"Dinner time!" Jocelyn called.

Clary wandered in absent-mindedly and stared at the roast chicken dinner at the table, it was so tempting. Her stomach rumbled and she coughed loudly to try and cover the noise.

"I'm okay Mom, I'm umm, going to have dinner with Jace tonight," Clary said, "I can't really cancel because I haven't seen him in the last couple of days."

"Are you sure?" Jocelyn said, "I can save it for later if you want?"

"No, it's fine," Clary said quickly, "I'm sure Luke will eat it."

"Luke will eat what?" Said Luke as he walked in, he looked at the meal and licked his lips, "Yum, are you sure you don't want any Clary?"

She gazed upon the food again, mouth watering. "No, I'll save my appetite thanks." She got up and left the table and headed to her bedroom to get changed. What would Jace want her to wear? Eventually, Clary picked a simple white dress that went down to her mid- thigh, and had thin straps. As she took off her top to change, she gazed sadly into the mirror. All she could see was fat. What does Jace see in me? She thought. She couldn't see how sick she was, all she wanted was to be perfect for Jace.

Clary slipped on the dress and put on a jacket; she let her beautiful red hair fall past her shoulders and put on a pair of delicate heels. She reached for her phone which had a new message. Hey, running late, can you come to the Institute? Jace xx. Clary rolled her eyes, Jace was always running late. Normally, she'd get Luke to give her a lift, but since her stele was right in front of her, instead she portalled there.

Walking to the front door, Clary pocketed her stele and then rang the bell. After a minute or so, the door swung open and revealed Alec. His eyes were red and his hair was messy- he obviously wasn't dealing with his break-up very well. He smiled a little as he saw her, with great effort- he didn't want her worrying about him.

"Hey," He said, "Here for Jace?"

"Yeah," she replied, "Is he ready yet?"

"No, but come in" Alec stepped aside to let her in, and they walked to the living room and sat together on one of the black leather couches. Clary could see the sadness in his eyes, the hurt and the loneliness. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him. It was a moment before Alec began to hug her back and he buried his face into her shoulder, tears beginning to spill.

"I'm so sorry," Clary whispered, "but it will get better I swear."

"It won't, the hurt will never go away," He cried, "I was happy for once in my life and I just blew it!"

Suddenly, Alec started to notice that Clary's waist seemed to have shrunk. He broke off the hug and wiped his eyes before staring at her body- the change was indescribable.

"What's wrong?" Clary asked curiously.

"Have you lost weight?" Alec asked, still staring at her worriedly. Clary looked at him, wondering how on earth he could think that.

"Of course not" She snapped. Alec looked at her doubtfully, he could tell she was slimmer, too slim he thought. This couldn't be healthy. He immediately forgot all of his own problems, and focused on Clary.

"Look, I don't think this is very good, are you sure you're-"

"Hey Clary sorry I took so long," Jace smiled, walking in, "but it takes time to look this attractive"

She got up and hugged him, she looked at his lips, longing to kiss them but somehow it didn't seem fair to Alec, as if she was flaunting their relationship. Alec could see the look of alarm in Jace's face, he could also see there was something wrong with Clary- her tiny waist had slimmed down to a scary size and he could feel her bones pushing into him.

Jace pulled away, took her hand and smiled, "let's go then" he said, and they left for the restaurant.