Epilogue – Never Lost My Way

This is the last part of the fic, the final end, the aftermath of the fight with Dark.

(S/N – Memories of You: Persona 3)

Akihiko Sanada was an ordinary guy. He had a job, earned his money, and lived a pretty straightforward life. Of course he also fought eldritch monsters spawned from the darkness of human minds, but then again, that WAS his job.

Akihiko was sitting in a café in downtown Iwatodai, when he heard a very familiar sound.

"Burn My Dreaaaaaaad"

His eyes widened as he turned in his seat.

"Where have you been?" he said with a wide grin.

"Oh, here and there, but I didn't expect to end up back here I must say"

"It's been too long, leader"

"I could say the same, Aki"

Minato Arisato got up from his seat and moved over to Akihiko's table.

"Might I also ask how you're still alive?"

"Ugh, it's a long, and very weird story"

"I've seen some pretty strange stuff, try me"

"The guardians of space-time brought me back to stop some guy from destroying the universe"

"Just like old times, eh?"

"Heh, I guess it was, Aigis was there too"

"So what do you do now?"

"Well, there are some people who could use the help of the old guard from SEES"

"Oh? Who might that be?"

"They're called N-Section"

"Sounds interesting, Tell me more, and I'll get SEES back to see you again. Yukari's gonna kill you, you know that?"

"I've died before, Aki"


And there you have it, the conclusion of Return of Dark Yagami. I hope you enjoyed my little attempt at deconstructing the Troll Fic and Mary Sue tropes!

Although….there could well be another story in this series….or two….

See ya on the other side!

The D'arkest Y'agami, a.k.a TheMonkfish