Hey guysssssss, I am so excited to start this new story! Hopefully you guys will love it and have a lot of fun reading it! Anyway, let's start this fanfic!

Ikuto's P.O.V:

I sat in class, bored like always. The useless chatter and gossip filled the room while we waited for the teacher to walk in. I sighed, I can't believe I still have to come to school, it is completely pointless for me. I leaned back in my chair, placing my feet on the desk and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ikuto is so cool." I heard a girl whisper.

"Shh, he might hear you dummy." Another girl whispered.

"So?" The first girl said.

"You never approach or talk about Ikuto, people say there is a curse on him." The second girl said.

"Yeah, any girl who try's talking to him goes missing the next day." Another girl interjected, I smirked at their stories.

"Sorry I'm late!" A girl exclaimed as she ran into the class room. An intoxicating smell entered my nose, I looked up at the girl. Ah, the ever so popular Hinamori Amu, the most positive girl in school as well. She was wearing a pink tank top with a pink skirt, under the skirt were pink and white-striped tights with some pink converse. She had flowing pink locks and honey-golden eyes, her skin was slightly tan and her smile was the brightest I have ever seen.

"Amu, the teacher isn't here yet, so don't worry." A girl called to her, Amu sighed in relief. Walking past my desk, she noticed me eying her and waved at me before skipping towards her friends.

"Amu, don't wave at him, you know about the curse." A girl scolded her.

"Oh curses aren't real, I'm sure its fake." Amu chuckled.

"Sometimes I think you're way too nice Amu." A brunette said. I didn't know any of these girls names, because they never interested me. But Amu's name interested me today, mostly because of the smell she was giving off.

"Isn't today your birthday Amu?" A blonde asked, Amu nodded.

"Yep, my eighteenth, I'm super excited." Amu chirped, an eighteenth birthday? That's when most teenagers are considered adults, but it means more powerful things for me. Its weird, there is no way Amu is...

The bell rang, cutting of my thoughts. The teacher ran into class with his suitcase.

"Good morning class, I apologize for my tardiness." The teacher said.

"Good morning!" The class exclaimed, besides me. Class started and I kept staring at Amu, occasionally she looked at me but I looked forward before she could catch me.

The bell rang for a lunch break and I exited the class. I saw a blonde with twin pigtails talking to one of her friends, she looked over at me and waved goodbye to her friend. She approached me with an annoyed look.

"What do you want?" She asked, her violet eyes had boredom written all over them.

"Hinamori Amu, do you know about her?" I asked.

"Who doesn't, what about her?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"She is turning eighteen today, and there's this scent on her, it is irresistible." I said.

"To think, after all these centuries, you still have teenage hormones." The blonde said with a smirk.

"Not like that you dumb ass, I think she might be the one." I said, her eyes flashed and turned into a blood red, her pupils turning into slits. She sniffed the air and looked behind me. I turned around and saw Amu walking through the hallways, she looked at me and smiled. I turned back to the blonde, she was licking her lips while staring at Amu.

"Yes, she might be the one, she sure does smell like it." She said, her eyes turning back to their regular form.

"Well, what do we do?" I asked.

"She may be expecting some company tonight, watch her like a hawk." Utau commanded, I nodded and she smirked.

"Ikuto, you should really be more careful, the curse about you is spreading throughout the school." She informed me.

"I don't need any warning from my little sister." I snapped.

"I am may be younger then you, but I'm much more careful when I feast." She said. "And honestly, you stick out like a sore thumb in that clothing." She said, gesturing at me. I was wearing a black t-shirt with a leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and some black combat boots.

"It tells people to stay away from me, which is what I like." I smirked. I looked at what she was wearing, a white sweater with denim shorts, and some black vans. She was completely pale with plush pink lips, she was known as one of the cutest girls in school.

"We're supposed to try to fit in, just like father instructed." She said.

"I don't care. Anyway, I have to get to class. See ya Utau." I waved her goodbye.

Amu's P.O.V:

~After School~

I skipped home merrily, humming one of my favorite songs. I stopped in at my front door, digging through my pockets to find my keys. I took them out and unlocked the door, I stepped inside and saw that it was pitch black.

"Hello, anyone home?" I asked, no reply. I closed the door behind me, eliminating my last source of light. Suddenly, the lights turned on, revealing my family standing there with party hats.

"Happy birthday Amu!" They all shouted in unison. They all stood in front of the dining table, which was holding presents and a huge cake.

"Thank you guys so much!" I exclaimed.

"Anything for you dearie." My mother said as I hugged her tightly.

"They grow up too fast!" My father cried as he blew his nose into a tissue.

"I can't believe you're already eighteen onee-san!" My adorable little sister, Ami, exclaimed.

"I know, time goes by way too quickly." I said, smiling at my great family.

"Lets have our pizza, then cake, then open up your presents." My mother said, opening the pizza box that I didn't notice on the table.

When we were all done with out pizza, my parents lit the eighteen candles at the top of my cake.

"Well honey, make a wish and blow out the candles." My father said, readying the camera to take a picture. What could I wish for, I already have everything I could ask for. Well, there is one thing I already wanted.

"I wish something exciting would happen to me, for me not to only live a normal, boring life."

I took a deep breath and blew out the candles, I heard snapping from the camera go off as my mother and sister started clapping.

"What did you wish for?" My sister asked.

"Ami, you know well that if you tell people what you wished for, it won't happen." My mother said, Ami nodded.

"Well, I hope your wish comes true!" Ami squealed, I smiled.

"Thanks Ami." I said. I got to cut the cake for everyone, it was vanilla, my favorite. Once we all ate our cake, we moved onto presents. I received normal things, gift cards, clothes, jewelry, stuff like that.

"Well, even though its your birthday, there is school tomorrow, so go get ready for bed." My mother said.

"Aww, do I have to go to school?" I whined.

"Of course, education always comes first." My mother scolded me, I sighed and ran upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed into my strawberry decorated pajamas.

"What am I forgetting? Oh yeah, I have to brush my teeth." I mumbled to myself. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, and started brushing my pearly whites. While brushing them, I got the strange feeling I was being watched. My mom said whenever that happened, that means its your guardian angel watching over you. But this felt weird, it felt like someone was actually watching me, like right outside the bathroom window. I closed the curtins, but the feeling remained. I rinsed my mouth out and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but you can never be too safe. I walked into my bedroom and jumped into my bed, I still felt the strange feeling of being watched. I set my alarm and turned off all of the lights, I crawled underneath my blanket and curled up into a ball. The feeling finally left and I fell asleep calmly.

I heard my alarm beep, but low enough so it didn't wake up my family. I looked at the time as I put the alarm on my digital clock on snooze, it was 2:28 am. It was exactly two minutes before I was born eighteen years ago. I sat up and waited for the two minutes to pass by just looking around my room. As soon as the clock struck 2:30, I felt a pain in my chest. I clenched my chest, what was this pain, and why now? Once the it was 2:31, the pain was gone, leaving me panting. I heard footsteps downstairs, why was anyone awake at this time? I heard them climb up the stairs and I felt terror take me over. What if it was a robber, murderer, even an arsonist?

I jumped out of my bed and started looking through my closet, finding the bat that I had from when I was in softball. I quickly stood beside my door, hearing the intruder's footsteps coming closer. The door creaked open, I checked to make sure it wasn't my parents. It was a man, he looked around middle age, he wearing pants and a t-shirt that was covered in blood. That made me freeze, did he already get my family? Before he even saw me, I swung the bat and hit him in the back of the head. He fell over, but instead of normal blood pouring out, it was black blood. I felt my face go pale while my grip on the bat tightened, who the hell is this guy?

"Little brat." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He stood up and looked at me, then smirked.

"So you're the one?" He asked, his eyes traveling up and down my body.

"One what?" I asked, I felt my body trembling.

"You don't even know yourself, not that it matters, since I'll devour you now anyway." He said, his eyes flashed red and his pupils turned into slits, like a cat's. I swung the bat again, but he grabbed it in mid-swing, he crushed it and all of it turned into dust. I stared at my hands in utter shock. He licked his lips and opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs. I closed my eyes, waiting for him t eat me or whatever he wanted to do. Just then, I heard glass break and I opened my eyes, someone crashed through my window and was kneeling on the floor with his head down. The moonlight reflected off of him, his midnight blue hair shone brightly. He lifted his head and stood up, brushing some pieces of glass off of his clothes.

I noticed then that it was Ikuto from my class, what the hell was he doing here though? He was wearing the same outfit that he was wearing in class, his midnight blue eyes were filled with amusement.

"Its only a couple minutes after her soul bloomed at you are already here? Aren't you a quick one?" Ikuto said, cracking his neck.

"Why of course, weren't you stalking her to get her soul as well?" The older male asked, what the hell are they talking about? Ikuto's eyes flashed red like the male's did when he was about to 'eat' me or whatever.

"No, just sister's orders, and since you are trying to harm her, I may have to stop you." Ikuto said, now cracking his knuckles against his palm. The guy pounced at Ikuto, but he moved just in time for him to crash into my dresser.

"Such a weak one, no wonder you wanted her soul." Ikuto teased, yet I just watched, completely mortified.

Okay, let me try to tie the information I already know together. This beast wants to eat my soul, after it bloomed a few minutes ago? A few minutes was when I officially turned eighteen, so it made my soul bloomed or something? Still, whats so special about mine?

While I was thinking, Ikuto had the guy in a headlock.

"Amu, look away." He warned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do as I say." He snapped. I put my hand over my eyes and I heard a snap, I peeked through my fingers and saw that Ikuto snapped the guy's neck. My back dragged against the wall as I fell to the floor.

"What the hell?" I asked, staring into Ikuto's eyes, they turned back into their midnight blue color. He knelt down and leaned in until he was a couple of inches away from my face.

"I guess it does make sense that you're the one." Ikuto said, scoping my face.

"What do you mean by one, I demand to know!" I exclaimed.

"It will all be explained over time." Ikuto said, standing up and picking up the corpse.

"What about my window?" I asked, pointing at all the shattered glass on the floor. Ikuto sighed and snapped his fingers, all of the glass floated up and shot towards the window frame. I jumped onto my bed that was near the window, not one scratch or crack in it.

"What about my family, are they okay?" I asked. Ikuto closed his eyes then opened them.

"Your parents woke up, they were worried about all the noise. The little girl in the room besides you surprisingly didn't wake up. I would get in bed and pretend to be asleep if I were you." Ikuto said.

"Amu, Ami, are you okay!?" I heard my parents shout from downstairs, I glanced at the door.

"What about-?" I said, looking about Ikuto and noticed he wasn't there. I looked out the window, no sign of him outside I heard my parents climb up the stairs and I quickly tucked myself in under the covers and pretended to be asleep. They walked in through my door first, I sensed them come up beside me.

"I swear I heard something up here." My dad said.

"Lets go check on Ami." My mom said, I felt someone kiss me on the forehead. They walked out and once I heard the door close, I opened my eyes and sat up. I still couldn't process what just happened, mostly because what just happened was humanly impossible. Then again, those two didn't seem to be humans.

Were they vampires or something, like in some cliche movie? But vampires suck blood, not eat souls, what eats souls? With these thoughts spinning in my head, I finally somehow fell asleep. Yet I still had a cold sweat, afraid something else would crash into my bedroom and try to kill me.

Ikuto's P.O.V:

I laid down on a tree branch in a tree by Amu's house, where I could keep an eye on her. I heard some leaves rustle and I sighed.

"What do you want Utau?" I asked as I looked above me. There she was, sitting in a branch, swinging her feet back and forth.

"I sensed that you were in danger, I came to help." She answered, looking up at the moon.

"What danger? You mean that weak being?" I asked.

"Hey, I can just tell when you're in a fight, not what you're in a fight with." Utau defended herself.

"Yeah, he tried eating Amu's soul." I said.

"Already? Then she must be the one." Utau said, I nodded in agreement. "I have one question, you could have eaten her soul, but yet you chose not to." Utau asked, I shook my head.

"Its different for male demons, we can't just eat souls whenever we feel like it, remember? The only way we can eat them so simply is if we kill the victim before we eat the soul, but that makes the soul less desirable." I stated.

"Oh yeah, now I remember." Utau said. Female demons have it so easy, it is not quite fair.

"Father will be worried, we should get home." Utau said, standing up on her branch.

"I need to watch her, go without me." I said.

"Fine, have it your way." Utau said, running off so quickly, all I could see was a blur of blonde run down the streets. I sighed, this one is going to be handful. I licked my lips, but once I'm done, I'll have quite a feast.

So, what do you guys thing? Love it? Hate it? Confused about it? I know it was a bit of a short chapter, but I promise chapter two will be longer. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Please R&R!