Chapter 1 the Wayfinders

These three, were keyblade apprentices and best friends, Aqua, Terra and Ventus, or Ven for short. They all dreamed of becoming Keyblade Masters, a great honor for all of them, but their dreams couldn't always become true.

"I made something for us," Aqua said handing both Terra and Ventus a star-shaped charm.

"What is it?" Ventus asked.

"Wayfinders for us," Aqua said, "and I added a little magic."

"What is it?" Ventus asked.

"An unbreakable connection," Aqua said holding her wayfinder up in the air as Terra and Ventus did the same.

"Why are there so many stars?" Ventus asked.

"Well Ven, they say that the stars we see are actually other worlds, and the light we see, is the light in people's hearts shining down to us," Terra said.

"I want to see them all," Ventus said taking out his wayfinder again, "I want to see them with you."

"Of course we will," Aqua said.

Soon, they were able to travel to the different worlds, the one they went together, Disney Town was the last time they would ever travel together. They were enjoying the fun, and eating ice cream, Ventus was standing a bit behind the two, knowing how his friends had enjoyed their space.

"Don't worry Aqua, you'll catch up and maybe pass me and become the master," Terra said patting Aqua hard on her back causing her to drop her ice cream.

"What do you mean?" Aqua said, "We're both equal, no matter what would happen, the three of us will become masters together."

Then with their keyblades summoned, Aqua and Terra were soon fighting each other. While they were, Aqua's wayfinder fell down on top of an open manhole cover.

"Aqua, your wayfinder," Ventus said, but she wasn't listening, Ven made his choice and went to get it, but he never saw it happening.

Right when he didn't expect it, he found out that the manhole cover was slippery because it was wet, and underneath was rushing water. He didn't have enough time to react; Aqua's wayfinder as well as his were in the air.

"Aqua, Terra!" Ventus said, and those where the last words anyone has ever heard from him.

"Ventus! No, it can't be," Aqua said as her wayfinder fell up on Ventus' which the glass has began to crack a bit.

"What? Ventus!" Terra said.

They couldn't have saved Ventus in time; he already had drowned when they found him. They took his body to the Keyblade Graveyard where above him; Wayward Wind rests with his fractured wayfinder resting with the key chain.

"It was all my fault," Aqua said to herself, leaving, "I never want to see you ever again Terra."

"Aqua wait!" Terra said but she never had listened.

Terra often saw Aqua from time to time but she would never talk to him and would leave with a golden eyed boy.

Ventus however was never at ease. Although his life had ended, his spirit lived on, only to watch his friends, but he could never help them no matter what, all he could feel was regret that he could have told them what he would do so he could have lived. All he was now was a phantom waiting for his friends to be happy. But that never had happened; the color in him was already fading and day by day, Ven was hoping for his friends' happiness from each other.

Around four to five years later, Ventus' spirit still remained and had solidified and became only a dreary grey hue. A lone Unversed carefully walked up to him, rubbing its head like a cat seeing no response from him. But what caught Ventus' eye was the similar wayfinder he remembered from years ago when he was truly alive, dangling on his belt. Unsure of who he was, Ventus' eyes remained locked on that one wayfinder following it as it went to a building, a research facility of some sort. And Ventus still followed him.

Unknown to Ventus, the man he was following was Terra, on his way to the research facility to help understand the balance between the light and darkness.

"T…Terra?" a woman said, with slightly longer blue hair than before, Aqua.

Terra saw who it was really, and tried to get out as fast as he could, "Terra… please wait…I'm sorry."

"You…you are?" Terra asked, speaking to her the first time after the incident.

"Yes I am, I'm sorry about how I pinned the blame on you, unlike how Ven would have wanted us to stay friends," Aqua said, "Can we start over?"

"Of course," Terra said, "I've forgiven you from the beginning."

That evening, they were back at the Land of Departure, looking at the stars, the place where the three of them had became friends at the first place.

"Aqua, do you remember how Ven said how he wanted the three of us to visit all the worlds?" Terra asked.

"I could never forget," Aqua said, "to bad we couldn't."

"Come on, we know enough about the balance, and we could become Keyblade Masters one day," Terra said, "but let's see the worlds, let's visit every one of them, for Ventus."

"Okay, we'll see them, for Ventus," Aqua said taking off her pendant which was her wayfinder.

"So you've kept it as well," Terra said, taking his off of the strap of his belt, "I did as well; I wanted to remember our friendship."

"Of course I did," Aqua said, "I just missed hanging out with you two."

"I did too," Terra said.

The two of them were unaware that Ventus' spirit was watching them, and smiling. He was finally at ease that his friends' friendship was mended.

"Thank you," Ventus' spirit said, "Terra and Aqua."

Surprised at hearing their long-gone friend, they turned finding only a flash of light at where Ven's spirit stood and disappeared. The next day, Terra and Aqua left the Land of Departure, going to visit all the worlds they could like they said.

At the Keyblade Graveyard, a small brilliance of light came from Ven's cracked wayfinder, when the light faded away, the cracks had vanished. Ven's spirit was at ease.

(A/N: Okay, so this is kinda different than how I usually post stories. I kinda want some suggestions of how these one-shots will play out. So the general thing I am requesting is to send in ideas of three groups of friends or three Kingdom Hearts characters and I'll try to write out the story. I'll remember to credit the first person who sends the idea. Also unlike how I normally post stories, this one will be more of a monthly update than a weekly update. Thanks in advance.)