Epilogue, this story has gone so far, I think I'm in tears ;-;. But let's continue to this last chapter, chapter 56!

Amu's P.O.V:

I stared at the throne in disappointment, seeing the vines still around the heart. I knew what I wanted, but why did it still think I was confused?

"You're scared, just approach it." Hades instructed and I nodded, Ikuto and Persephone watched intently from the other side of the room. I walked up to the throne, afraid to touch it because of what happened a while ago.

No fear Amu, I must show it that I know what I want to do, I told myself. I reached my hand out and touched the vine, it turned to ashes from my touch and I was not sure if this was good or not. I looked over my shoulder to face Hades and he just nodded, telling me to continue. I slowly eased myself onto the chair, feeling the vines disappearing and sighed in relief. I got back up to see that the heart was now a brighter pink than before, a healthier looking one.

"Beautiful." Hades commented and I heard applause from the two on the other side of the room and I giggled, bowing.

"Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Satan asked for the hundredth timed and I nodded. We were currently on Earth and Satan was about to convince my human parents that they only had one child.

"I'd rather stay out here, it would be a bit too emotional." I decided, trying to fight back tears now. Satan entered the home and there was a bright flash through the windows, then he quickly came out.

"The light was really bright, that means the memory was hard for them to let go of." He informed me and there was no use, the tears were pouring down quickly and I nuzzled my face into his chest. He hugged my back and we stood there for a minute, I finally pulled away and wiped my eyes.

"We have to handle the school." I said and he nodded, we both headed down the street in silence.

"Goodbye mama!" I hugged her tightly, Persephone smiled at me.

"I am pretty sure those two seasons will fly right by, for both of us." Persephone reassured me, Hades hugged her tightly and she tried to pull away after a couple of minutes, but Hades would not allow her.

"Don't go." He mumbled.

"We go through this every time, do you really want Hermes to pick me up again?" Persephone asked and I giggled, Hades finally let go and Persephone sat in Charon's boat, she waved as he pushed off the shore and we waved back. Hades and I stood there until she was no longer in sight, he smirked at me and I stared back at him.

"Ever wanted to see Mount Olympus?" He asked with a mischievous smirk and I nodded. "We'll take the chariot and surprise her there." He quickly ran to the back of the castle and I followed.

"What about Demeter, won't she see us?" I asked.

"I usually disguise myself as an animal, a fox." He explains to me as he walks up to a chariot that stood outside. Placing two fingers inside, he made a sharp whistle and two ebony horses ran from the forest behind us, they seemed pleased to see him by the way they lovingly nuzzled their snout into his cheek.

He hooked up the horses to the chariot and hopped onto it, helping me up as well.

"Here we go!" He exclaimed as the horse started to run and I was thrown back slightly, wrapping my hands around him to keep my balance. I cheered as we started to float of the ground, a crack formed in the sky and we reached the surface.

"Happy twentieth birthday!" Utau sung while Kukai helped her carry the large cake onto the dining room table. It was mostly covered in white frosting, little flowers decorating the corners of the cake. In the middle, in red frosting was spelled out "Happy Birthday Amu" in cursive.

"Make sure it's not poisoned before you eat it, Rima helped make it." Satan nudged me with his elbow and I giggled, Rima growled and chased him around the room. Ikuto stared down at me, since I was sitting in a chair, rubbing my shoulder.

"You seem so awkward, is something wrong?" I raised a brow and he smirked, leaning down to my height.

"Just thinking about last night's events." He whispered and my face flushed. Since yesterday was my official birthday, Ikuto and I celebrated in a different way, my first time with him. I waited for two years until I allowed him to even touch me, besides kissing and occasional nibbles on the neck.

"I'm here, Demeter would not take her eyes from me." Persephone ran in, Hades appeared at her side and kissed her cheek, she smiled slightly while trying to catch her breath.

"When are you officially coming back?" I asked.

"One more month until Fall, but I couldn't just miss my daughter's birthday like I did last year." Her smile appeared more melancholy and I grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I can't believe you're so old already." Ami teased and I glared at her, she giggled and hid behind Tadase.

"You're fifteen still, having to go through school." I snorted.

"Nearly sixteen." She corrected.

"Still fifteen." I shrugged. Nagi and Tadase began to light the candles and Hunter had to hold back Yaya from diving in. They all sang happy birthday to me and I smiled, blowing out the candles as soon as they were done.

"What did you wish for?" Yaya quickly asked.

"Nothing, there's nothing I really want, I have everything I need." I smiled.

"How cheesy." Rima sneered and Nagi flicked her forehead, she covered the now red mark with her hand and scowled at the angel.

"Do not be rude, it is a special day." Nagi quickly comforted her by placing a small kiss on her lips, she blushed and looked away, Rima was never big on the idea of public displays of affection.

"How adorable." Utau cooed teasingly and Rima's eyes went a dark crimson and Utau quickly hid behind Kukai, knowing how terrifying Rima was in vampire form; I bet she was even more scared since she knew Rima discovered her powers the day before the battle.

"What a nice party, I can feel the murderous tension." Satan commented, crossing his arms over his chest and I giggled.

I wiped my mouth, retching over the sink, making sure I didn't actually vomit into the sink. I have had nausea for a couple of days now and I can't stop vomiting, headaches also taking over most of my days. There is no possible explanation, Persephone and Hades told me that supernatural in general cannot get sick; then again, I do have a human body. Still, I should not keep vomiting with no warning, maybe something else is happening.

"Amu, are you alright, you have been in there for a while." Persephone knocked and I opened the door, allowing her to come in.

"Persephone, can I ask you about something?" I asked and she nodded.

"Anything." She said and I cleared my throat.

"Well, I have felt awfully sick the past few days, I have been vomiting and feeling quite nauseous, including overly emotional." I also noticed.

"Strange, I wonder what..." She tapped her chin with her index finger curiously, then looking at me with wide eyes. "Amu, have you had sexual intercourse?" She gripped both of my arms, my face heated up and I nodded.

"When was the last time you did do it?" She asked, strangely interested with this topic.

"A couple of weeks ago, I have not been in the mood lately." I confessed and her face lit up.

"Amu, you're having morning sickness, you're pregnant!" She exclaimed, I immediately looked down at my stomach, rubbing it with one of my hands. "Hopefully it is Ikuto's." She smirked and I laughed.

"Why is it called morning sickness if I have it in the afternoon and night as well?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I'm surprised you haven't known, morning sickness only starts after six weeks of pregnancy." Persephone said.

"I've wondered why I seemed to have gained." I joked "I wonder how he'll feel about it."

"He will be ecstatic, trust me, Hades could now wait when I told him!" Persephone reassured me and I nodded in agreement.

"This is our child, I am sure he will love it." I ran out of the bathroom, wanting to tell him as quickly as possible. I saw him walking in the halls and jumped on his back, he caught me and spun me around.

"You seem happy about something, what's up?" He asked and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Ikuto, how do you feel about children?"

"They're cute, I guess?" He said, obviously confused at the somewhat random question.

"Ikuto, I'm pregnant." I finally said and he stayed silent for a minute, I jumped off his back to face him, trying to read his expression.

"It's mine, right?" That was his first question and I punched his shoulder. "I can't believe we're going to have a family, a little kid running around in the garden." He stared at my stomach and I grinned, pleased with his response.

"What should we name it?" I asked, excited to choose names.

"Woah, calm down there, we still have some time to decide." He chuckled. "Will I even be a good father?" He asked himself.

"Of course you will, we will love and care for this child together, and we will have help from Persephone and Hades as well." I held his hand and he exhaled deeply.

"Yeah, let's just hope it's a boy." He said and I raised a brow.

"No, let's hope it's a girl." I corrected him.

"Why would you want a girl?"

"Why would you want a boy?" I retorted, narrowing my eyes at him. "We'll just have to see." I crossed my arms over my chest and he mirrored my actions, I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same.

"Wow, you're getting fat." Rima commented, she was visiting for a nice girl's night along with Utau and Yaya.

"Wow, thanks Rima, like I have not noticed." I rolled my eyes, throwing some popcorn at her head. I laughed when her eye twitched in annoyance and Utau stifled a chuckle.

"It'd be a shame if you couldn't live to see your child." Rima smiled wickedly and I quickly apologized, feeling small under her eyes.

"Hello girls." Hera walked into the bedroom I used before Ikuto and I began to share a bedroom. The girls and I decided to have a slumber party in here, so Ikuto wouldn't bother us.

"Hey Hera, what brings you down here?" I climbed off the bed.

"I heard that you have reached the fifth month of your pregnancy." She said and I nodded.

"Yep, my stomach sure is big now." I grinned.

"Would you like to find out what gender the infant shall be?" She asked and my eyes widened at bit.

"You can tell me?" I asked and she nodded.

"I am the goddess of birth, as well as marriage and woman." She said and instructed me to lift my shirt slightly so I did, she placed her hand on my stomach and closed her eyes, I felt the baby kick twice and Hera pulled away.

"It seems as if there is more than one."

"I'm having twins!?" I shouted, Ikuto burst in through the door.

"Twins?" He repeated.

"A boy and a girl." Hera told us and I stared at Ikuto.

"It seems as if we both had our wishes granted." He smirked while my eyes were probably the size of saucers. Two? Will I be able to take care of two children at once?

"You have learned how to make flowers bloom and to even bring small animals back to life." The woman commented, she visited me in my dreams like she has been for the past couple of months. "I think the pregnancy helps you with your powers, since you have two life forms in you as well."

"Yeah, just two months until I am expected to go into labor." I told her and she nodded.

"Are you excited to raise two children?"

"Nervous." I admitted.

"That is understandable, you are a first-time parent." We walked through the forest until we reached a gruesome sight. A horse lay on the grass, its eyes were lifeless and lies were already swarming around it. I covered my mouth with my hand, gagging slightly at the disgusting smell.

"I could not find a dead human, but I found this poor creature, died of a disease." She bent down and stroked the brown fur of the animal, scaring away some of the flies. "I want you to attempt to bring it back, then we will know if you completed training." She said and I nodded, breathing through my mouth and struggling to sit down, she helped me and I managed to reach the grass without falling. I placed my hand on the animal, closing my eyes and concentrating on it.

Memories of it running through the forest suddenly came to mind, I began to feel some sort of pulse but I knew I was not done. It's body was terribly cold, I continued until I saw the last memory of it, it's cries of pain echoing through the trees until its head finally fell down, eyes rolling back.

I heard a whinny and quickly opened my eyes, seeing the horse blinking, I scooted back and it started to roll around in the grass, I smiled and looked up at the black-haired woman.

"You have learned to give back life to a horse, I am sure you can do it on a human as well." She said and I nodded, this type of power needs to be controlled and protected. "I am sure you were wise enough to follow my instructions and not tell anyone of your powers."

"Of course."

Woo, if you guys didn't get the format of this chapter, it was basically a bunch of time skips and it showed the most important events that happened to Amu throughout the years. Now I hope you enjoyed this and I'm going to add something, a special look at the first chapter of the sequel!

Amu's P.O.V:

I walked through the long halls, trying to find Ikuto in this labyrinth. After living here for so many years, I still cannot find my way around easily. Taking another turn, I saw a flash of purple but it quickly disappeared around the corner five feet ahead of me. I ran to try to find the strange flash of vibrant color, turning the corner to see nothing there.

I felt a presence around me, my breath hitched in the back of my throat when I noticed there were two people around me. Hearing feet behind me, I quickly turned around to find nothing there.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice echoing. I received no reply and started backing away slowly, hoping to exit the hall and find Ikuto. I have acted more paranoid lately, with no real reason, maybe I am just going insane after so long.

But I knew I wasn't being paranoid when I felt something jump on my back, causing me to fall forward.

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