but I don't believe that a child like her could kill an entire row of houses. Perhaps it was another person, undefined and unknown; perhaps not. But whoever did that knew that he/she would not be found as they have found the little girl a vessel to hiding. That is just a theory, though, one of my kinds. And that theory is what the police force lack that I hate. You assume only, not giving other people time to explain."

Riem froze for a second. This man has a good point. "Are you telling me that being a cop has some issue with an organization like yours? And in your theory, I ask you, why the massive murder in that neighborhood is accompanied by the time the kid's. We have assumed that it was the kid since the last ever made murder in the said neighborhood was made by her and then moved to the east of Tokyo. And if I recall, the girl was found there in a warehouse when we tracked her. How is that, officer?"

"The only probability that I could come up is that I'm sure the girl was set up. Or maybe, just like I said that the girl was used as a vessel. Someone very close or not to the girl knew where she headed and followed her. I don't know why the person did kill those people. Maybe because that he wants revenge, protection to the girl, perhaps? I don't know for sure, but I stay with my theory about that." Break paused. "And if that certain someone did not know the girl, he knew that the girl would be captured in some point of time and that he could kill no more, so he followed her to where she went and then put the blame in her for all the killings. It stopped when she was captured for fear of being captive."

Riem thought for a second. "That is a very interesting philosophy, indeed, Break-san, but I prefer something much more...believable. Your theory might not or might be true but we shall see. And I don't believe in coincidences."

"The term 'coincidences aren't true' might have a false or a true fact. But I shall stay on my guard and on my ground and territory."

"Good, you know where you are. Till next time, then, Break-san, good night."

"Good night to you too."

Just what are you playing at, Alice. Break smirked.

HI! My first Pandora Hearts fanfic! Hope you treat me good and review. Seriously, I need reviews to continue this. Some of the characters may be OOC and all but first time for everything I guess. But then I might warn you: Blood and Gore in future chaps. Yeah, beats than have a really boring semestral break, huh? AND FOR JUST ONE WEEK! Damn. Well, PM me if you have any questions. I'm kinda using Internet Explorer so there might be some changes or glitches. I'll fix it soon. :)


CHIRA SOMES! is signing off, good night/morning. ;)