Note from Black Lace Lamb: Well... here it is. The first chapter of a whole new tale. I hope you all like it, I certainly loved writing it! Enjoy!

All characters as well as setting is (C) MARVEL

Seren and story is (C) Black Lace Lamb

Chapter I: Bittersweet News

The sun had set and the light was fading across the fields of Asgard, turning everything to gold with its Midas touch. Clouds streaked the sky in shades of lavender, pink and scarlet; it was early autumn and the breeze was sweet and warm.

"Fire." There came the sound of flying arrows and the crunch of grass underfoot. A line of fifty archers in gold and green armour lowered their bows to re-load their shots. "Shoulders back." A pale hand yanked on the arm of one of the archers, straightening him up and he nodded at his commander.

"Yes, my lady." He said curtly, doing as she instructed.

"Fire." The arrows flew through the air and many of them hit their marks with perfect precision. "Better, much better. Go and collect." The archers put their bows down on the grass and walked ahead to retrieve their arrows. A spring breeze rustled the trees around the field, catching her long white hair.

The White Huntress of Asgard, Lady Seren, had made herself at home during the last few weeks. . Her enchanted broach was now framed with gold as a sign of her new position among the court, and her armour had changed as well to suit her role. Though it was still black and midnight blue, it was trimmed with gold instead of silver; gold had always been the colour of Asgard.

She worked hard to groom the archers of the Allfather into prime soldiers, pushing them to their limits to make their arms stronger, their eyes keener… and it was working. The men and women had developed a strong affection for their tutor, a love for her firm hand and kind words. Seren had made quite a name for herself in Asgard; songs were composed of her victory over Jolvir and the Parlavix, she intimidated and awed spectators with her skills and peculiar beauty, and some of the servants whispered of her private affairs with prince Loki. Though she knew that the others would find out eventually, she had yet found a moment or a manner in which to tell them. So the two lovers had steadily brought their affections to light, letting others see his hand upon her shoulder, her eyes on his lips and their fingertips brushing in the halls.

"Raise your bows!" She shouted, walking along the line of archers. "Take aim!" Seren smirked. "Imagine the eyes of your adversaries in the centre of the targets! Strike with accuracy and grace." The troops smiled a little and the strings groaned under the strain. "Fire!"

Thor and Loki walked down the golden steps towards the field, looking at the line of archers and the fair maiden that walked behind them. The green-eyed prince smirked as he saw Seren tuck a lock of hair behind her ear; she paused, as though sensing his tender gaze and turned to look at the princes. Her eyes met his and she grinned, the wind rustled her hair as the archers drew their bows again. Seren wet her lips and turned to the troops, raising her hand.

"Hold!" She shouted. They lowered their bows and looked at her, their eyes flickering to the princes and they clicked their heels together.

"You majesties!" In sync, they bowed to Thor and Loki. Seren bowed as well, her eyes flickered to Loki's smile and she slowly raised her head.

"We are finished for the evening, your form has improved, but keep your eyes sharp and your hand steady. Return tomorrow, before sunset." Seren said. The archers bowed to their commander and saluted her, before starting to talk to one another and heading off the field.

Seren turned to Loki and Thor, opening her arms and walking towards them.

"My dear princes! Good evening!" Thor grinned and embraced her, kissing her cheeks in greeting.

"Good evening, Seren. How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Very well, thank you. I must admit, I am trying to adjust to more… appropriate hours of function but am finding the transition difficult." She said. Seren turned to Loki, who also embraced her and pressed his lips to her cheek. He strayed longer than his brother, his hands running down her leathery-clad arms and they looked at one another in loving affection.

"I am sure that you will find a way." He said. Thor smiled at them, happy for the pair and delighted that his arrogant brother had found a lady that brought such a warm smile to his otherwise cold face.

"Shall we walk?" Thor extended his arm and the three of them started to slowly wander along the field, the flaming torches flickering in the breeze. She twisted the broach on her chest and her armour faded away, leaving her in a beautiful dress of turbulent ocean blue and silver stones along her collar. "Seren, something has arrived for you."

"Oh?" She smiled. "What kind of 'something'?"

"A small gift, perhaps an offering from a secret admirer?" Thor said with a grin, Loki's fingertips brushed against hers. Seren wrapped her hand around his and she smiled at the two of them, squeezing Loki's hand gently.

"And I suppose that you have already taken the kindness of unwrapping it for me?" She laughed. Thor shook his head as he stopped walking, the others looked up at him.

"That's the problem, Fandral tried, yet couldn't." Seren cocked an eyebrow.

"'Couldn't'? As though he was unable to?"

"It was wrapped in black velvet, with a pearl pin." Loki said, her lips parted in surprise, but then she closed her eyes and sighed.

"It is from my grandmother's citadel, either from her or one of my kin." She ran her fingers through her hair and groaned. "Let us get this over with." The three of them headed back up the stairs to the palace, and she wasn't looking forward to the gift that was awaiting her.

They arrived at the lounge where the others were eating and relaxing, Volstagg and Fandral were still at the table, Hogun was reading and Sif was watching the archers return to their homes. Thor opened the doors and the three of them entered, Loki's hand fell from hers as Sif and the Warriors Three turned and smiled at them.

"Good evening my friends!" Seren said happily. "I hear that someone has left a little gift for me…" Sif smiled and walked towards her, the two girls hugged and Sif gestured to the dining table.

"Indeed, it's over there." Everyone walked over to the table and Seren sat down on a golden bench, looking down at the small package.

"What happened when you tried to open it?" She asked Fandral. He walked to her side and looked down at the pearl pin with a slight frown.

"The pin wouldn't come out, no matter how much I pulled at it. Clearly it was intended for you and you alone." Seren smirked as Loki and Thor sat on either side of her and the others peered over her shoulders.

"Well, hurry up and let's have a look!" Volstagg said. She poked the soft cloth, it didn't attack her so she reached out and tugged at the pin. It slipped out easily and the black velvet fell apart like the petals of a flower. A black box with a piece of white card sat before her, she picked up the card and flipped it over, cocking an eyebrow.

"Who's it from?" Sif asked. Seren groaned and read the message aloud.

To the White Huntress of Asgard

A small token of my eternal affections for you, my sweet lady.

May you rise above all adversity and wear this as a sign of love for your kin.

The stars are watching, the night is hungry

Commander Kael, God of Stars, Hand of the Undying Queen

Seren lowered the card, looking down at the box with apprehension.

"It's a gift from my brother, Kael." The others watched as she gingerly opened the box a little, peeking at its contents before removing the lid for the others to see.

In the box was a spectacular silver choker, with a huge black stone the size of a walnut and framed with sapphires. The others looked at the gleaming silver in wonder at the exquisite craftsmanship and intricate lacing of the metal.

"A glorious gift indeed! He must love you very much." Fandral said, patting her shoulder. But Seren looked at Hogun and Loki, whose faces were tense as they scrutinised the necklace. With a flick of her wrist, she snapped the box shut and got to her feet.

"Unfortunately, you don't know my brother…" She said as she moved across the room, the gift starting to writhe in her hands and she clenched it tightly. The others watched as she suddenly threw the gift into the fire, Loki and Hogun frowned as the gift squirmed against the logs. "He doesn't send such splendours without some ulterior motive." Sif, Thor, Fandral and Volstagg gasped as the necklace turned into a gleaming silver snake with flashing blue and black eyes. Seren was unfazed as the serpent hissed at her and started to melt in the fire, the velvet erupting in flames and spluttering on the logs.

Suddenly the snake reared back and spat at her, fire and poison flying through the air but Seren quickly shielded her eyes with a cry of surprise.

"Seren!" Loki moved towards her, she looked at her hands and gritted her teeth in pain. With a final hiss, the snake melted into liquid silver.

"I-I'm fine, nasty little thing just took me by surprise!" He took her hands in his, looking at the small burns on her white skin. Loki ran his thumbs along her palms and frowned at them. "Kael and I don't get along too well, he must have heard of the Allfather's fondness for me and decided to send me a congratulatory trinket." She said, looking up and his eyes met hers. "He has a wicked sense of humour…" They smiled at each other and their hands lowered.

"I suppose… but I always thought that I had the job of tricking you like that…" He chuckled, Seren grinned at him and wiped the hot poison on a handkerchief from her sleeve.

The others looked at one another in a silent argument, before Fandral clapped his hands together and everyone looked at him.

"Alright, I'm going to ask it: Loki, Seren, how long have you two been together so intimately?" He asked with a smile. The lovers looked at their friends in surprise, but Seren flushed and Loki chuckled. Their friends raised their eyebrows and smiled at them.

"You're only asking this now?" He asked, taking Seren's hand in his. She grinned at him and he stroked her wrist with his fingertips.

"Actually, it's been the Bilshnipe in the room for quite some time." Sif said, a slight smile on her face as she looked at the two of them. "We've just been trying to find a way to ask that didn't sound too obtuse." She wasn't ecstatic about the two of them being together, as she had always seen Loki as a bad apple when it came to women; but Seren was strong and proud, and she had held her own against him on multiple occasions.

"Though we had our differences at the start, even despising one another, but after what happened with the Parlavix…" Seren looked up at him and smiled. "We put aside our conflict for the protection of Asgard and the preservation of my life, in turn discovering we had more in common than we had expected." Thor laughed and walked towards the two of them, wrapping his arms around them and hugging them to his sides.

"Well, I am very happy for the two of you!" He squeezed them close, almost shattering their shoulders as he crushed them in a brotherly embrace.

"Likewise!" Fandral cheered. "Now let's have a kiss!" Hogun rolled his eyes and walked away, but the others grinned at the flustered couple. Loki glanced at Seren with a coy smile, she grinned and clasped the leather on his chest. She pulled him towards her and kissed him, he smirked against her lips and their eyes closed. He cupped the back of her head and his arm snaked around her waist as the cheers from their friends echoed in their ears. Seren's hands rested on his chest as their lips moved against each other with deep passion. They separated slowly and looked at their friends, wrapped in each other's arms with a shared grin of joy.

"A toast!" Volstagg lifted his goblet with a merry cheer. "To the happy couple!" Loki and Seren chuckled and pressed their brows together, their noses brushing before he kissed her again. Her fingers combed his hair and he stroked her waist, happy that they could openly show their affection after weeks of secrecy. "May your days be filled with love and tenderness, and your nights with blissful fulfilment!" The seven friends laughed at his words and Seren's arm wrapped around Loki's, the two of them walking to the table to join the others; she rested her cheek against his shoulder with a contented smile.

Loki pressed his lips to the top of her head; he was filled with adoration for her, every moment at Seren's side filled him with warmth and light, and nearly every night they indulged in carnal pleasures. The huntress and the prince were infatuated with one another. Though those three terrifying words had not been muttered, let alone spoken, they were incredibly happy with one another's company.

A servant walked down the golden halls of the palace, heading for Thor and Loki. The seven friends talked and laughed, Fandral flicked a grape off his thumb and Volstagg caught it in his mouth, they cheered and drank. Seren smiled over the rim of her goblet as Loki's hand rested on her knee, his fingertips spreading across her and she shivered with delight and tangled her fingers with his. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, the two of them grinning at one another.

"Your majesties?" All turned to a guard by the door.

"Yes, what is it?" Thor asked, setting down his goblet in annoyance.

"Odin Allfather and Lady Frigga wish to speak with you." The brothers looked at each other and rose from their seats, Loki's hand brushing her shoulder as he passed. The two princes left with the guard and the others returned to their food and drink, continuing to talk and eat, thinking nothing of Thor and Loki's departure.

The Allfather turned to his sons as they entered, their mother smiled at them and they sat on the lounge.

Fandral recited one of the songs of their victory over the Parlavix, they roared with cheer and mead came pouring from jugs. Laughter bounced off the golden walls.

The brothers looked up at their father as the words fell upon their ears, Thor grinned and his face was flooded with joy. Loki blinked, but did not show the anger, the sickness that curled in his stomach. A chilling fury started to stir behind his emerald eyes.

Sif and Seren beamed at one another as they jested about past battles. Fandral joined in and the three of them laughed loudly, eyes twinkling with delight.

Loki embraced his brother with a broad grin; Thor practically crushed the life out of him… in more ways than one. Frigga wrapped her motherly arms around her sons, kissing them with joy as Odin looked at his sons with pride and love.

The princes returned to the lounge, Thor pushed the door open and his friends turned to look at his beaming expression. With arms stretched wide, he gave the glorious news of his future: king of Asgard. Seren leapt to her feet and hugged him, Thor held her tightly and they laughed with joy. He received shining congratulations from the others, hugs and smiles and applause for a future king.

Then her black eyes met his green ones, Loki was smiling, but his lover knew that smile of polite courtesy. She picked up her skirt and walked over, stopping just in front of him and looking into his eyes. Seren cupped his cheek and smiled at him gently, her heart burning at his conflicted face. Half in complete anguish, the other wracked with joy for his brother.

She rose up and pressed her brow to his, their lips touched softly, he closed his eyes and leaned into her palm.

"Be strong." She whispered, taking his hand in hers. Loki blinked and walked towards the others, grinning from ear to ear.

A tiny crack appeared in the shield behind his eyes, he congratulated his brother, but was pouring all of his pain into the vice-like grip on Seren's hand.