Chapter 2: Wouldn't It Be Nice

"It's getting pretty late and seeing as though I have just been attacked by Silas, I think it's time for me to go home and get some sleep." she said after the two of them lounged on the couch for a few more moments.

"Well, I for one am also quite exhausted but if you go back to your empty home to sleep, I will not be able to get a minute of peaceful rest. So come on." he said pushing up from the couch and extending his hand for her to take, pulling her up beside him.

"Where are we going?" she said with a small yawn, earning another smile from the big, bad, original vampire.

Klaus grabbed his car keys from the bowl near the door and led her outside. He opened the car door for her before walking over to the drivers side.

"I'm going to go home with you so we can pack up your things. Then you can get a peaceful nights sleep without fear of Silas and I can get some rest without fearing for your life. So once we pack up everything, we can come back to my home and leave tomorrow afternoon." he explained, already halfway to her home. She never realized how close he lived to her.

"You really didn't have to do this. Coming with me, I mean."she said, unlocking the door.

"Well it's a good thing he did. I hear there's an angry vampire looking for your little witch friend, Bonnie Bennet." a voice said from the corner of her home as they both stepped inside. Her mothers form stepped out from the darkness to stand in front of them in the entry way. But of course, it wasn't Caroline s mother at all.

Klaus immediately grabbed her arm, yanking it back so she was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder as the scene unfolded.

"Nice to see you again, Nikklaus." He smirked, the smile playing on Caroline s mothers used body.

"Where is my mother!" Caroline yelled, stepping in front of Klaus much to his discomfort.

"Caroline, wait" Klaus said, reaching for her again.

"No," she said, pulling her arm away from his grasp. "I'm not afraid of this coward." she enunciated. "What did you do to my mom.?"

"You found yourself a feisty one, I see." Silas snickered. "And from what I have gathered from your memories, you actually care for this girl. Which is a first, am I right?"

Ignoring his question, Klaus smirked in response. "Can we help you with something or did you come just to waste my time."

"Oh, don't worry Nikklaus. You and I are going to have much to talk about." Silas mocked with a grin that was colder then even the Original had seen.

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