A/N: read and review

Yuki sits on the couch thinking about her fiance Kaname while he is away for a business trip when there is a knock on her door she goes and opens it zero is there

yuki: hello zero whats up?

zero: hi may i come in?

yuki begins to answer as zero gently pushes his way through putting a dirty look on yukis face

yuki: "yeah sure you can come in" she mumbles

"what"zero asks

yuki nods her head "nothing"

zero then tells her to come sit yuki does as she was told and sits by him

"yuki do you really want to marry him i mean did...you ..forget about the kiss"

"shut up zero i think you need to leave" she begins to get up but he gently grabs her arm

"no im sorry yuki its just i..i love ..you"she has tears in her eyes

" you know its not my choice zero i cant just leave him" he gets up and kisses her but she pulls away

"why not why cant you just leave him"he sighs "im pregnant zero" she says there is an instant silence but finally zero breaks it by saying

"since when" she says in a quiet voice "3 weeks"he slaps her across the face then says "im sorry but think about it we could leave raise this child as our own"


end of part1